Waiting for my life to start


This is my first time attempting an online support group for weight loss and I have high hopes for this community. I have always been active and fit throughout my childhood and early high school years, it wasn't until my Junior year that I started to put on the weight with an unhealthy appetite for junk food. As the weight crept on I found myself becoming more of a recluse and watched my self esteem drop dramatically. I am now on the brink of turning 21 and have reached an all time high of 210 pounds at 5'5. They say it often takes someone to hit rock bottom before they can pick themselves up and I feel that my loss of self esteem and dismay of what I see in the mirror each day is more then enough to warrant a body intervention. Through weight loss, I hope to gain back my body, my self and my spirit. It is only when I am content and happy with myself will I be able to fully embrace and enjoy all that life has to offer.


  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    Hi I joined yesterday and its seems a great place there seems to be loads of support ,once you start to lose weight your confidence will soar ,add me as a friend if you like :)
  • mkwade7380
    mkwade7380 Posts: 37
    Well you have overcome the first hurdle, and that is making the choice to change. This is a great site, and there are lots of people on here with a lot of great advice. Track everything you eat, and make it a daily practice. There is a lot of motivation here, but you have to keep it in you as well. Hold yourself accountable for everything you do, and most importantly never give up. add me as a friend if you like.
  • dolliemixture
    welcome to mfp! i joined a couple of days ago and find it soooo useful. especially the calorie and exercise trackers.
    i'm the same weight and a similar height to you so if you want a buddy or even just a chat feel free to add me :)

  • mindalyn
    mindalyn Posts: 128 Member
    hi and welcome!!! its such an amazing site, with many resources to help you with! you're story sounds like mine and many others here. you can do it. if you need support there are many groups out there. feel free to add me too if you'd like. best of luck!