It really hurts .... ppl can be so cruel :(



  • monikagood
    monikagood Posts: 10 Member
    6 pounds in 6 weeks is terrific!!! That's the kind of weight loss that will stay off! Keep up the great work!

    I obviously agree with all the posts so far. Don't let others bring you down. Keep focused on your goal. In addition, ask family members to help support you during your weight loss - maybe they don't have to put out all the fatty foods (cakes and treats). Maybe it could be a family project to eat heathier. At some point, when you look at those kinds of foods, you'll notice that they will look "icky" to you. Is it worth eating that piece of cake? As someone once said, no food tastes as good as skinny feels! I have modified that quote: No food tastes as good as seeing the number on the scale go down!!! That's what really feels good!! Be healthy and stay positive!!!
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    You have at least realized that you are emotionally eating. You shouldn't give in to emotional eating. Did you even taste the food that you put in your mouth? Probably not because most emotional eating is done to fill some kind of void or avoid an issue. When faced with a challenge and you are tempted to eat, don't. Tell yourself, would I really be happier if I ate that due to what X said about me? The answer is no. You will be more unhappy. Tune into that part of yourself. Also, by eating, you gave what those people at the water park had assumed about you and that you overeat. You should rise up from the comments. I was always heavy and learned that people are going to say and do whatever, and the only person you have to really judge, is yourself.

    One other thing. You said you thought if you lost weight you would be happier. That isn't true. I am no more happy now than when I was over 65 pounds ago. I realized after losing the weight, things were happier or brighter or that people treated me any better. I have to change myself on the inside to be happier. Personally I get nasty looks and comments from heavier women like I am some kind of threat to their existence. I could explain that I was once like them, but they either don't believe me or just don't want to hear it. I deal with my own nasty people on the other end of the spectrum and that isn't fun either.

    Good luck.
  • ProjectFat
    haha love it! :) people only prey on others that they think they can dominate. Their are easy targets in this country.....people love to hate the "others" and create all of these "others" so that they feel better about themselves.
    Fat people have been also targeted in this way. I'm sure the dude was no supermodel and checking him would have let him know he can't go around just running his mouth to anyone.
  • madisonsteelex
    lose. lose. lose.

    not loose.

    and your scale can track that you've lost 0.4 ounces? I doubt it

    But good job, 6.4 lbs in 6 weeks is a nice rate. Faster than I've been losing.