How do you people do it???

cln714 Posts: 174 Member
I am married and my husband works nights and I work days. I have no children, well, except for my two dogs. We currently live in my small condo that I had before I was married because we haven't been able to sell it.

What I am trying to say here is this, I don't have much to do after work. It doesn't take me long to take care of my dogs and clean and pick up the condo each day. Yet this is what my weekdays are like: I come home from work change clothes and go work out for about 1 hr or so. I come home, shower, eat, feed the dogs and take them out, sit down on the couch to watch tv or read and end up falling asleep.

I can't help but wonder how you people with children and husbands and large homes and yards to take care of have time for exercise. I barely have the time myself.

Do you have more hours in your day than I do?... because I only get 24. :( Do you have any tips or tricks that you use? If so, please share. :)


  • momster18
    momster18 Posts: 7
    I have found mowing my lawn with a hand mower is a huge calorie burner. Also, walking my dogs, grooming my horses, and cleaning my barn all counts for calories burned during the day. I get to the gym maybe twice a week. I work full time, except for summers (I'm a teacher), have a large old farm house that needs constant care, a husband who is a great help, but getting to the gym is my challenge.

    So, I guess the answer to your question is: Exercise can come in all forms! :-) That's how I do it!

    Hope this helps!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Married mom of 1 18 month old. It's two things for me. 1) I had to want it bad enough to do what I needed to do to get it done. 2) That turned out to be not watching TV so I could get in bed around 9 in order to be able to get up before everyone else wakes up at 5 to exercise. Not fun at all when I started, but I wanted it bad enough then, and now, sometimes it's hard to get up, but I feel SO MUCH better the rest of the day when I just go ahead and do it. Now it's sort of self-reinforcing, which is nice....although this morning was a b****. Good luck!
  • karlowe
    karlowe Posts: 92 Member
    all I know is that I started this journey to be healthy and be around for my family! I guess they ARE my motivation. I do Zumba most of the time in the living room and that enables me to cook at the same time after work. of course my children are older..almost 16 and 18 so I am not having to change diapers and bathe kids! I think we make time for what we catergorize as important to us. Keep up all the hard work!!!! Best of luck!!!:smile:
  • scott24
    scott24 Posts: 132
    I am walking during my lunch hour at work - about two miles - and still have time in the hour to grab a quick bite before settling into work. What has really worked for me is simply tracking my food - if I did nothing more than that I would stay on target for losing my weight. The added exercise is like a bonus and now I feel cheated when I don't get it in. I never believed people before when they would say you actually get adicted to it, but it is true! I also never felt I had the time, but I've found time is where you make it. Good luck!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I do have a small home however two children (2 and 5) so it gets pretty messy. I however am a stay at home mom so I think that makes it a tad easier. I do not get to work out everyday though. We were walking alot when i started but my 5 year old has started hating walking and it has become far to hot. I struggle everyday with having the energy to do some kind of work out a few times a week. I think onceyou have all the things you need to do that u didnt have before you get used to it and just go wtih the flow so to speak. Ask me again in september how i make time for anything once we start homeschooling my 5 year old. YIKES! scared me thinking about it. Most days it feels like i cook clean cook clean cook somemore and then clean before sitting down at 8 to watch an hour program on tv without falling asleep on the couch lol.

    I guess in all that rambling my only tip would be to get on a consistant REALISTIC schedule nad just stick to it. Maybe not work out everyday, get in little bits of exercise here and there like walking dogs or parking far away at work.
  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member
    I am a single mom of 3 (13, 9 and 6), full time job and a 2 hour commute (on a good day)...most of the time I feel like I only have 20 hours in a I am going to follow up on this post to see if I can use any of the tips...
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom with an 18 month old. Its not so easy. When baby is sick or teething, workouts don't happen every day bc I'm too exhausted. But when everything is going smoothly, I have 2 hours of naptime, and 1 hour of tv time, so I work out and shower and do everything else during those three hours.

    Also, I walk almost a mile to and from the playground with my son every day and that's on top of my elliptical work out. Its not like when you have kids you sit on the couch and not leave the house. In fact, leaving the house now burns way more calories than it did before I had my son. And because of my son, everything in my home is healthy. There is no junk at all, and most meals are home cooked, so its actually a bit easier to stay focused now than it was before I was married and I was working all day.
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    I have 2 stepdaughters 13 and 9 and one biological daughter 2 I work full time, and my husband works out of town Sunday through Friday. I had an EXTREMELY hard time finding a way to get my workouts in. I am fortunate to have a 1 hour lunch break so I do a 30-45 minute fast walk with hand weights. I also have Karate and Bible study that take up my evening hours and by the time we get home for dinner and clean up its 9 and so the kids and I get some Wii in for a good 30 minutes before bed. I am so exhausted by the time I get in bed now I have no time for TV. I started this routine about 6 weeks ago and I have lost 28 pounds in total. Granted I have almost 200 pounds to lose, but I gained it all by sitting on my hiney and watching TV and eating. I said no more to that and got up and started playing hard with the kids. I have sooooo much more energy now that I dont even want to watch TV. The girls at work are always standing around talking about some TV show or another and I have no idea what they are talking about, but I wouldnt trade it for the world!!!
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    Maybe you could go for a walk with your doggies. My dog loves to go with me!!!!!
  • Paul76
    Paul76 Posts: 158
    Our kids (4 and 2) are early to bed and early to rise, so they go to bed between 7 and 7:30. That gives me time to run or bike (I'm not a gym person - I prefer being outdoors), have a shower, do some household stuff (laundry, dishes, etc.), shower, bit of TV, and in bed at 10 with kids up around 6.

    Weekends are left for bigger chores such as lawn mowing, car washing, groceries, etc. Weekends are easy to get exercise in - I'll usually run or bike on Sat and Sun mornings at around 6:30 am. Still have the rest of the day for family and errands.

    Edit: When and if you have the kids and the house to go along with the husband, you simply learn to prioritize and get efficient. You figure it out by doing, there's little prep you can do in advance because there's no way to simulate it.
  • Catzeyez
    Catzeyez Posts: 35
    It's hard but you find the time. I have two kids under 6 and they are time consuming. I'm not doing the gym thing but am still finding time to dance and exercise 10 mins here, 10 mins there. I even go to the bathroom upstairs because that means I have to do the stairs always. As long as you stay active, keep moving you'll burn calories. Just make sure you stick to your calorie intake and do what you can example, dancing, chores even, walk a little faster when walking your dogs, maybe even jog. At work if you sit a lot or you have time at lunch, take 5lbs dumbbells and do a little weight training for 5 mins-10mins you don't necessarily have to go to the gym or take an hour out of your day to get in the exercise you need. Just keep moving! :)
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    my fiance works nights too and I have a 7 year old. so far through this journey I have found it to be a challange to work out with a 40+ job, taking care of my son, getting dinner on the table etc. But I have to say having my finace's support has been the best help. He has noticed how great I feel about myself when I do work out that he is encouraging me to go to classes now. He's making dinners and doing homework a couple days a week so I can go work out. And when I can't get out I work around my house after my son goes to bed or first thing before he wakes up.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    My wife and I both work full time, we have 2 kids and a dog and a house. We make a schedule and stick to it, my wife works out at lunch and we attend classes together. I also go in the morning on Wednesday. THis involves coming home and eating real quick and heading up the gym, but you gotta make it work./
  • kalebsmama07
    kalebsmama07 Posts: 503
    i have only one child but i work nites and my hubby works days so when i dont have to work at nite when i have my few days off a week i make myself take an hr and go to the gym or find something to do to exercise for one hr! it makes a diffrence but the hardest part is making my self take that one hr to myself instead of cleaning or laundry or sumthing!
  • Fawkes
    Fawkes Posts: 50
    My husband and I work opposite shifts as well and we have a 5 month old daughter. We rarely get to see each other, but our daughter doesn't have to go into day care. So at nights, I'm with her by myself since my husband works.

    We don't have a terribly big home either, but we split up chores during the week. So the dishes might not get done EVERY day, but they do get done. The same goes for the rest of the chores, vacuming, laundry, etc... I try to pick up stuff and keep it tidy (mostly so the dog doesn't get into anything) but I save major cleaning for when we're both there and he can help out.

    My biggest tip is multi-task and spread things out during the week :) We also do cloth diapers, so we do more than normal amount of laundry (but not an insane amount). I want to be able to enjoy myself and relax as well, so I make the most out of commercials and my daughters nap times. If I'm watching TV I'll load the dishwasher during at a commercial and maybe run down and start a load of laundry. If I have to fold, I bring it upstairs and I fold and watch my daughter at the same time (when she gets old enough, she'll be helping). "Me" time is after my baby goes to sleep. that's when I can sit and read, or do something like that.

    i also exercise during my lunch hour at work. I do a 40 minute work out, shower, and eat food before my time is up. Its the ONLY time I can get a work out in, I have nobody to watch my daughter, so doing it after work is out of the question and before, well, I already get up too early :)
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    I get up at 6 every week day morning to work out before my husband has to leave for work (I'm a part-time teacher, so off now). Weekends I sleep in until 7, haha! This is the only way it works for me. Too busy evenings and have too many other things to get done after kids are in bed. I like to run or walk outside, so sometimes I will go out in the evening if it rains in the am. Thank goodness my husband is very supportive or that wouldn't work. Luckily my kids are 3 and 6 so they can lay in my bed and watch TV or play while I shower. I used to get up at 5 sometimes when they were really little so I could work out and shower before my husband left for work. Honestly when they were babies I took it day by day and hoped to get in some kind of exercise most days. Also had a 10-minute solutions DVD and did segments throughtout the day. Did lots of long stroller walks and rode bike with the trailer too, but they're too big now. Like people have said, you have to want it bad and make it work. Where there's a will there's a way!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I don't watch telly and I don't sit down!! ... except to eat and to use MFP!! lol
    I'm a single mum :o)
    And no, there is never enough hours in the day, always have more to do.
    I doubt I'll ever get everything done!!
    :o) hey ho!!
  • LittleMissAngi
    LittleMissAngi Posts: 243 Member
    I work full time 9:30-6:30 Mon-Fri
    My son will be 2 in August
    and I also go to school part time.

    When I get home, fix dinner, clean it all up, give my son a bath, put him down by 8-8:30... do my 30 min work out, then shower, then go to bed, or if I have energy I will watch tv for an hour or so. I go to bed about 10:30 or 11 most nights.

    I am thankful that I work at an office that will let me do school work when I have nothing else to do. Sat/Sun I do laundry, vacuum and all those chores as well as going to campus to take a test (I do online)

    I know I can get more done if I were to get up earlier, but mornings just are not my friend!
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    I have 5 kids. They keep me busy, the body they gave me is all the motivation I need to do it. Taking time for me, and making myself feel good, that's more important. Happy Mom equals Happy Kids! They also see a role model, someone who cares about themself enough to be healthy! Sometimes they even jump in and do it with me!
    Just do it!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    thank you for recognizing the struggles working parents have (mom's especially)....
    honestly i dont know how i do it and will probably never know but i just do IT......

    i'm aiming to work out 3 times a week in am so i leave the house at 540 and get back by 715...we get 2 kids up and dressed along with ourselves....3 breakfast made/served (my hubby doesnt eat breakfast) and then 4 lunches made too....we head out the door by 8-815 with either one or two drop off and head to work from 9-915ish until 5 when i then head back to get my kids from 2 different places and head home from there..

    my husband was at home (laid off) for over a year and was taking care of dinner EVERY was a GOD we are both working: i get home at 6ish with 2 kids in tow and he gets in around 630ish...making one meal that is good for all of us is a constant pain in the a*s.....i have the best intentions to plan out the week and serve one meal for everyone but my son is picky as *kitten* and my daughter will eat pretty much anything we i have to find a balance to satisfy all our meal needs...i have started just making ONE meal and if they eat it great, if they don't oh well tomorrow is another day with more food for you lol....

    i'm very fortunate that my mom and step dad get my kids one night a week from school and i go to the gym for a 2hr workout and sometimes get my shopping and errands done too before i pick them up at 9 and then come home and throw them into bed and then we enjoy chinese takeout and "relax" together watching a show :)

    i get 2 workouts in on the weekend almost guaranteed with group power class on saturday (kids go to the gym daycare for an hour to play or stay home with daddy) and an early beach walk in the am on sunday (they are all still sleeping when i sneak out at 630)...

    so to answer your question - we just do.....we have to and we just do it.....luckily i survive on 6hrs of sleep most nights cause i sure as *kitten* dont get more than that with kids often waking me up to go pee in the night.....

    again thanks for recognizing the struggles other have....not to say that you have it easy, but man most times i wish it were that simple for me (would never give up my life but simple is always better than complicated LOL)

    ps....planning out the activities you plan on doing for the week and actually putting them ON THE CALENDAR is the key for me...i know what i have to do and when so there is no surprise when saturday (my last day of the week) comes and i haven't already done 4 workouts...saturday is always my 5th or more so i know where i stand....i think the key to it all is planning planning planning - workouts, menus, shopping, chores....schedules and lists are the keys to success with a busy lifestyle...