i need to lose at least 20 pounds please help

hi all i am currently 145 pounds and my husband wants me to lose 20 pounds by april 22. please help. i just started working out as in sit ups and crunches at home.


  • schelly81
    schelly81 Posts: 161 Member
    Why does he want it lost by the 22nd? Realistically it should take you about 15-20 weeks to lose 20 pounds, if you want to do it in a healthy manner and keep it off.
  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    Why does he want you to lose it and what does the date mean? I don't want to say 20 lbs in a month is impossible because you could just chop off a limb and technically do it but otherwise that is a lot.
  • You can't lose weight for someone else, gotta do it for yourself. Find your WHY (Jillian Michaels). Look at those 20 lbs as long term weight loss. They didn't happen overnight and nothing will take it off over night. If he is patient and supportive it will be a great thing for both of you. If he isn't patient...
  • ShannonB_73
    ShannonB_73 Posts: 10 Member
    Read "Wheat Belly" or visit wheatbellyblog.com.
  • woodml1
    woodml1 Posts: 199 Member
    Fact: 20 pounds by April 22nd is not a reasonable or healthy goal. 10 pounds would be more realistic assuming that you have not been eating healthfully and have some water weight to drop. If you have already been eating healthfully - shoot for a weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week.

    Fact: 145 pounds is not that big, especially if you are tall. Do you know your body fat percentage?

    Fact: If you are trying to lose weight, you will need to add some cardio into your workouts to burn calories. The abdominals are a small muscle group and aren't capable of burning many calories so just sit-ups and crunches won't help you get to your goal. Start with walking if you're new to exercise! It's easy and accessible. If you feel capable of working up to jogging, biking, or joining a fitness class like Zumba - go for it!

    Opinion: Your husband sounds like a ****. Remember that your beauty is not defined by a number on the scale OR his opinion of you.

    Feel free to friend and message me anytime for advice or support!
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Hi! Why does your husband want you to lose 20 lbs by April 22nd? Not only is that not a safe weight loss, but it may be impossible.That goals is usually obtained in a 4-6 month diet plan. I would recommend finding a safe and healthy way of obtaining those goals. If you need some advice I would be more than willing to try and help you. I could try and guide you in the right direction with some simple questions. I will add you as a friend and if you want to discuss anything I would be more than willing to help Take Care
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Wait, for real? No. Just no. If you want to lose weight you do it for yourself, not for him.
  • sixpackdream
    sixpackdream Posts: 55 Member
    Situps and crunches are not going to help you take weight off your mid-section. Proper eating and proper exercise are the only things that can help you. It sounds like you may have to learn about these things or get some help.

    More importantly -

    No one should ask/demand you lose that amount of weight in that period of time. Something is really wrong here.

    "Pound sand" comes to mind and I don't mean that as an exercise for you :)
  • I read your profile and that says you just had a baby & your husband hates the way you look because you JUST HAD A BABY? Sorry but it took you 9 months to put on those extra pounds...it doesn't all come off when the baby comes out.

    Take your time losing it, and do it for yourself! Good luck to you.
  • antdogs
    antdogs Posts: 191 Member
    hi all i am currently 145 pounds and my husband wants me to lose 20 pounds by april 22. please help. i just started working out as in sit ups and crunches at home.

    yeah you should do it for yourself! your husband should love you for you! but you need to do cardio.. alot of it and watch what you eat as well..
  • I'm a guy, and if I asked/told/implied that my wife need to lose 20 lbs (much less by a certain unrealistic time), yikes. At my heaviest, I outweighed my wife by about 180 pounds. Never once did she ask me to lose any weight. I eventually did, but I had to want to.
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    ok, Forrest Gump did this once.....just start running and don't stop until april 22nd. You'll get back just in time to sign the divorce papers and you'll have lost at LEAST 20 lbs...probably more though depending on the elevation and how many mountains you run up and down.
  • woodml1
    woodml1 Posts: 199 Member
    ok, Forrest Gump did this once.....just start running and don't stop until april 22nd. You'll get back just in time to sign the divorce papers and you'll have lost at LEAST 20 lbs...probably more though depending on the elevation and how many mountains you run up and down.

    nice :)
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    How tall are you?
  • schelly81
    schelly81 Posts: 161 Member
    How long ago did you have your baby? Are you breastfeeding? If you don't eat enough your milk supply will drop rapidly.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I'm a guy, and if I asked/told/implied that my wife need to lose 20 lbs (much less by a certain unrealistic time), yikes. At my heaviest, I outweighed my wife by about 180 pounds. Never once did she ask me to lose any weight. I eventually did, but I had to want to.

    Just saying it is crude, putting a deadline on is borderline, if there are any threats like "if you don't lose it by X, I am going to find it some place else," it is abusive.
  • I don't believe that someone should lose weight on the basis that their partner wishes them to. True weight loss begins when you can believe that you can achieve it FOR YOURSELF; if you are all for this then I think that in time--not necessarily to the date that you expect--you will of course be able to reach this goal. I was scouted for fashion modelling in London when I was 17 and when fashion week commences I can easily lose A LOT of weight quickly ( c.2.7 stones in 2 months). Just remember that weight comes and goes, and can be easily controlled.

    The best advice I can give is that SUGAR and CARBOHYDRATES are the main target when attacking weight loss. These are the components which are MOST EASILY TURNED INTO STORED GLUCOSE (ie. fat) therefore it makes sense to look out for these. I eat UNLIMITED amounts of salads, green vegetables and focus on fish and turkey for protein. I would also recommend DRINKING LARGE AMOUNTS of WATER, preferably in herbal teas and avoiding caffeine as it is a toxin to the body. Diary is fine in small quantities, but a common misconception is that milk isn't food; it certainly is!

    I'm not a big fan of gyms or working out, I can lose a lot of weight focusing on the above points above. Also I would recommend walking, a cooler environment and dancing!

    Don't slip into any unhealthy eating patterns and you'll do great! :smile:
  • i had my baby a year ago. no matter what my husband ca't judge how i look. of course after giving birth your body will change no matter what. so my husband just has to work with it. lol
  • katedevall
    katedevall Posts: 240 Member
    hi all i am currently 145 pounds and my husband wants me to lose 20 pounds by april 22. please help. i just started working out as in sit ups and crunches at home.

    Whatttttt? You're kidding right? That's crazy.
    If you want to lose weight you should do it for you. If you do it for someone else you probably won't stick with it. April 22nd is also unrealistic. It's healthy to lose up to 2 lbs a week and that's extreme. So that gives you 4 weeks x 2 = 8 lbs
  • I like the Forest Gump theory!