A Year Ago Today....

Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
A year ago today, I was in the hospital for a chronic health condition. That experience was the impetus for making better decisions and taking control of my life. With the support of my (incredibly caring and committed) physician, I took steps to make my life better. An entire year has passed and my life has been transformed.

Then: I was overweight and out of shape. :sad: :sad: I walked my dog a few times a week - that was the extent of my exercise. Nutrition meant nothing to me. I blamed my inertia and lethargic state on my job, which was crazy and highly stressful. :explode: My preferred coping mechanism was to vent and gripe while drinking beer after beer,:drinker: pounding a bag of cheetos and a pan of brownies. Really stressful days = shots AND beer AND candy AND burgers. You get the picture. Day in, day out: go to work, get pissed off, internalize it, eat a bunch of crap, come home (or go out with friends), ***** and drink. I was tired, and miserable, and on top of it, trying to appear perfectly fine and happy. Talk about a recipe for disaster.

Now: I'm about 35 pounds lighter. :love: MFP has taught me about nutrition and understand so much more how what I'm eating affects my body. MFP has also been an amazing support community for fitness. And this is how I learned to truly manage stress. The stress didn't disappear, but my dysfunctional coping skills did. In September, I ran for 30 minutes straight, thanks to the Couch to 5K program. In May, I reached my personal best - ran 5.5 hilly miles without stopping. :bigsmile: I've shredded with Jillian, I've Banished my Fat and Boosted my Metabolism, Carved away those Trouble Zones and kicked the crap out of Cardio Kickboxing (still Jillian, all the way). I've played with Pilates and dabbled in yoga. My most recent adventures include Zumba, hiking, snorkeling and swimming- each of which I LOVE. A year ago, I didn't have the confidence to give these things a try. Now you can't keep me on the couch. :wink:

I will be eternally grateful to the good doctor for shining a light and taking the time to care and really help, and to MFP for being such a great source of information and support.:flowerforyou: And... to myself. For deciding I was worth it. I am absolutely amazed. :happy:


  • kimberly428
    kimberly428 Posts: 237
    You rock!!! Thanks for sharing!
  • mbk1970
    mbk1970 Posts: 33 Member
    I am very glad to here you thank yourself!! Nice job, congratulations!
  • dmstephens
    dmstephens Posts: 13
    Thank you for sharing! Keep it up and know you are not alone. Congratulations on doing a great job.:smile:
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    What an inspiring personal experience! You should be feeling very proud of yourself :flowerforyou:
  • justahorsen
    justahorsen Posts: 234
    WTG!!! This is very, very motivating for me....I know this is not a quick over night process and to read your "one year" story is inspiring me to continue on my journey....thanks for writing this!!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Thank you to each of you for the supportive comments. I DO feel proud and, beyond that, amazed. It's not just my physical state that's been transformed. It's my attitude as well.

    Thank you again for appreciating this post! I just had to share it!
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    Inspirational!!! Thanks for sharing :)
  • moonbug
    moonbug Posts: 10 Member
    I just joined last week... My brother in-law got me signed up... I love it so far... I was on Weight Watchers.. but have to pay for the site.. and this one is almost the same.. but better because its free and it shows cal. counting not points... Your success.. has inspired me...I want to walk/or run a 5 k some day... Thank you for making if seem possible. ~Moon Bug~
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Aw, moonbug, you can TOTALLY do it! I'd love to support you on your journey - it's so exciting and liberating to take those running steps!!!! I just did 4.6 miles today.... can't wait to hear you say "I DID IT!!!!"
  • cpendergrass
    cpendergrass Posts: 7 Member
    that's awesome! i hope i can share the same thing by next year!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Oh my gosh that was so awesome to read - thank you so much for reminding us why its worth it..WE ARE WORTH IT!!
  • nachoqtpie
    nachoqtpie Posts: 81
    Wow!! What an amazing story!! I remember about 4 years ago, I was the one running 5 miles a day, then I let life get in the way of everything and ballooned up to almost 200 pounds! I'm looking forward to being able to go that 5 miles again and come back wringing with sweat and look at my husband and feel just as great as I used too!!
    Thanks for being the inspiration that I need to kick myself in the butt to get going!!
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    Inspiring story. Great job. Keep moving and keep smiling.
  • Barberoni
    Barberoni Posts: 7
    I'm fairly new to this site. I just want to thank you for your encouraging post. Every year I say to myself, " Next year at this time I will be 50 lbs lighter!". But then life gets in the way and before you know it the year is up and nothing has happened as far weightloss is concerned. The past few years I've have had some health challenges and have felt like crap most of the time. In Oct of '09 I had my thyroid removed and a hysterectomy within 2 weeks of each other. Since then I have felt a whole lot better and don't feel like 'death warmed over'. My weight loss goal is 55 lbs and so far this year I have lost 20 lbs. At times it gets discouraging and I want to give up but then today I saw your post and your pictures and you have really helped me get back on track mentally so that I can keep up with the exercise and watching my calorie intake. Thanks for scattering sunshine today. I needed it!
  • SunShineBeastess
    SunShineBeastess Posts: 225 Member
    What a great story! - I have decided I want to run a 5K and have started out slow on the walk/run adventures...but I really want to do this by this fall....You prove that it is all up to YOU to change and make good choices.
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    WOW!:noway: What a journey!:flowerforyou: Congratulations!!:bigsmile:
  • jenuwine
    jenuwine Posts: 57
    WOWdible post thanks so much for sharing! So very inspirational. Although I havent yet had huge success with MFP its been a great starting place for me and Im addicted to loggin my excercise and cals and very eager to always improve. love the community aspect of support too.
  • georgette70
    georgette70 Posts: 158
    LOVED your post!! Thanks for sharing, very inspirational!!!!!
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