taken me 4 yrs to lose 90lbs anyone taking a long time?

I know I have lost a lot. But it has taken me almost 4 yrs to do so and still have a lot more to go. I keep reading all these stories about people who lost 100 lbs in 6mo to 18mo. Is there anyone else out there that has lost a lot but has taken them a long time like me? How do you keep losing? I try changing it up food and exercise but my loss has slowed down so bad I can barely lose 1/2 lb a month if that. How do you stay motivated??


  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,024 Member
    It took me about 5 years to lose almost 65 lbs. As my old piano teacher used to say, " Slow is beautiful! " I lost in two installments. 30 lbs when I started working out and got ALOT fitter, and another 30 ish when I joined MFP and got my eating nailed down.
  • sblueyez
    sblueyez Posts: 156 Member
    Weight loss: you're doing it right! Good job! Go you! Look. At my profile pic. The top left is 2006, top right is 2008, bottom left 2010 and bottom right is now. I've been a sparkpeople person since 2009. It takes a long time and a lot of effort to lose it. The slower you lose it the more likely it will stay off. Good job girl!
  • Copaiba
    Copaiba Posts: 75 Member
    Yep I'm on the slow train. Its hard to balance weight loss and energy levels and a SOCIAL LIFE. It seems all my friends are set on excess while I'm learning how much better I feel when I eat less and eat healthy. But come party time, there is wine and tater tots and shrimp and grits and cheese and olive oil and yogurt....Its all so good. Then the next day I go back to my vegetables and beans and whole grains but a little voice says a few cheetos wont hurt....
    I'm still losing but very very slow.
    I think celebrations are important though and enjoying life!
  • srey0701
    srey0701 Posts: 196 Member

    It took me almost 3 years to lose this much ^^
  • Welcome2theHellmouth
    Welcome2theHellmouth Posts: 206 Member
    thanks guys!!! Nice to know I'm not the only one struggling!!! I won't give up but there sure are days I want to eat everything in can get my hands on!!! :)
  • credmc
    credmc Posts: 10
    Good job!! Its tough to stick with it for so long, but you did, that is awesome! Yes I have heard of people taking a long time and some people losing it quickly but the important part is you stuck with it and got it done!