My Fitness Dream: To become a RUNNER!

Out of this journey, all I REALLY TRUELY want is to become a runner. A person that wakes up and needs to do a run before they start their day. That is my dream.. To be able to run a few good miles. Damn it if I could be able to run 1. It would be a blessing. This summer I want to acheive running at leat 1 mile. How do I start this, when I still need to lose 70 pounds and... many ppl dont think I can do this cause im big chested... lol


  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Of course you can. Start small. If you're inactive now, start walking. If you're already active, try the Couch 2 5k Program.
  • haanmom
    haanmom Posts: 90 Member
    Get a good sports bra, or double up, and then start the Couch to 5K program!!

    You can do it!!

    I never thought I'd be able to run. I ran my first 5K in 2011 (after finishing C25K) and am training for my first half marathon now. =)
  • MIssFinny
    MIssFinny Posts: 194 Member
    If you want it then do it. It doesn't matter how many lbs you have to lose. It doesn't matter if you have huge knockers. In fact-true story here- I started running at about 265 lbs. and with 42H bra. If I can do it then so can you. If you're looking for a good place to start look up C25K. It's probably your best place to start actually.
  • aramos620
    I did the Couch to 5K APP and I just ran my first 5K last week it really is a great program
  • ami5000psu
    ami5000psu Posts: 391 Member
    You can absolutely do this! I second the C25K program. It'll ease you into it. Get out there and feel the pavement under your feet! Good luck!
  • lmnconn
    lmnconn Posts: 24 Member
    Yep, C25K will get you there.
  • Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz
    Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz Posts: 410 Member
    Thanks ladies. Its seems so tough.. But deep down I now I can.. Im just hoping for some litlle helping details on how everyone else did it!
  • glenette1
    glenette1 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm big chested, need to lose a total of 80 pounds (halfway there now) and started walk/run with couch to 5K (C25K) on the treadmill last spring. It took several weeks but I gradually built up my running tolerance and started shedding pounds. When I first started I couldn't run 1 minute so I started at 30 seconds. I followed the program but make adjustments/repeated weeks as necessary and now I consistently run 45-60 minutes at a time. I'm a still a slow runner but I love it! My experience was running was hard and not at all fun until I surpassed the 20 minute mark. Even today, a year later, the first 20 minutes are tough but the second and third twenty minutes are much easier. I would say to anyone doing C25K don't give up until you can do the 20 minute run because that's when your body will really get the hang of it.

    Good luck and start slow. Don't worry about how fast you run, just run slowly as long as you can and the rest will come.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Do it! Get fitted for proper shoes at your local running store, get yourself a good bra, and get out there! Start slowly--as mrsbigmack said, walk first if you need to, then a big YES to the C25K program.
  • mountaingirl2207
    I just finished the c25k and if I can do it, anyone can. I have been athletic my whole life but NEVER could run. Even a block would make me think I was going to die. I was seriously sucking wind on the 1 minute runs on day 1. That was February 17. Today, 5 weeks later, I ran 40 minutes straight. Its amazing.
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    As others have said a good bra will make all the difference. And you can do anything you set your mind to, it was a struggle for me iin the beginning and now my day does not feel right if I don't start with at least a quick run.

    Good luck :drinker:
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    I am a big-chested runner. You will be too. :flowerforyou:
  • Maccbow
    Maccbow Posts: 53 Member
    Yes!! You can start as slow and easy as you want! Whatever is comfortable for you! GO FOR IT!! GET YOUR DREAM!! My daughter started teaching herself to be a runner!!!!! First, she only walked. Then gradually, she added in 2 minutes of running here, 2 there, then 4 minutes, then .... and so on!! She isn't Speedy-Gonzalez yet, but she's getting there, and she's going to do a 5K THIS SUMMER!!!! YES!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! No matter how slow or little that you start, START!!! Also, if you can, get yourself a nice subscription to Runner's World!!! LOTS of good information in there!!! GOOOOOOO FOR IT!!!! YOUUUUU CAN DO IT!! :D:D:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz
    Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz Posts: 410 Member
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
  • marinegirl92
    marinegirl92 Posts: 184 Member

    DREAM BIG and it will happen.

    Run/walk training is the best way to start! Start with intervals - walk and then run for 10 second or however long you are able. When I started out I walked 2 minutes and then ran for 15 seconds. Until I built up enough endurace and then I played around with the times on walk and run.

    Recommend purchasing one of those timex watches that has intervals (slim band). Then make a game of it!

  • monicacur78
    monicacur78 Posts: 4 Member
    It is so awesome you wanna become a runner, that is the hardest part of it all really. I have been running for about a yr. I love it-more then I ever thought I would. I don't feel like I have done much work without a good run everyday. There are so many 5k schedules out there I know you can find one that you will love to help you out.
  • shellbellnz
    shellbellnz Posts: 115 Member
    You can do it. I recommend you start with getting a C25K app on your smart phone if you have one, or doing it without the phone. I have never been a runner and I can now run 30 mins at a time. If I can do this you can do this. Dont listen to those doubters. Go for it.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    My advice:

    Start with Couch to 5K.

    Get fitted at a running store for the right shoes for you (it makes all the difference in the world).
    Sign up for some local races.

    Don't worry about how fast you are - just get out there and do it. Speed will come with time.

    Running gets easier as you lose weight. You will get faster as you lose weight.

    Take a form clinic or look at this website:

    Invest in a good bra - I love the Moving Comfort brand. Running stores usually have a good selection and they will help fit you as well. If you can't afford a good bra, start with 1 underwire bra and top with 2 spandex sports bras. Worked well for me for a few months.
  • Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz
    Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz Posts: 410 Member
    Thanks ladies and everyone for all the support!!!! Add me :-)