Is it possible to get a flabby tummy completely flat?

Well im starting my weight loss journey and keeping my fingers crossed that it works.
But one of the main issues i have with my body is that I have a flabby tummy, hanging/pouch belly and it really bothers me. I was wondering whether it is possible to get rid of it and to have a flat stomach?
Also would there be excess skin left over because I want to avoid any excess.

Thanks :)


  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    totally possble - lift heavy and eat at a deficit - and be patient. Stronglifts 5x5 and NROLFW are great resources for lifting.
  • verzanie
    verzanie Posts: 54 Member
    Ive lost a lot around my tummy doing insanity but I find it the hardest weight to lose and yes you will get some lose skin need to do a lot of cardio and abs exercises
  • fitnessfortash
    totally possble - lift heavy and eat at a deficit - and be patient. Stronglifts 5x5 and NROLFW are great resources for lifting.
    Ohh well thats a relieve. but would lifting make me gain muscle? because i have a lot of fat to loose so should i do lifting after goal weight loss or during?
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Ive lost a lot around my tummy doing insanity but I find it the hardest weight to lose and yes you will get some lose skin need to do a lot of cardio and abs exercises

    I'm sorry, but this is wrong, very wrong. You do NOT need to do lots of cardio. Just do enough to get you nice and warmed up, and then lift heavy. I agree with a previous poster that New Rules Of Lifting For Women (NROLFW) is a great tool.
  • fitnessfortash
    Ive lost a lot around my tummy doing insanity but I find it the hardest weight to lose and yes you will get some lose skin need to do a lot of cardio and abs exercises
    ahh well i can be a bit more optimistic now, thank you :) and i only do aerobics at the moment with a calorie controlled diet so i guess this isnt the best way?
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    totally possble - lift heavy and eat at a deficit - and be patient. Stronglifts 5x5 and NROLFW are great resources for lifting.
    Ohh well thats a relieve. but would lifting make me gain muscle? because i have a lot of fat to loose so should i do lifting after goal weight loss or during?

    You can lose weight and build muscle simultaneously. Don't wait to lose weight first, start lifting NOW, you will be really glad you started early--I wish I had.
  • fitnessfortash
    Ive lost a lot around my tummy doing insanity but I find it the hardest weight to lose and yes you will get some lose skin need to do a lot of cardio and abs exercises

    I'm sorry, but this is wrong, very wrong. You do NOT need to do lots of cardio. Just do enough to get you nice and warmed up, and then lift heavy. I agree with a previous poster that New Rules Of Lifting For Women (NROLFW) is a great tool.
    Ohh that sounds not to bad then :o but ive never tried lifting as im currently only doing aerobics. should i try aerobics and lifting combined?
  • Terree_G
    Terree_G Posts: 69 Member
    It is possible, yes, but it does take patience! Do NOT start out lifting heavy. Nobody starts out with heavy weights. Work your way up with the weights. Ab exercises are not the magical solution for belly fat; they WILL strengthen your abs, but they will not "spot-reduce" fat in that particular part of the body. Be patient. It is slow going to get rid of that jiggly belly flab -- mine is disappearing, but it is definitely not a fast process. Do a good combination of exercise that will benefit your ENTIRE body -- cardio, weight training, etc. Fat will burn off every part of the body, including the stomach.
  • fitnessfortash
    totally possble - lift heavy and eat at a deficit - and be patient. Stronglifts 5x5 and NROLFW are great resources for lifting.
    Ohh well thats a relieve. but would lifting make me gain muscle? because i have a lot of fat to loose so should i do lifting after goal weight loss or during?

    You can lose weight and build muscle simultaneously. Don't wait to lose weight first, start lifting NOW, you will be really glad you started early--I wish I had.
    Ohh thank you so much for the help :) I will definetly look into starting some lifting then
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    As another woman who fully endorses the NROL4W program, the only cardio I do is the cardio I WANT to do. I do zumba because I want to, I am (trying) to learn how to run so I can compete in a 5k and not die because I want to.

    It's hard to wrap your mind around lifting heavy and not doing hours and hours of cardio, but read NROL4W. Seriously. It will make more sense when you read the book. Also, you have to trust it, it does work, but you have to have patience. It will give you a lot of useful tools to start lifting. Also, if you can afford it, a PT is another great resource for learning how to lift. (PS, you won't get bulky).
  • travishalogod
    travishalogod Posts: 25 Member
    You can definitely lose the belly fat, its a process though, above working out, the most important is your diet, stick to it and make sure your macros are as perfect as you can make them to eat the fat. Cardio is good but weights are better, the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn. Stick to it and you'll get a flat belly in no time.. but depending on how much you lose, there will be extra skin.. You can help that be less now if you start to exfoliate regualarly and use a skin firming body lotion.. This will help your skin cells stay tight as they can.. and make sure to drink a ton of water. a gallon a day, no joke.

    you got this
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Ive lost a lot around my tummy doing insanity but I find it the hardest weight to lose and yes you will get some lose skin need to do a lot of cardio and abs exercises

    I'm sorry, but this is wrong, very wrong. You do NOT need to do lots of cardio. Just do enough to get you nice and warmed up, and then lift heavy. I agree with a previous poster that New Rules Of Lifting For Women (NROLFW) is a great tool.

    My trainer tried to tell me that since my goal is lose inches, I will be spending my time in the cardio room not the weights. I tried not to laugh. (I had 4 sessions with a personal trainer- to work on form and talk about my goals)

    SO, I didn't do cardio((simple 10 minute easy warms ups is all), only strength trained. eat a deficit.. and lost inches. crazy stuff.
  • christinazaia
    christinazaia Posts: 135 Member
    ty every1 ur information is great knews 4 me, ive always had a hanging belly, never thought it would ever go away- and man...ive been trying everything over the years, i will def try harder!!!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    totally possble - lift heavy and eat at a deficit - and be patient. Stronglifts 5x5 and NROLFW are great resources for lifting.
    Ohh well thats a relieve. but would lifting make me gain muscle? because i have a lot of fat to loose so should i do lifting after goal weight loss or during?

    You can lose weight and build muscle simultaneously. Don't wait to lose weight first, start lifting NOW, you will be really glad you started early--I wish I had.

    I also speak from experience - I wish i had learned about heavy lifting earlier on in my weight loss. Now I am trying to repair the squishy parts left from a high cardio routine for a year. In 16 weight training workouts (never having lifted before) I lost an inch on waist, an inch on tummy (at belly button) and an inch on my hips. Most effective thing I have ever done.