What was your "ah-ha!" moment?



  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    My ah-ha moment happened back in 1986. That was back when MTV actually played music videos.

  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    When I reached climax.
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    When I reached climax.

    you mean when you could no longer see it happen?
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    When I reached climax.

    you mean when you could no longer see it happen?

  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    January, packing for a warm weather vacation and realizing that the clothes I wore in the Summer 5 months prior didn't fit well. Nowhere to buy Summer clothes in the middle of Winter on short notice so I was uncomfortable the whole trip.

    Vowed to do something about it when I got back. Signed up two days after returning and so pleased with the results so far!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    The day I realised I weighed more than I did just before I gave birth to my babies.......:noway:

  • triggsta
    triggsta Posts: 140
    I went to buy a pair of jeans.

    I had gone to wearing leggings and stretchy-type clothes. When I tried on a pair of jeans and I could barely pull on a size 14 pair of jeans, I knew it was too much. That was my tipping point. To this day, I have no idea what size I started my weight loss at. I'm assuming a 16-18 though. Now I'm a size 7-9 but getting to the point that I need to get smaller clothes.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    You know, that moment when you said, "OMG! I need to lose this weight!" And then you did it, you started losing.

    What was that moment for you?

    When I realized that I'd have to get a lot of expensive suits tailored if I kept my weight gain, and that my current clothes weren't fitting so well. I also realized that women weren't looking at me anymore, and there is the realization that if they aren't looking at me... no one is envying my wife, and that will just not stand.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I originally joined when in recovery from an eating disorder as I already counted calories obsessively.

    Once I was better I stopped, gained weight.

    Last year just before my birthday in March me and my friend were moaning about how fat we were, so decided that together we would avoid going to the chip shop and eating chocolate for a month, and just gradually reduce how much crap we were consuming. I joined on here, learnt a lot about food, calories, exercise etc and have now lost 21 inches. My friend is still the same size and chose her new boyfriend over all her friends so I haven't seen her in months.

    Now I'm the smallest I've been in years and my goal is set at 1880, whereas only a couple of years ago I was surviving on a bowl of cereal a day.
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    I was getting ready for a meeting where I was to give a presentation in front of 100+ people. And none of my smart clothes fitted. It was humiliating wearing a stretchy dress and cardigan instead of one of my lovely tailored skirts and blouses! So I decided I need either an entire new wardrobe (again) or drop a dress size. I dropped a dress size.
  • MoeMoe0111
    MoeMoe0111 Posts: 3 Member
    When one of my peers from another part of the country told me at a meeting "you haven't been to the gym lately, huh?". I'm not one of those people who really gives a s$&t about what people think, but at 220+ on a 5'10" frame, it jolted me into reality about my health. Now I am a regular at the gym and the rest of my family has followed. Now hovering around 190 and have maintained fairly well.
  • danilynn2
    danilynn2 Posts: 47 Member
    My "moment" was looking at picture seeing that I was "really THAT big". Deleting pictures off my camera "because that is a horrible picture of me"...then realizing I was deleting ALL pictures with me in them.

    I started MFP, much more seriously and am seeing that the hard work is paying off. I am so glad that I started the journey again. My kids need me and I want to be in their life, actively, for as long as possible.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    So I avoided getting pictures taken at all cost. The Christmas before last pictures were taken of me at the family Christmas party that I didn't notice and they were posted on facebook. When I bent over there were rolls of fat. I knew I wore hoodies all the time for a reason. Two weeks later, my mom died of diabetes at age 49. I was pretty depressed from Jan-April last year and had been thinking about but hadn't actually done anything about my own weight.

    Last May, I decided I was going to really lose the weight by calorie counting and exercising. I'm 35+ pounds down now and close to goal weight :)
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    I realised that I had only lost 3lb in the two years since I ended up in A&E with dangerously high blood pressure and had done nothing about my weight in all that time; my blood pressure had not been checked since I was discharged therefore the thought that I could end up back in hospital has made me determined to finally lose the weight once and for all.
  • SKMC0214
    SKMC0214 Posts: 58 Member
    I had many small AHA's that were not quite what I needed. Vacations pics, not being able to participate in activities with the family. A very close friend has been doing MFP since August of last year and has went from a size 22 to a 9, she looks amazing. Anyway, my final AHA was when I had begun wheezing when even walking short distances, like from my car to my office at work. or through the grocery store, I felt and looked horrible. My feet and legs would swell so bad, I could not wear shoes and looking like they were going to explode. I had a really bad wheezing day on Jan. 20 and realized the next day would have been my beloved fathers 74th birthday, however, we lost him when he was only 49, which was the end result of morbid obesity. I in 3 weeks I would to turn 45 and realized it was my time to make a change because I was following too closely in his footsteps. My Journey began on January 21, 2013, I am down 28 lbs and almost 80 inches. The sky is the limit and this is my time to shine!!! Good luck to you all!!!
  • milk6
    milk6 Posts: 29 Member
    Like above, lots of little ah-ha moments from 17-22 til after a series of panic attacks I shot up in just a few months whilst recovering with my french bf (many pain au chocolat!) and avoiding anything that raised my heart rate or id end up crying! It was the sudden change (rather than the slow weight gain that you dont notice day to day) in weight and in my shape that was my AH-HA?!?! moment.
    Now Im on here and can read other peoples progress its so much easier to keep on top of changing myself for the better. X
  • milk6
    milk6 Posts: 29 Member
    Like above, lots of little ah-ha moments from 17-22 til after a series of panic attacks I shot up in just a few months whilst recovering with my french bf (many pain au chocolat!) and avoiding anything that raised my heart rate or id end up crying! It was the sudden change (rather than the slow weight gain that you dont notice day to day) in weight and in my shape that was my AH-HA?!?! moment.
    Now Im on here and can read other peoples progress its so much easier to keep on top of changing myself for the better. X
  • hannahpark3r
    hannahpark3r Posts: 50 Member
    I've always been fat and I've always wanted to lose it, even when I was a kid. I realized when I started college last year that a lot of people are at the prime of their health at this point in their lives, but I'm certainly not. I figured, if I want to lose the weight, now is a good time to do it.
  • alychil820
    alychil820 Posts: 219 Member
    When my cousin jiggled my arm fat and told me I had 'bye bye arms'
  • swagtier
    swagtier Posts: 53
    I guess a lot of people see pictures of themselves, huh? Same for me. It's a sobering experience seeing a picture of yourself when you have such a different perception of yourself.