List your excuses (ex-excuses)

Of why you can't loose weight.

1. I have a family, a baby, and a full time job with long commute. I just don't have the time.
(I still had time for TV when baby sleeps).

2. I'd rather be fat and happy than thin, always hungry and miserable.
(Turns out there is more than those two options.)

3. I can't run. I'm not in shape for it. My sides hurt and I'm afraid I'll have a heart attack if I push myself.
(Turns out you get in shape from running, you don't get in shape before you start).


  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    I'm hungry! that is my excuse all the time.

    Now that I have added water, a little exercise (still terrible at that) and planning/logging my food better, I am not as hungry and I know the difference now.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Mine WAS, "why work so hard for a six pack when a full keg is so damn easy."

    What got me off my *kitten*? I was talking to a friend about maybe trying Insanity and I was told I wouldn't be able to do it. Pissed me off so I got it and am starting week 5 on Sunday! Tell me I can't do something, humph!
  • IndigoFlowers
    IndigoFlowers Posts: 221 Member
    - It's just genetics! That's why I am fat, so no use in trying to lose any weight!
    - I just washed my hair yesterday, I don't want to workout and get all sweaty today!
    - It's going to be so hard with a family that cooks so well, I don't want to miss out
    - I am too young to be on a diet!

    I had a lot of faulty thinking, but on the bright side I don't use any of those excuses anymore :)
  • homeyjosey
    homeyjosey Posts: 138 Member
    I didn't have an excuse for losing weight but i did have an excuse for starting Intermittent Fasting.

    "I need to eat every few hours or I get jittery"

    Oh how I was so wrong. IF is amazing
  • x0xRebeccax0x
    x0xRebeccax0x Posts: 20 Member
    "no matter what I eat.. I still don't lose weight.. so I should just keep eating what I want" (yeah.. not true at all lol)

    "when I exercise it's painful, I can't breathe, feel like I'm going to have a heart attack etc."... (turns out it gets easier each time.. and the more weight comes off the easier it is for your body to move without these pains)

    "I have no self control.. none!" (I still don't have much of it.. but I won't stop trying!)
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    don't have tie to work out

    no time to eat until late in the evening

    no time to fix healthy food at home

    no place to work out

    no partners to work out with

    big bones

    just one more show on tv

    bad knees
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    - working out with young kids around is impossible (turns out, my 9 year old can walk 5+ miles with me & my 3 year old likes to do 30DS)
    - my family won't let me cook healthy stuff (haven't changed dinners much, small tweaks to make them healthier)
    - healthy food is expensive! (still is, dang it! lol)
    - genetics... (so fight it!)
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    "I have hypothyroidism".
  • vals83
    vals83 Posts: 63 Member
    1. It's genetics
    2. It's ok to have some extra curves (quite true. 60lbs of extra curves however are no longer curves)
    3. Slow metabolism
  • poochsmom
    1. I grew up on heavy, greasy, mostly fried Mexican meals, as did my husband and so far my girls...I can't make them suffer because mom is on a diet, and I'm NOT making them an awesome dinner and eating a salad. It's just not fair.
    (If it's unhealthy for me to eat it, it's unhealthy for them to eat it. No one has to suffer just change the way it's made, less frying more grilling)

    2. My mom is big, my dad is big. I used to be a tiny thing in high school (like most of us) but I was bound to get big with's in my genes.
    (Free training session when I joined the gym revealled I'm at 40% Body Fat!! Somewhere in there is a skinny girl waiting to get out)

    3. My husband says he likes me just the way I am, so why worry about being skinny.
    (It's not for him, it's for me. It's not for him, it's for me. I need to worry more about me being happy. I want to like the way I look to.)
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    I'll start tomorrow
  • bodyrightdiva
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i dont like exercise....

    turns out i ****ing LOVE insanity... damnit, no excuse now!!!
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    My biggest excuse/fear was a the baggy skin I know will happen, for I have done this journey before; however this time I am strength training to counteract some of it.
  • Anamdalta
    Anamdalta Posts: 56
    I'm going to start tomorrow. So, today it's okay if I over-indulge. Again.

    That became an ex-excuse last August. I'm grateful for that :)
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    I have children, a hubby & work full time

    I'm too busy

    I already don't have time for myself to add one more thing to my plate

    I dont have extra time

    I'm too tierd

    I'm too lazy

    I wake up so early during the week, that I just need to relax on the weekend

    My feet hurt

    I can't do the work out

    All LIES!!!!!!!
  • divinenanny
    divinenanny Posts: 90 Member
    How about this brilliant thought after a diet (Dr. Frank, which is low-carb). "See how easy it comes off? I can keep eating whatever I want, because if I just stop and eat regular the weight will come flying off. So for now, BK/KFC/McD here I come! And a bowl of queso with chips for desert!"

    And of course: "I am miserable/pitiful/alone/brilliant/a winner/a loser/happy so I deserve a treat, I can put this off until I am feeling normal".
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Apathy: I'm too old to try, and too old to care how I look. Besides, I'm at an age where I should just enjoy life, and that means eating what I want, when I want, as much as I want.

    Delusion: I'm healthy enough. Losing weight won't matter.

    The "Blame Game": Who cares if I'm overweight? If someone disapproves, that's THEIR problem.

    Comfort Above all: Skinny clothes are uncomfortable anyway. Gimme my elastic waist pants and "tent tops" any day!

    Negativity: Why bother? I'd just gain it all back anyway.

    The "Ow Factor": Exercise? Who, me? I already deal with arthritis/swollen joints/bad knees. There's no exercises I can do that wouldn't kill me or inhure me further. Hell, at MY age, I'd probably have a heart attack!

    Self-importance: I'm waaay too busy and needed.

    Ignorance: I'm happy...enough. Could I possibly be happier being thinner? Nahh, that's a myth.

    Sooooooo glad to have destroyed the aforementioned demons!
  • harleenarang
    harleenarang Posts: 174 Member
    My excuses
    - The reality I realized.

    In a 2 member family, specially cooking healthy for just me is too much to ask. Waste of time !!
    - But now i do it and its not that bad.

    Oh My husband loves me the way i am - i think being like this suits me.
    - No one can look bad at a healthy weight.

    People at the gym stare at me and may be laugh thinking - Oh !! she is going to lose weight ! LOL
    - Don't even care what others think and realized everyone feels the same and no one looks at others in the gym.

    What is life without yummy food?? I better live shorter life but eat good tasty food.
    - Healthy food can be tasty and I don't have to quit all I love - just eat little of it and less times.
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    -nothing works
    -too fat to exercise (wtf!)
    -I'm not worth it, nobody else cares

    ^^^^^ YES too fat to exercise!!! LOL that was one of mine too LMAOOOO
    who knew I love the 30 day shred, love going hiking on the weekends
    love that I dont feel so slugish
    love that i have more energy
    love that i have a mood boost daily
    just love love love the way im feeling and wish I wouldnt of wasted so many years being miserable for no reason. I was my own worst enemy!