Disabled and looking for friends who cannot exercise.

I have been doing MFP for two years and have lost aprox 25lb. I am bed / wheelchair bound and unable to do any exercise. Because of my immobility I have to really limit my calorie intake. So I am looking for people in a similar situation.
I got down to my target weight of 133lb just before christmas then started some new meds and put 9lb back on.
I want to lose this 9lb then maintain.
I would love to find someone in a similar situation.


  • valerierackly74
    valerierackly74 Posts: 59 Member
    would you like to add me. i can only do limited exersize as i have two conflicting arthritic conditions that impede me doing much repetitive and regular formal exersize. i can do not much cardio and no high impact.i can walk though sometimes not fast and not far. i do some light exersizes simular to the physio stuff. i would like to support you if and where i can. add me if you like.
  • faithharper