Please help



  • leslieupham
    leslieupham Posts: 2 Member
    If you can, find a place with a jacuzzi and swimming pool; go there as many times a week as you can and just move your body around in the water. There is much less impact on your back and joints, but you will gain mobility, flexibility, and you will burn calories. I encouraged my friend (who was in a similar situation) to join a gym (that has those facilities) with me; she started out using a walker, graduated to a cane, and now she is moving along with nearly no pain. She has bulging discs, RA, and fibromyalgia. She had been in such pain that she couldn't get up. When she has to be away from the water for more than two days, she backtracks some, but has made incredible progress in only three months. Also, you should log EVERYTHING you eat and drink on your MFP (I check before I eat some things to see if it is worth the calories); after a few days, you will see what you must adjust in order to reduce your calories. Another thing that helps me was keeping in mind that every pound is equal to about 3500 calories.
  • ilonawie
    ilonawie Posts: 72 Member
    You can do this!!!!! take small steps at a time...don't rush... patience...

    Great job so far!!
  • masdec7
    masdec7 Posts: 166 Member
    I just started using mfp about a week ago. I am a morbidly obese man who has a lot of lower back pain if I stand for more than 5 min. at a time. I just started walking from the Apartment to my parking space on Monday but I can only do 1 trip before I am hurting and out of breath. I try to do at least 10 trips over the course of the day. How long until I see significant results? I know that the weight will come off once I can walk. I want so badly to walk into a store and shop with my wife. Somebody please help.

    Each trip to your car will get easier as the weight comes off. You will see the first results in endurance as you walk to and from your parking space. Just watching your caloric intake will go a long way to helping in the beginning of your weight loss. Don't give in, it could take a little while to get there, but you can do it.
  • Sheila_KI
    Sheila_KI Posts: 206 Member
    You can do this!!! You have taken the first major step - WANTING TO DO IT. Bits and Pieces....little by little.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    The biggest thing to get in line is your food diary. Exercise is great and will improve your health but you can lose weight without it. I was disabled for the first few months of weight loss so I just ate at a calorie deficit and lost just fine.

    I know you are excited to start seeing results but I'd recommend logging a couple of days of normal eating first, so you can see how much you've been eating to maintain your current weight. Then take off 1000 calories for 2 lbs a week of weight loss, and eat that amount.

    Make sure you log accurately. If you don't have a food scale that should be your first purchase. Weigh foods, measure free-pouring liquids. Enter your own recipes using the recipe builder. Database entries with no asterisk are more accurate.

    For exercise just do what you can. Aim to do a little more each time. You will get there, just be patient and stick with whatever changes you make. Good luck to you. :flowerforyou:
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    The biggest thing to get in line is your food diary. Exercise is great and will improve your health but you can lose weight without it. I was disabled for the first few months of weight loss so I just ate at a calorie deficit and lost just fine.

    I know you are excited to start seeing results but I'd recommend logging a couple of days of normal eating first, so you can see how much you've been eating to maintain your current weight. Then take off 1000 calories for 2 lbs a week of weight loss, and eat that amount.

    Make sure you log accurately. If you don't have a food scale that should be your first purchase. Weigh foods, measure free-pouring liquids. Enter your own recipes using the recipe builder. Database entries with no asterisk are more accurate.

    For exercise just do what you can. Aim to do a little more each time. You will get there, just be patient and stick with whatever changes you make. Good luck to you. :flowerforyou:

    Great advice.

    Congrats on taking the first steps - you can do this, it may take time so take it slowly and look for people here who can help and keep you motivated :drinker:
  • Kelbelle30
    Kelbelle30 Posts: 32 Member
    A great quote - 'If you have the courage to start, you have the courage to succeed'
    You are doing a sterling job just by starting to walk. Like others have said, set up a chart and tick off your walks. Get a pedometer and just see if you can increase by five steps each week.
    The worst thing about taking that first step to lose weight is the beginning - where you want immediate results. Patience will pay off. Make the walks part of your habits and focus on something else.
    And well done again! Good Luck!
  • Kitteeee
    Kitteeee Posts: 66 Member
    Hi there!, I would love to help :), I too am morbidly obese, and have 2 herniated discs in my lower back pressing on my sciatic nerve, so I completely understand where you're coming from!, I also have knee pain and arthritis in my ankle/lower leg area from a bad break I had several years ago and I had to have a metal rod implanted from my knee to my ankle.
    Exercising is great, and a great way to build muscle and help burn fat, but as of right now, I am just counting my calories and losing weight that way, once I feel able to exercise, then I will.
    I have lost 22 lbs so far in around 30 or so days, and my back started feeling MUCH better after I had lost around 11lbs!, (and I lost THAT in the first 7 or so days!) and it's now feeling even better than that :), and to give you an idea of my activity back then, I am a stay at home mom, and one of the only times I leave the house is to walk my son to the bus stop around the corner from our house, we live in a duplex, on the top floor, so there are stairs (huge problem for my knees and leg!), and so just walking to the corner and back, would put me in soo much pain, that my back felt like it would give out, I would have to pretend to have to bend to brush something of my pant leg so that I could stretch out my lower back, and that would relieve the pain for a couple more steps, so I would do this until I finally, out of breath and in pain would reach my door, enter and sit on the stairs to recuperate, and after a few minutes, I would start walking up my stairs (going up using only my better leg that hurts less) one step at a time. (I can't believe I'm posting that!, it's pretty shameful :S)
    I now can walk to the bus stop and back with hardly ANY back pain, I am not out of breath, and walking up the stairs still poses a problem for my leg and knee, but not as bad as before, on some day I can even walk up the stairs normally, using BOTH my legs to step up the stairs, so that is awesome!.
    Once I lose another say 10 lbs, I will start to exercise with this workout DVD I have which is recommended for the morbidly obese and for those who have limited movement (like me as I can't kneel, so cannot do any floor work, like sit ups etc.), and it's called "Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds", and I will start with the 1 mile walk.
    So anyways, as long as you watch your calorie intake, and I'll teach you about BMI so you know how many calories to aim for, you CAN lose weight without exercising, and once you feel better, start small and work your way up :).
    I hope this helped a little, and add me up lol!, and anyone else for that matter lol!, I can always use more friends :), and we'll do this together :).
  • Karlita537
    Karlita537 Posts: 1 Member
    Keep it up. Have faith and don't fall in temptation. You will do great.
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    You are doing the RIGHT thing! Don't forget that! If you are tired or discouraged, try to remember, how can walking be a BAD thing! May I also recommend drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day. Start with 6 glasses of water today. Do that for a week and then try 7 for another week, working up to 8!

    The water will help! The walking is the cherry on top!

    Please keep posting!!!
  • anabarbarano
    anabarbarano Posts: 1 Member
    Be patient eventually your hard work will pay off. I speak from experience , it's not easy but u have to just keep at slowly but surely nd your hard work will pay off. I am disabled too nd it took me awhile before i could see results, keep up the great work nd don't give up !
  • feelin31
    feelin31 Posts: 360 Member
    My lower back is in pain a lot too and is aggravated by exercise. It is probably not comparable, but I find icing it after working out helps a lot. Hot water feels great, but I think does not actually help. I keep a few soft ice packs in the freezer all the time & just use it after I exercise. Sometimes I drive with one if I exercise while out.
    Oh yeah, I find that my weight loss is greatly effected by sleep. So you need to know you are doing what you need to be doing & relax. Write all your concerns and accomplishments down before you go to bed that way you don't have to figure them out during the night. They will be there in the morning.
    What you are doing for your health is an inspiration! Keep up the good work!
  • dollbud40
    dollbud40 Posts: 118 Member
    Good morning! Good for you! Patience and remember 1 day at a time! Can you do some seated excercise, just to increase your heart rate? Maybe use some light hand weights, or stretch bands? You can do this! Good job my friend!
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    You can just focus on eating, and exercise like you already are. I lost ten pounds only relying on diet to help me. As you shrink you will find exercise that you enjoy. Mfp is a great place to sort through information look up IPOARM to figure out how you should be eating:)
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    I was close to that... but I am learning the harder I work the better it is... keep going...
  • Kattamer81
    Honey, just keep going. Maybe you can only walk a little at first but if you keep it up, you will be able to walk more and more.

    I get frustrated sometimes because I want to see results quicker...I just want the fat to melt away. But reality is that it took me years to get this way so it's going to take time to get it all back off.

    Just take one day at a time and remember we're all here for support. You already did the hardest part....decided to change your life and going for it.

    Good luck!!
  • kf4vkp
    kf4vkp Posts: 164 Member
    Just keep at it. A little along, add more as you can, it does get easier!

    Feel free to add me for encouragement!
  • jodi_lynn1972
    jodi_lynn1972 Posts: 38 Member
    Just like everyone is saying you are on the right track. You've made the decision to make the change. My Aunt weighed just over 500lbs at one point. She has lost 280lbs just from walking and watching her calories. Walking is amazing exercise. Try and increase your walking each day. Maybe try a pedometer to count your steps. When I got mine last week and was told the goal is 10,000 steps a day, I'm like are you insane lol. First few days 3000, 5000, then 8000 came and yesterday I hit 12,000! I like using it. It gives me a number to reach for. Walk around the house as much as you can, my Aunt would just walk around in her house back and forth. Especially in the winter when she was much larger, it was too difficult for her to walk on the icy/snowy sidewalks/roads. I started walking the mall this week. Still lots of snow here and cold and if you need to there are always lots of seats you can take a break at.
    I also agree that the pool is amazing. If you're comfortable try that. I have degenerative disk disease and I can work out in the pool no problem. Even if you just start wading around on your own and then maybe join a class. Good luck!! You can do this! It didn't come on over night and it's not going to go away over night. If you are on any medications please make sure you are staying in touch with your doctor, as weight comes off (and it will) your medications may need to be adjusted.
    You got this!!
    Stay at your calorie goal each day.
    and drink your water!!!
  • gloriaallen36
    gloriaallen36 Posts: 123 Member
    feel free to add me!:happy:
  • luvsyoga
    luvsyoga Posts: 90 Member
    Just keep trying. Talk to your dr. I love your goal, she's a lucky lady!!!