hot yoga

I heard so much about it want to know does anyone know how many calories can you burn doing hot yoga?


  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I've read that you can burn around 500 cals per session...with the way I sweat during Kundalini, I wouldn't doubt it!
    Hope you're loving the awesome benefits from the focus you get :smile:
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    It all depends on a lot of things, as does any calorie burn, age, weight, amount of time, etc. If you can afford it, a good HRM is a must if you want accuracy. The internet cal counts are out to lunch, for my age I'm supposed to burn over 1200 cals in 75 mins of Bikram yoga (hot) but according to my Polar HRM I only burn 479 cals in 75 mins. Bit of a difference & considering you're supposed to eat your exercise cals, you have to make darn sure the count is correct.

  • ElementWater
    I've been told up to 700 cal/hour! but Im guessing it is going to vary depending on the person. I just did my first Hot Flow Yoga session today and absolutely loved it! drink LOTS of water before class, have a full jug with you, and don't forget a towel!!
  • perrim
    perrim Posts: 117
    I've done Bikram Yoga in the past and my advice to you would be don't go on a full or close to full stomach because you may puke but don't go on too empty of a stomach because you may pass out. It's a fine balance! And one I had a hard time finding which is why I don't do it anymore!