getting frustrated .... Arrrrrggggg!!!!

I know I should be patient but I am frustrated. I just starting a new diet and exercise routine about a month ago and was hoping to lose 8-10 pounds in a month but instead I have only lost three lousy pounds. I have even hired a personal trainer thinking that would get me a really good start. I should be losing more weight. I am only eating 900-1200 calories a day and exercising hard everyday. What am I doing wrong that I am not losing more weight. I see other people lose 10 pounds a month on average and I should be threre too. sooooo sad. :frown:


  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    dont give up, a month is not much time. keep going and one day you'll step on the scale and notice all of a sudden your 10lbs lighter.

    i didnt lose much until after my 2nd month and before i knew it i was 18-20lbs lighter now almost 3 months later im 25lbs lighter and seems like my weight loss is even slower than it was before.

    weight loss isnt easy and it should not be expected overnight.
  • MissIrvine84
    I'm not an expert on weight loss but I think you're eating too few calories. If you aren't even eating 1200 calories, your body goes into starvation mode, and doesn't allow you to lose weight. Try eating many calories did MFP reccomend? Are you working out as well? Also keep in mind you may be losing inches. Muscle weighs more then fat and if you are exercising, it's possible that you're building muscle. I certainly wouldn't give up!
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    I, too got stuck for almost a year and could not lose a pound. I've been stuck at 220 for over a year, I barely ate anything most days... and I've never been a junk food junkie so what I ate was decently healthy...just not enough calories for my body. So, lucky me!!!!, my new boyfriend happens to be an ex body builder and a personal trainer. He told me to increase my intake of food of all things!!! Now that I am eating more on a regular basis I have started to see some progress in the weight loss department. I walk several days a week and am not doing any other exercise at the moment and have seen an improvement just with increasing my food. I'm supposed to aim for 2000calories a day to boost my metabolism, but most days I fall way short. Even with falling short, i am still eating more than I have in probably 4-5yrs.

    By the end of the month I will be, hopefully, joining a local gym where I will start doing a weight training program put together by my BF. The weight training and any additional exercise/cardio programs I get involved in will also increase my weight loss, or at least fat loss.

    If you have not done so...make sure you are getting plenty of water and rest as well. Over taxing your body leads to stress, which in turn can have an effect on our weight.

    Good luck!!
  • viverevolution
    viverevolution Posts: 6 Member
    You should consider eating more calories, 900-1200 is nowhere near enough (especially if you are exercising hard every day). Your body needs energy to thrive and that's exactly what calories are--energy. If you deprive your body of what it needs it will grasp onto everything it can to maintain the weight you are at; your body thinks you are in a famine or starvation time.
    It seems logical to assume that if you eat less calories then you will lose more weight, but the human body is not a bunsen burner--that is, it's not as simple as "calories in, calories out." You have to fuel yourself and your metabolism, and when you don't do so properly your metabolism will slow, thus aiding your body in helping you survive in what it thinks is a food shortage.
    And, as an aside, most doctors consider anything below 1200 calories to be starvation. So basically, treat your body well and it will treat you well in return =] The body is not the enemy!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I agree .. you're not eating enough .. with 67 lbs to lose, you don't need to be at a 1200 calorie diet and certainly shouldn't be eating under that much.