Foot injury and weight loss.

Hi All-

I could use some motivation and support. I am fairly new to the site and have lost 4 lbs so far. I just found out I possibly tore my tendon in my foot. Either way I have to stay off it and sitting for at least a week until I get to the specialist. Most likely more. Any ideas on how to stay motivated and not gain while trapped bored and basically on bed rest? I already adjusted my calories to sedentary life style.

I could really use some cheerleaders here. I am not one to ask fir support generally. However, I don't want to let this ruin my potential.

Thanks in advance,


  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I joined this site a year ago after suffering a serious ankle injury during exercise. I couldn't walk properly for months and I'm still not exactly sprinting. I was concerned that my weight would get out of control and I wanted accountability. It worked for me. Recently, I felt motivated to lose a few vanity pounds.

    You're on the right track. You need to keep strict of your food intake and weight while recovering from your injury. Your body fat percentage may increase a bit if you are inactive for a long period, but you have to focus on recovery. It'll be a lot easier to get back into condition if you haven't put on 20 pounds.

    I'm not a cheerleader. A lot of losing weight is boring and undramatic. You have to be candid and consistent.

    Good luck.

    *Track everything you eat, don't guess.
    *Eat at a level that is sustainable for you, but ignore the posts that suggest that 1200 calories is unhealthy. It's not.
    *Regard this time as an opportunity to step back from your usual eating habits. Try meditation, or keep busy with activities that require the use of your hands but where eating would be inconvenient. Sewing is a good example.
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    You're on the right track... all you can do is make sure you are sticking to your calories and try to keep a positive outlook ("this too shall pass" is my favorite phrase). I had hip surgery the end of Feb and was put on crutches for 6 weeks and I've actually lost a few pounds since! Unfortunately, it's probably b/c I've lost some muscle, but walking w/ crutches is more of a workout than you might think! Also, you may be able to do some light upper body lifting if you're up for it, but cardio will be difficult for a while. Just remember, weight loss is about less calories in than out, so this can be maintained w/out excersise. Also, in recovery, take it easy and be patient... get healed first, then start concentrating on fitness and weightloss again.
    Good luck!
  • Personally, it is what it is and you can't change it so I would make sure I had lots of heathly snacks at the ready.........cut up celery and lots of fruit so if you are hungry, it's easy to grab something fast.

    Don't get down if you aren't loosing while you are recovering. Remember this is a life style choice NOT a diet.

    Perhaps you could manage to do some sit ups or crunches.....something that doesn't use your foot!

    Stay positive!
  • nikkih1288
    nikkih1288 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I am determined to do this !
  • navydentalchic
    navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
    Hey lady! I am in the same boat as you! I sprained my ankle pretty badly during a mud run three weeks ago. I just got rid of the crutches last week once they confirmed it wasn't fractured at my follow up. I just started walking on a soft brace, but that is even difficult. I was training for my first 10k, patience is hard for me. But I know now I am not alone :)
  • nikkih1288
    nikkih1288 Posts: 26 Member
    Don't take this the wrong way Navy but I am glad to have company. I am munching on celery for lunch as we speak.