Finished first week, looking for some friends

I want to add some accountability to my actions here on MyFitnessPal. Add me as a friend, I plan to stay active and involved. I am looking to take off 70 lbs. in the next year. Help me out and I will do the same for you!! I look forward to meeting everyone!:smile:


  • Midnight1210
    Midnight1210 Posts: 134 Member
    Welcome aboard! I've got about 65 lbs. to go, so we can cheer each other on.

  • grancran
    grancran Posts: 19 Member
    I understand about the accountability, I thought the same thing. This is only my second day on here but im going to be focused and keep up with it. I have lost 34 pounds so far on my own, but started to wave from know got in a slump and started eating everything i shouldnt and I wasnt weighing myself......sooooo here I am. I wish you well with the weight loss and i know with support from other ladies going through the same thing I think we will be able to do well
  • grancran
    grancran Posts: 19 Member
    Congrats Midnight on your weight loss so far, that is great. It is a great feeling isnt it, when you see the weight coming off and how you do feel better. Keep up the good work you are doing
  • Foxxy18
    Foxxy18 Posts: 119 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm 18, I log everyday and I've lost 20 pounds so far(:
  • venusinprogress
    venusinprogress Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, I need to lose 55 lbs and have started again (after last year and not focused or motivated). I need to lose weight both for my health and my vanity. Now Im 50, i'm hoping to add the fit and fab to that this year. I know that I will succeed if I have friends who will motivate me. Once I am motivated, I can help you to keep it up as well. Looking forward to this year. Its starting a bit late, (ive been waitng for warmer weather but have decided that its now or never.
  • johnsongirls
    johnsongirls Posts: 57 Member
    Feel free to add me too. I have about 40ish to lose. It really helps having friends on here.
  • I want to add some accountability to my actions here on MyFitnessPal. Add me as a friend, I plan to stay active and involved. I am looking to take off 70 lbs. in the next year. Help me out and I will do the same for you!! I look forward to meeting everyone!:smile:

    Sent request :)
  • Feel free to add me too. I have about 40ish to lose. It really helps having friends on here.

  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    Hello and welcome! Feel free to add me :)
  • latprin
    latprin Posts: 16
    Hi there, welcome. I log on daily. Feel free to add me.