New mom

dezcast Posts: 429 Member
Hey, Im a 26 y.o new mom to a beautiful girl. I just had her in December. Since I had her I can't seem to find the motivation to get my butt in gear and keep healthy, I lost the baby weight (Not that I gained much) and am down a size already but that is just from having no time to eat and be healthy. Im looking for support and someone to keep me going and help me have the motivation to not be unhealthy. Any other new moms have any advice?


  • hdsquared
    hdsquared Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats on your new baby girl!

    Best advice I have is enjoy the time you have and slowly add in the healthy ingredients to your food list and some exercise. Depending on where you live take her for walks outside, they love to see the different scenery. I used to do a workout video while my kid napped and or just put him on the ground next to me. Seeing mommy jump around was pretty funny apparently.

    Pinterest has lots of great ideas for healthy food with not a lot of effort.

    Again good luck! And I'm right there with ya, just had baby #3 in Feb. :)