Looking for friends... (PCOS/low self esteem/binge eaters)



  • feel free to add me...I support everyone:flowerforyou:
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    I know it's nice to have people with similar issues, but sometimes you need people with different strengths. I don't want my friends to commiserate, I need them to give me a big ole kick in the *kitten* when I'm using lifes struggles as excuses. Good Luck, I hope you find what you need.
  • sofulnaturalee
    sofulnaturalee Posts: 391 Member
    I also struggle with binge eating and low self-esteem. I have come along but not nearly where I want to be. Feel free to add me for support and uplifting :-)
  • Hi all, I suffer from all the above except for pcos( sorry about the situation).

    I'm trying to be healthy, but I have to admit its hurt to do it alone. It would be nice to make friends here for support and motivation!!!
  • Hi all, I suffer from all the above except for pcos( sorry about the situation).

    I'm trying to be healthy, but I have to admit its hurt to do it alone. It would be nice to make friends here for support and motivation!!!
  • Tamicejl
    Tamicejl Posts: 65 Member
    Hello ... there are tons of places to find like folks.... come join our many PCOS groups ... and add me I struggle with PCOS and all the signs and symptoms that comes with it. Come join the friends and support will follow.
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    I haven't been diagnosed with PCOS (but it would't surprise me - it would explain a lot) but I relate to the other points in your post, I binge more than I should and that affects how I view myself majorly.

    Would like support for that aswell, feel free to send me a request :flowerforyou: That goes for anyone! x
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member

    I have PCOS. I'm was a binge eater but I haven't in a few months now. You can add me so we can cheer each other on!
  • Count me in among the binge eaters! I also have low self esteem, but it's definitely improving- thereby causing my choices in life to get better. Funny how that all goes hand in hand...

    Please feel free to add me on MFP. The last few months, I've become really fired up about learning how to control my PCOS, support other women in the struggle, and educate ALL women- some who probably don't even know they have it- on how they can improve their health and fertility by changing lifestyle before turning to medication.

    Let's all kick some PCOS, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes in the butt!
  • AdrieAZ
    AdrieAZ Posts: 2 Member
    I'm like all of that wrapped into one. Please People ADD ME. I don't go on the forums usually due to the fact my laptop is down. But I too need support and would like to give support. thank you.
  • Greenlola
    Greenlola Posts: 30 Member
    I too have PCOS and struggle with the same issues, feel free to add me and we can support each other. :)
  • runamuck67
    runamuck67 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm also a PCOS suffer and have struggled with it for years, feel free to add me.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I have low self esteem. Lost 100lb's still have low self esteem. Though I figure out the binge eating issue.