Cheating and still losing

Hi All,

I am fairly new to MFP but so far am loving it. My first twoo weeks I followed my 1200 calorie plan exactally and exercised as much as possible. Yet I only seemed to lose 2 pounds in 2 weeks. I know thats not to bad but then this happened. Over the past two weeks I have followed my calories during the week and ate whatever I wanted on the weekend and managed to lose 4 pounds. (This was only beacuse I didn't have a computer on the weekend at the lake). So how is it that when I throw in a couple of cheat days I manage to lose more weight then following my normal healthy eating plan.



  • edinbors
    edinbors Posts: 112
    Actually you are supposed to eat back half (at least) of your burned cals otherwise your body goes into starvation mode. I didn't knwo that either but talked to several people who have been losing weight since they started that and its been working for me!! Good luck and congrats on the weight already lost!
  • Dangelosmom09
    This also happened to me!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Maybe you're not eating enough during the rest of the week, especially if you're not adding calories back when you exercise.
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I don't know why or how this happens but it happens to me also. I follow my goals to T during the week on the weekend I allow my self freedom (within reason) and I still lose. I would only suggest not to get to free with it because we can easily loose control LOL
  • danazsweet
    danazsweet Posts: 52
    Congratulations! I think that's been the secret ingredient for me in losing the weight this time, is that I eat my exercise calories back. Mind you, I'm only exercising 150-200 cal. a day to begin with but I like the idea of when I'm exercising more to eat HALF of my exercise calories back. But on previous low cal diets I would exercise and exercise and gain weight while eating 1200 cal only and I would quit in frustration. This has been so doable and my body seems to be responding, this has to be the difference. I think it's probably more healthy to eat them back each day instead of a one or two big binges at the end of the week, only because binging can become a habit that I can't stop and its hard on the body to process all that food at once.