Not losing weight - advice needed!

Hi all,

Just wondered if anyone can give me some advice .. I have been eating healthily and doing cardio and weight training for about a month now, I average around 1,100 calories a day, but I have not lost any weight at all! Does anyone know why this is? I have around a stone to lose, so don't understand what's going wrong :(

Any advice appreciated



  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    You're not eating enough.
  • shake89
    shake89 Posts: 7 Member
    Do you think so? I feel like I eat a lot, though mainly fruit and veg I suppose .. shouldn't I be losing weight if I'm not eating enough?
  • helenx55
    helenx55 Posts: 48 Member
    I feel into the same trap of thinking the less i eat the more ill lose...not true!!
    i sts for ages, until someone told me i was in starvation mode and to up my calories im up to 1300 now and the scale has started to move down again.
    add some calories, try 200 a day more.
  • Django1977
    Hi all,

    Just wondered if anyone can give me some advice .. I have been eating healthily and doing cardio and weight training for about a month now, I average around 1,100 calories a day, but I have not lost any weight at all! Does anyone know why this is? I have around a stone to lose, so don't understand what's going wrong :(

    Any advice appreciated


    Hey there,

    yeah you not eating enough calories.

    Just check this article -->

    Just don´t go in starvation mode. That is not healthy for you. You need to eat minimum your Basal metabolic rate every day!!!!

    Just check an calorie calculator - I go with Scoobys one... He is a charming guy 8-)

  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Whats your height and current weight, and goal weight? And can you set your diary to public?
  • shake89
    shake89 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for all the advice, I guess maybe I should be eating a bit more, especially on days where I am exercising.

    I've set my diary to public, but bear in mind I only started tracking through MFP a couple of days ago (before that I was tracking with Weight Watchers)

    I'm currently 5'7 and 147 lbs, ideally would like to get to 130lbs

    Thanks for your help, much appreciated
  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    Go to this google docs folder and download the spreadsheet and do it yourself. Anything in this folder is for the taking, so please use it and SHARE it!

    There is a page that is In Place Of A Road Map that will walk you through the process of getting these numbers

    If you have any difficulty with the spreadsheets let me know and I will give you a hand!
    My email is:
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I would advise you to eat more, especially protein. You want to lose fat, not muscle. Remember there's no need to starve yourself. You can lose weight in a healthy fashion and still enjoy food you love. And if you're working out regularly you need to fuel your body.

    Best of luck to you.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Try setting MFP to lose 1 pound a week. Eat that many and eat back half of your exercise calories. When you get to the last 10 lbs switch to .5 lb/week.

    Give it at least a month. When you've been under-eating, it takes time for eating more calories to work. You will likely see an increase in scale weight in the beginning because you have food in your system and you'll likely gain a little water weight. That will go away after a couple of weeks.

    Also make sure you are logging accurately. Weigh food on a scale and measure free pouring liquids. Log everything, including fruits and veggies. Enter your own recipes. Use the database entries with no asterisk for whole foods, and look for database entries that have user confirmations for everything else. Good luck.
  • shake89
    shake89 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for all your replies, there is a lot to take in and understand, but starting to see where I am going wrong!

    The In Place of A Road Map is an interesting read, I will have a proper read of it when I have a moment.

    Thanks again