Please help

I just started using mfp about a week ago. I am a morbidly obese man who has a lot of lower back pain if I stand for more than 5 min. at a time. I just started walking from the Apartment to my parking space on Monday but I can only do 1 trip before I am hurting and out of breath. I try to do at least 10 trips over the course of the day. How long until I see significant results? I know that the weight will come off once I can walk. I want so badly to walk into a store and shop with my wife. Somebody please help.


  • cainie19
    cainie19 Posts: 126
    Stick at it and you'll see the difference soon. You got this :)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    That's a great goal you have - keep that in mind!

    You can do it, we believe in you :smile:
  • dokme
    dokme Posts: 31
    You can do this. just keep at it and keep doing what you are doing. when you start to feel better in the back parking farther away every week or so. You will see the weight start to drop. Good Luck and you got this.
  • Super_Mama
    Super_Mama Posts: 99 Member
    It gets easier each time you do it, and each time you get out there is more calories burned which helps you get closer to your goal! You are doing a great job, so keep up the great work! Each day do a little more than you did the day previously and before you know it you will be racing down store aisles with your wife. :) You CAN do this!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i bet after this week you would be able to go twice in a row!

    keep at it... its a slow journey, but you are getting healthier each day!
  • rjcelmer
    rjcelmer Posts: 431 Member
    Results will not happen overnight. Work on it little by little. You may not see progress on a daily basis but believe me, you're making it.

    If you need motivation, please add me as a friend and I will help in any way I can. I have been to that place where taking a simple shower made me winded and tired, so I can somewhat pick up what you're putting down.

    Just keep motivated and understand that this is not an easy thing to do but if you stay focused on what you want, you WILL get it. If it was easy, this site would be empty. We all need help at one time or another.
  • SophieA9083
    I just started using mfp about a week ago. I am a morbidly obese man who has a lot of lower back pain if I stand for more than 5 min. at a time. I just started walking from the Apartment to my parking space on Monday but I can only do 1 trip before I am hurting and out of breath. I try to do at least 10 trips over the course of the day. How long until I see significant results? I know that the weight will come off once I can walk. I want so badly to walk into a store and shop with my wife. Somebody please help.

    Well done for trying! Keep at it, I found that if you are watching T.V, in the adverts do some Bicep curls without weights and slowly increase to a can of beans or something and do various other upper body exercises.

    All moving is good moving, and before you know it your walking to the shop and around it! I know it'll hurt your joints but it gets easier. My joints in my knees hurt a lot so I am now practising my walking before I run and I have just started to go swimming. I find that there are times during the day when it is quieter like lets say when the gym opens at 6:30am (horrible time but once you are there it is ok) and there are dedicated swimmers, elderly and a mixture of body shapes there and everyone is very nice if you end up having a chat.

    You may find that no weight comes off as you build muscle but all of a sudden it'll drop. Your weight will fluctuate naturally anyway and always try to drink lots of water. I eat from a smaller plate so my brain thinks yes lots of food but actually it's just enough for my stomach, and I have noticed my stomach capacity has shrunk!

    Keep at it, you will improve before you know it!
  • NikinCilla
    NikinCilla Posts: 129 Member
    Well done to you! Keep at it! Good luck :)
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    If you follow MFPs guidelines. You will see weight drop, even without exercise.

    As for the exercise, it depends. With my degenerated disks, I sometimes can only walk as far as you say for weeks on end. Find a way to get into a pool: you will find that you are finally comfortable as some of that weight floats off. If you get an aqua jogging belt, you will likely enjoy the freedom of movement so much that you won't need a structured routine for awhile!
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    I totally applaud your efforts and I think you'll see that it gets easier quicker than you expect it to! Next time you go out to your car (or in a day or two), see if you can do a lap around it before heading back in. Just adding +-20 steps to get around the car but just see if you can do it. If you can, then do that a few times. Then in two or three days, see if you can go out to your car, lap it, back to the door and turn around and go halfway back out to your car again (or all the way if you're feeling up to it). Just build little by little every day. That first trip with your wife into the grocery store is within your grasp, just keep reaching!

    I did a similar exercise with jogging. At 301 pounds I could run about 10 feet. So I did. Then I would walk until I could catch my breath. Then I would run another 10 feet, then walk until I could breathe. Within a couple days I could run maybe 40 feet without needing to stop. that is child's play to some but for me, it was an accomplishment. I just kept adding on little by little and I was pretty amazed how quickly it came to me.
  • Toady72
    Toady72 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank You all for the encouragement. It is so nice to see all of the help that people wish to give me. I can't seem to relax at all...I constantly feel like I should be exercising. When I try to sleep I lay down for a few minutes then start panicking abut my weight and have to get up and exercise or research exercise programs on the net. Dropping the weight seems to have taken over my entire life. Thankfully I have the greatest wife in the world . She tries helping me cope in anyway she can. I can do this and I know it. I just need to figure out how to relax.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Friend me if you like. I have a friend that lost a lot and could barely walk at all too and now he's a new man. I'm sure he won't mind having you on his friends list. You will be amazed what you will learn on MFP, it'll change your life. I have total faith you can do this after seeing so many others do the same.
  • greenfalls107
    greenfalls107 Posts: 87 Member
    First, congrats in making the commitment to lose weight. That is a huge deal, and one that takes a lot. Walking to and from the parking lot, what a great idea. 10 times a day, is a great start. What you will see first is how much easier it will get. My suggestion since you are first starting out is to keep a little journal on how you feel each day. Something along the line of "9 and 10 trips to parking was hard today", "wahoo, did 12 trips today!". Those ups will keep you motivated, and those downs they stink. But if you keep a little log, you will see for every down there is 2 ups.

    When you look back next month, you and your wife will be surprised how much 30 days has made a difference.
    I am thrilled for you, keep up the great work.
  • zengurl72
    zengurl72 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank You all for the encouragement. It is so nice to see all of the help that people wish to give me. I can't seem to relax at all...I constantly feel like I should be exercising. When I try to sleep I lay down for a few minutes then start panicking abut my weight and have to get up and exercise or research exercise programs on the net. Dropping the weight seems to have taken over my entire life. Thankfully I have the greatest wife in the world . She tries helping me cope in anyway she can. I can do this and I know it. I just need to figure out how to relax.

    Congrats on taking the first step to a healthier life! Maybe you should try doing meditation as a way to relax. Its very uplifting and you can do it before going to bed to help you sleep better. That has been what helps me through when I feel overwhelmed. Good luck and dont give up!!
  • JSTworkinout
    JSTworkinout Posts: 20 Member
    Lots of things you can do if you cant walk get some soup cans do bicepcurls.sit in a chair and do leg extensions do yoga doyogawithme is a great website its free and they have yoga in a chair if you need more suggestions let me know
  • kathiewoods3
    kathiewoods3 Posts: 15 Member
    I know it can be hard to start just keep your goal in mind and keep at it, you will get there, It is always nice to have a spouse who supports you in your effort, it makes it alot easier, my husbands is very supportive and prays for me each day and that is so much encouragement . You took the hardest step and now your on your way. Good job
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Thank You all for the encouragement. It is so nice to see all of the help that people wish to give me. I can't seem to relax at all...I constantly feel like I should be exercising. When I try to sleep I lay down for a few minutes then start panicking abut my weight and have to get up and exercise or research exercise programs on the net. Dropping the weight seems to have taken over my entire life. Thankfully I have the greatest wife in the world . She tries helping me cope in anyway she can. I can do this and I know it. I just need to figure out how to relax.

    you do need to relax!

    rest and sleep are VERY important parts of losing weight.

    you say you do your walk 10 times...? maybe set yourself up with a chart/spreadsheet so you can tick them off... and add more trips as the weeks go by, so then you know you have done your allotted exercise and can relax at the end of the day?
  • ej_glen
    ej_glen Posts: 34 Member
    By getting up and walking you've already taken the biggest step - congratulations on getting moving! You have nothing to be stressed about, because you've already taken such a huge and positive step toward losing weight and improving your health.

    Once you've been doing this for another few weeks it'll feel easier and easier each time, so you can challenge yourself to go just a little bit further. Take it slow - and move just a little bit more every day. It may not feel like it now, but as the weeks and months roll on you'll amaze yourself with what you're able to do with your body.

    Good luck - you're doing an awesome job :)
  • leslieupham
    leslieupham Posts: 2 Member
    If you can, find a place with a jacuzzi and swimming pool; go there as many times a week as you can and just move your body around in the water. There is much less impact on your back and joints, but you will gain mobility, flexibility, and you will burn calories. I encouraged my friend (who was in a similar situation) to join a gym (that has those facilities) with me; she started out using a walker, graduated to a cane, and now she is moving along with nearly no pain. She has bulging discs, RA, and fibromyalgia. She had been in such pain that she couldn't get up. When she has to be away from the water for more than two days, she backtracks some, but has made incredible progress in only three months. Also, you should log EVERYTHING you eat and drink on your MFP (I check before I eat some things to see if it is worth the calories); after a few days, you will see what you must adjust in order to reduce your calories. Another thing that helps me was keeping in mind that every pound is equal to about 3500 calories.
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    Thank You all for the encouragement. It is so nice to see all of the help that people wish to give me. I can't seem to relax at all...I constantly feel like I should be exercising. When I try to sleep I lay down for a few minutes then start panicking abut my weight and have to get up and exercise or research exercise programs on the net. Dropping the weight seems to have taken over my entire life. Thankfully I have the greatest wife in the world . She tries helping me cope in anyway she can. I can do this and I know it. I just need to figure out how to relax.

    Nice deep breaths Sir and take it one day at a time, you can do this, YOU are doing AWESOME already!!!