On a calorie/carb restricted diet and I need a diet buddy (:

I've been overweight for a while and I started on a calorie/carb restricted diet. I'm going to be taking a trip to Disney World in June for my birthday and I want to look good. I also want to be able to keep up with my friends without huffing and puffing to get from one part of the park to the next. I'm also going to be starting my training for the Disney Princess Half Marathon in February 2014 (:
Anyone who is looking to be healthy/thin and is looking for a diet buddy add me (:
Thank you!


  • Citrislazer
    Citrislazer Posts: 312 Member
    Request sent! I'm a low carber. I log and comment daily. :-)
  • Thanks! (:
  • teddabod
    teddabod Posts: 222 Member
    Low carber here. Need my cals though ;) Logging my intake. Feel free to add me.
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    Sending you a friend request.........I put 50 back on after losing it. I'm looking for diet buddies too.
  • Hey! Just like you i am going to Disney in june to celebrate my (21st) birthday. I am also looking for a diet buddy so friend request sent!
  • Request sent I'm a low carber as well kinda like a paleo diet :happy:
  • mummyzena
    mummyzena Posts: 259 Member
    Request sent, am a low carber.xx
  • Hey! I have been using this app on my phone for about 3 months and I have lost 22 pounds:) I love this app. It has really changed my life
  • Jenny775
    Jenny775 Posts: 108 Member
    Request sent...I try to stick to low carb -- do it on most days :)
    FRANKTANK79 Posts: 19 Member
    Low carb diet starting monday. :(
    Only carbs I will be consuming are after my workout 1 cup of oats an a few strawberrys.

    Good luck with ur diet. You can do it. Will you be upping your fats??