Vegan buddies?

I have recently switched to a vegan diet and I would love to have some MFP pals to help me adjust, share recipes and for general advice.



  • pb3693
    pb3693 Posts: 21 Member
    I am also in the process of adopting a vegan based diet. So far so, good. I will add you as a buddy!
  • thisisme13
    thisisme13 Posts: 150
    I'm not Vegan right now. I have been Vegetarian since June of last year. I am looking into switching over to a Vegan diet though.
  • keristeen11
    keristeen11 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been a vegan for 2 montha now after swirching from a vegetarian diet. Feel free to friend me :)
  • KatLK
    KatLK Posts: 14
    I was vegan for a year in 2009/10 but eventually returned to eating dairy and then later a little meat. Giving veganism another test drive, 9 days in and I forgot how easy it was!
  • laurainparis
    laurainparis Posts: 64 Member
    I eat eggs and dairy, but no meat (including no fish). Feel free to friend me!
  • stefa711
    stefa711 Posts: 196 Member
    Look up and join the group: Happy Herbivores. They are some very supportive MFPers!

    I'm transitioning to a whole foods plant based vegan diet currently (slowly cutting out lacto-ovo).