CNA-first day clinical jitters

So Thursday is my first day( I have 3 more next week) of clinical for the nursing assistant class I've been taking for the past month. Although I'm not the only one in my class feeling nervous I tend to always have a tough time the first day of anything new. I'm confident in my skills that I've learned but I hate that my hands shake when I'm nervous and I hope I don't get forgetful. I have volunteered in the nursing home before but I was a companion to a specific resident...and a few others who then adopted me also since they were in the same unit. For this clinical we are paired up with another in the class and will follow an employee's daily schedule. I guess I'm more worried about the reaction of the residents than actually doing the skills itself.

Anyone have any advice or experience to share about their first day of clinical or their first day as a caregiver???


  • tabbiekaye23
    tabbiekaye23 Posts: 61 Member
    Most things are common sense. Just take everything step by step and you will do great!
  • esmdaubney
    esmdaubney Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there...just go in there and do what you usually do! It's just another day! You say that you aren't nervous about the skills just nervous about the residents...honey they don't care as long as you are kind and friendly you are like a visitor to them. I think it is great that you used to volunteer at a nursing home and I am also glad that you are moving forward and getting your CNA! I am an RN in an Emergency Room and I LOVE what I do! Yes there are days and times still that I get a little nerved up....but take a deep breath and think to can I help this person feel better! I won't get all religious...but...there is a saying in the nursing world..."God doesn't give you anything he doesn't think you can handle.......I wish he didn't trust me so much!" I was also a nursing assistant while I was going to nursing school...I feel your pain..LOL!! Stick with can do it! GOOD LUCK! let me know how you make out!
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    Sounds like my first day of blood collection on real patients... my trainer told me to walk into the room and pretend that I'd been doing collections since forever and just have confidence, even if you're not actually 100% ready. (Jumping in feet-first, if you will.) Patients (or, residents, or clients, etc.) depend on you, and even if you don't do whatever you're doing to their satisfaction (or, more commonly, to your own satisfaction) they're usually very understanding. And, remember, if someone snaps at you, it's not necessarily something you did--maybe they're tired or upset for some other reason. Act professionally and with a ton of confidence and you'll rock it!
  • sullby
    sullby Posts: 8 Member
    You will do fine, just know that first days are always the hardest and things get better. you will always run into something new you may never seen before, but once you've experienced the situation they become less of a OMG WHAT DO I DO? EW! and more of a lets fix this and move on. as long as your caring and cleanly you'll be great! also VIX Vapor rub under the nostrils is a life saver at first
  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    I was a CNA for 5 years. It's easy! You can do it!!!