What was your "ah-ha!" moment?



  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I had 2 very close together. Number 1 I have 2 sons with autism and one also has ADHD one day the Piers who has autism/ADHD ran away from me he nearly got hit by a car I weighed 180lbs and was too unfit to catch him I vowed I would lose weight and get fit I started running the day after. 2, my father in law treated us to a holiday in a nice hotel he told me the dress code was casual I was overweight and had no nice clothes, the first night we went down to dinner and everyone was dressed up I was mortified I wanted to sit down at the table and disappear but with 2 young children this was impossible, I cried myself to sleep when I went to bed that night I couldn't wait to get home to get back on my fitness plan and it ruined the holiday. A year later we returned to the same hotel and I went to dinner every night dressed up to the nines and feeling a million dollars. I will not go back to that frumpy overweight woman that is not me we are going back to the same hotel again this year and my daughter and I have our evening outfits planned and I will be visiting the gym everyday that is the real me.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    You mean this?

  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    My A-ha moment ?

    When the sun no longer shined on TV . . . sorry, could not resist.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I had a small stroke! I was in total shock, but thank God I recovered 100%. Right after I had the stroke, my older sister (53), had 3 strokes and became permanently disabled. A few months later @179lbs and 50 years old, my neurologist told me that I had a blood clotting disorder that would also add to my stroke risk. My blood pressure was 190/110, and my stress was through the roof. I decided that I had to do SOMETHING, anything, but I was going to start. That day, Christmas Eve 2011, I started walking. I decided that in order for me to stick to it, I'd walk slow enough to enjoy it, so I'd do it again. Now that I was serious, the pounds started coming off for good. Now I run 3-5 miles a day, lift, bike, hike, swim and I still walk once in a while, just for fun!
  • Aza_
    Aza_ Posts: 7
    My sister was hospitalized after struggling with bulimia. I never had a true eating disorder but I realized shortly afterward that I had all sorts of self-esteem and weight perception issues. I wasn't taking care of myself and I was making every excuse not to, but the truth is, I never felt like I was important enough to take care of. My husband would always tell me that I needed to take time for myself, or that I needed to eat better... I always shrugged it off and said I had so many things to do, didn't have time. Then one day he asked me, why don't you take better care of yourself? The first thought that popped into my mind was... taking care of me isn't worth the effort. Then it hit me... what that meant, how that mindset had been affecting my whole life. I don't want my daughters to grow up feeling that way about themselves and on bad days that is the only thing that keeps me going.
  • allie_rat
    allie_rat Posts: 49 Member
    I was in the largest size clothing I've ever needed and everything started getting a lot tighter...I couldn't face shopping for a bigger size (again).
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    when someone yelled "EEWWWW!!!" at me while I was walking on the Strip with my friends.
    I thought I looked cute in a tank and jeans. I had no idea I had gotten so fat.
    I stayed up all night an evaluated myself and made a plan.
    I started eating better and exercising. I lost 20 lbs in 3 months.

    That was 12 years ago. I've lost more since then (and gained and lost) but that night was devastating and I've never been that heavy since.
  • Bootjockey
    Bootjockey Posts: 208 Member
    I didn't have any AH-HA! moment...it was a lifetime of disappointments along the way. I think maybe the most discouraging thing was going on a cruise with my wife, and not being able to get out of the terminal in Bermuda for our stop, without having to go find a place to sit down. And my wife being so disappointed in me.

  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    I was playing Just Dance 4 with my kids. At the end of the song we watched the "highlights" and I commented about how horrible I looked. I asked my son, he was honest, I nearly tripped over my feet trying to get to the treadmill. Plus, I have a class reunion this summer.
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    The day I walked up a flight of stairs and started panting
  • Julesbait
    Julesbait Posts: 190 Member
    At my last doctor appointment, by blood pressure was 150/100.

    Had it taken again yesterday after 2.5 weeks of healthy eating and exercise, and losing 10 lbs. It was 106/70. Wow. This stuff really works!
  • myironlungx3
    myironlungx3 Posts: 4 Member
    When I found squeezing into a uk size 10/US 6 a struggle
    and I know thats not a big size at all but i've been gaining weight and I do not like the way I look at all and I just want to tone up and feel okay with my body and fit back into my clothes properly again without feeling like i'm being suffocated
    plus i want a nice butt
    like a really nice butt because mine is a pancake
  • hannah_ryann
    hannah_ryann Posts: 259 Member
    My ah-ha moment was when I signed up for the biggest loser challenge at my work. I stepped on the scale expecting 170 something, but I weighed in at 189.5 (I'm 5'3). I'm getting married in October and I realized if I wanted to look back on my wedding pictures and remember the happy times, instead of how fat I looked in my wedding dress, I needed to make my health a priority. Since that ah ha moment, I've lost 25 pounds and next week is the last weigh in for the biggest loser competition (i'm winning out of 60 people lol). I've taken this lifestyle change very seriously and I believe that I will be able to maintain my goal weight of 140 pounds when I reach it.
  • ges11
    ges11 Posts: 1 Member
    I joined MFP about 8 months ago, deciding to get into shape. I had no motivation, though.
    My..I guess.."ah-ha" moment is going to sound ridiculous- but I had a dream I was thinner, beautiful, confident, and having a happy life. I don't want this to be a dream. I want it to be a reality. Starting today, I will be trying my best! :)
  • I was sitting on my bed eating chips and a large Texas cinnamon roll drinking dr pepper. I looked over at my mirror and was disgusted by what I saw. I made the decision then that it was way past time. I got online and ordered an elliptical machine. I got it and put it together. Started using it March 1st of this year. I was 154 pounds. Today, I am at 144.6. I know it will be a slow process, but I am sure excited about what my future holds!! Only 29 pounds to go!
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    Thanks so much everyone =)

    I really needed this motivation. I found my "ah-ha" moment once and lost a bunch of weight before getting pregnant a 2nd time. Since having my 2nd baby (8 months ago) I cannot seem to find the motivation to move forward. I can really really relate to some of your experiences though!

    Thanks so much for all of the responses!
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I was working in Greece for 6 months, surrounded by size 8 (UK, I believe a size 4 US) girls and 2 months into it my boyfriend of a year broke up with me and began sleeping with girls who were a lot smaller than me.
    I also religiously deleted pictures of me where I looked fat and untagged on FB ones that were unflattering, I left Greece with maybe 10-12 pictures of me when there must have been pictures taken of me on a nightly basis.
    Then I came to France, depressed after the breakup and with little to no self confidence. That's when I decided I had to make a change so that when I walked into a room I didn't feel ashamed or like people were thinking of me as the fat girl, but that I wanted to be confident in my skin and never feel as low as I had done in Greece.

    Oh... I'd like to point out I went to a holiday island in Greece where it's all sex and alcohol.. after my boyfriend dumped me not a single person wanted to have sex with me. Ha... drunk or sober.
  • marikaCL
    marikaCL Posts: 276 Member
    When someone at work poked me in the stomach and asked if i was pregnant :(