chronic pain

leotardbanshee Posts: 92 Member
I have been in pain since about August of last year. I suppose if you've been in pain for longer than 6 month. s it becomes chronic pain. I understand I haven't been in pain that long and I feel for others out there that are in worse condition than I am. My question is... how does one stay positive and optimistic while in pain and not become a crabby jerk. ( my pain is mainly due to gallbladder and other digestive issues as well as shoulder pain related to a previous rotatory cuff surgery) sometimes I hurt while doing the most basic tasks I.e. doing dishes. And it almost feels like people dont realize, care or believe that I'm hurting. I want to be positive happy and optimistic but ive been cranky and irritable due to not sleeping and just being sad that I cant do the things I used to right now. Please help. Also please don't troll or I will make you wish you didn't. I am sick of trolls on these forums. I am crabby and in pain and a scorpio. Don't mess with me. Lol


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    There is a prolytic enzme called serrapeptase that my cousin swears by. He had horrible chronic knee pain and swelling. Ask your doctor about it. I get really cranky too especially when pain isn't letting me get a good night's sleep. Good luck.
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    That sounded like me last year. I was in and out of the doctors a lot trying to get help. Finally figured out I have Fibromyalgia. When I was in one of those "moods" I would step away and breath. I would snap for no reason really.

    I would say talk to your doctor and try and relax. Body pillows helped me to sleep some.. but honestly I tossed and turned until I got sleeping pills.
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    toomuchbootyindapants Posts: 811 Member
    I don't know how you do it. When I'm in pain for a week I'm a total bear to deal with. I've adjusted to dealing with DOMS but that is totally different from the pain that diagnosed people deal with. My only suggestions would be to focus on the good in your life - even if some days you are only grateful for the roof over your head or heat in your home. Make a blessings journal where you count up three or five things everyday that you are grateful for and write them down. Focus on what is going right in your life and every time a negative thought pops in your mind, shoot it down with a positive declaration. And dare I say - try to be grateful for the pain, even, because it means you have that body part and you CAN feel it - you are not crippled or injured in some way that you'll never be able to use it again (something to be grateful for in the end, right?). That's all I got hon.
  • I hear you. I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia after about a 3-month flare up of everyday constant pain, and years of on and off severe flare ups of pain that the doctors always thought was some kind of muscle disorder. Stupid doctors. Anyway, I taught myself how to meditate and it VASTLY improved my outlook on life, and helped me able to deal with pain better. Maybe that would help you? I sit in a dark quiet room and just concentrate on my breathing and every time I breathe out, I imagine some of my pain leaving my body with each time I exhale. By the time I'm done, I feel so much better.
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    knee pain here... since i was 12.. so that is 33 years of pain. last year was the worse with both knees having issues and not even being able to sleep.. surgery has helped.. so the pain is no longer 24/7. but it is still there and will only get worse untill i get double knee replacements. i try not to let the pain bother me.. or show.. but i know there has been times where people have come up to me and ask me what is wrong.. (i sometimes hold my breath when in pain... )... so i know it shows sometimes. i hate that.. i do not like to be seen as week.
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    Are you on any cholesterol-lowering meds? i.e. statins? They can cause a lot of pain, as well as a lot of other issues. Google statins and myopathy.
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    I feel you. I had chronic pain for about 24 months. That, plus depression made me not such a great person to be around.

    What I learned is that people don't really want to hear about it. Only you can feel it, and plus if you look healthy ( and you look beautiful! ) they don't really believe that you could be in so much pain.

    My suggestion is to first, figure out a way to get some sleep, then figure out how to manage the depression ( ie are you on meds?), and don't talk about your suffering.

    By accepting the pain, and letting go of my anger, I was better able to manage my pain
    I sort of embraced it...sounds weird. But I thought, well, you ( ie, the pain ) are not going away so I may as well learn to live with you. I may sound crazy,, but it helped me!

  • coleeli
    coleeli Posts: 40 Member
    Commenting for myself so I can read advice that you get later.

    For myself, my jaw has been stuck in a semi-closed condition for a year. I'm in bad pain every day. I have noticed that I am much angrier, crabbier, and annoyed more often, especially when the pain is noticeable. Insurance wont cover any treatment because they don't consider it a "medical" issue, it's a "dental" issue. BLAH.
  • I have chronic pain from psoriatic arthritis, I have had this for over 20 years now and to be quite honest you just have to learn to live with it and adapt.. \my doctor gave me a low dose of amytriptylene [hope thats spelt right] its an anti depressant and this helps with sleep at night . It took me years and years before I learned that if I do too much, when I am feeling 'better' I will only suffer for the next day - I have to try to pace myself but its very very hard. I have to take painkillers at night but not during the day if I can get by. Try to keep a positive state of mind, get rest when you can and allow other people to help you when things get really bad. I used to hate asking for help as I don't ever want to become dependant but now if I really need help I will ask.
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    I have interstitial cystitis (chronic bladder pain). It comes and goes from day to day so I try my best to make the most of the days I feel better and tell myself during painful times that it will not always be this bad. When I have flares, I try to relax as stress definitely seems to exacerbate it. Try to get plenty of sleep as lacking sleep seems to make it worse as well. Hot baths and naps can also take the edge off. Take the pain meds as the doctor prescribes to try to stop the pain cycle. Take care!
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