Is avocado worth the calories ?



  • flamber
    flamber Posts: 3
    Hi! I think most people will give 'avocado' a thumbs up. I use it with McCormick "Great Guacamole' seasoning mix. I use the whole avocado. The mix is only 10 calories per teaspoon. I then have a huge plate of viggies and still have a very lite, low calorie meal, or snack.
    It is usually right by the avocados. You could have a piece of protein with it....but for me is very filling. Enjoy! :D
  • mjchartrand
    mjchartrand Posts: 4 Member
    why oh why don't i feel the same way about celery as i do about avocado!!!
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    Absolutely. And I eat the whole one, which is why I pick them small, even if they are sold as a unit price. Unless I am sharing with hubby, then I get a bigger one. I have yet to find a fool-proof way of saving part of an avocado

  • thisisiamj
    thisisiamj Posts: 145 Member
    absolutely. When I have calories left-over, I eat an entire avocado with a bit of pink salt on top or sometimes, low-sodium soy sauce. One week, I ate one entire avocado for 4 days straight and it never hindered my weight loss.
  • zombiesama
    zombiesama Posts: 755 Member
    It most certainly is worth the calories!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I think it would depend on how many calories you have to spare.... if I was on a tight "budget" I would probably not eat an avocado. But.. I'm not.
  • SouthernSkylark
    SouthernSkylark Posts: 128 Member
    absolutely without a doubt!
  • HeidiHirtle
    HeidiHirtle Posts: 126 Member
    Love love love avocados! I probably eat some every day, but not more than 1/4 of a whole. Definitely worth the added nutrition and of course the added flavour, yum!
  • LeggyAmericanGirl
    LeggyAmericanGirl Posts: 285 Member
    I eat 1/2 avocado daily so its not really that high in calories. 125 calories of pure awesomeness.

    I mix mine with 7 grape tomatoes (food processed) and use it for a spread for sandwiches or tacos.
  • trobbin88
    trobbin88 Posts: 38 Member
    It's definately tres healthy but i hear ya on the calories thing. I love trail mix, and i know it's healthy but i have decided to omit it for a bit until i reach my goal or for a weekend treat. It bumps up my calories too much and leaves me feeling hungry to take those calories from somewhere else. I guess i could treadmill those Anyway, maybe do a half serving two days in row?
  • msbeeblebrox
    msbeeblebrox Posts: 133 Member
    In the summer, when they're ripe and cheap, I always think avocados are worth it. I tend to eat just 1/2 in a meal though, and save the other 1/2 for later.
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