Healthy Eating, some obstacles...

I am a 24 year old female, I'm 5' 6" and weigh 140lbs. I recently moved in with my fiance and he doesn't exactly have the most healthy diet (fried food, a lot of meat/ very few vegetables, prepared foods, chips, soda, etc.) and, while he is extremely fit not a pound overweight, I've found myself putting on a few pounds in the past six months. Mon-Fri my fiance and I rarely eat together due to conflicting work schedules, but it's hard cooking for just me. My main issue is when I buy produce on grocery day (usually Sunday) I have a hard time using it all before it starts going bad. Veggies that will be cooked, like green beans, I usually buy frozen, but I like fresh fruits and vegetables as well, especially baby spinach and various types of lettuce for salads/to put in wraps (I find that the bagged baby spinach begins to wilt by midweek). If I lived next to a grocery store I'd just go everyday and buy what I needed fresh, but I live in a very small rural town and the nearest grocery is 15 miles away. Does anyone have any tips on keeping produce fresh longer? And how do I cook for one without ending up with a bunch of leftovers that will never get eaten? Any help would be wonderful, I'm really trying hard to stick to a healthier diet.


  • jen_mv
    jen_mv Posts: 21 Member
    If it's just wilting, maybe you could add a little water to the bag? That seems to help for lettuce and celery, but I'm not sure about spinach.
  • thatbelinda
    thatbelinda Posts: 94 Member
    I do the opposite with my spinach! I put a dry paper towel in the bag to absorb the moisture. I usually get about 4 days fresh out of a big bag, then when it starts to look a little sad, I'll use the rest in cooking instead of in salads.
  • Cam_
    Cam_ Posts: 515 Member
    Best tip is plan ahead for the week so you can get just what you need. Use the stuff that spoils first. Maybe plan on leftovers for the second night or just make smaller portions so you're not wasting stuff and throwing it out. Frozen veggies are definately the way to go. We grab the big bags at Costco. We just tried the "stiry fry" veggies and they are great.