Hey! I'm new!


I'm new to the site. I've found a lot of answers on here before I joined but a good portion of the people seem to be into "lifting". Is this more of a body building site then running, yoga, pilates, body resistant type stuff? It would be cool to meet some people similar height/weight as me!


  • dpwifey
    dpwifey Posts: 18
    Oh sorry! I'm 5'2 and currently 112 or so.
  • teddabod
    teddabod Posts: 222 Member
    Hi, dpwiffey.

    It's an everything site :) Everyone has their specific goals and training style.

  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    I'm not a 'lifter' so feel free to friend me if you're looking for friends to be supportive and just chat about what works and what doesn't, or whatever.

    Good luck to you.