Looking for friends

Hi, I'm 32 and weight 80 lbs more than I would like to. I've been trying for 12 years to loose the weight but my biggest problem is sticking to any of the programs long enough for them to work. Between me and my husband we have 6 kids that are in and out of the home. I am a work at home mom in need of friends to keep me motovated in my weight loss goals. Expecially someone that will keep me responsible. I love food. Especially junk food, but I really want to loose this weight so I can keep up with the kids. (Ages, 14, 12, 10, 10, 8 and 2 months.)


  • janeoconnell71
    janeoconnell71 Posts: 13 Member
    hi just seen your post you can add me if you like, i am jane mum to 4 kids age 17, 12 9 and 8, i have been trying to get health and slim for ages starting one fad diet after the other, this year i have decided that i like food too much lol so i have picked up my game with exercise, i am not a gym goer, i just go out for walks, i have even started to run..only down hills lol, but this site really has helped me, logging your foods on the diary and having a set amount of calories really has helped, especailly when i no that a walk earns me more calories its working, and if you like we can motivate each other, xx