Success on Ideal protein and merging to MFP!

Hi all! I am new to MFP and transitioning from the Ideal Protein diet to a low carb/low fat/low calorie diet ON MY OWN! I have had success on IP with a starting weight of 212 lbs and I am now at 179! My ultimate goal is 145. I am tired of spending the $100sh a week on food and have been spending LOTS of time in the gym and running about 3 miles every other day with strength training. I know I can do this myself and appreciate the "instant gratification" that the Ideal Protein diet gives and would highly recommend it to anyone. I just want to be a good role model to my two young daughters, 8 years and 18 months, and want to show them that living a healthy lifestyle is important for your overall well being not just to loose weight! Looking for "friends" on here that are runners, strength training, and eating low carb and high protein diets. Good luck to all in your fitness journeys!


  • Hi new friend! I was as 203 when I started IP. Had success and went down to 177 lbs. Unfortunately I went off the program because of the expense and tried it on my own. I don't want to discourage you - YOU CAN DO IT. I let my job and extra stress take over and I'm very much an emotional eater. I gained back 19 lbs before smartening up.

    So now Im back on IP (30 days) and have lost 9 lbs as of today. I love to run, walk and use the elliptical machine at work. I'll be sticking to IP for another 37 lbs.

    MFP is a great tool - enjoy.
  • What is IP??
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    If you already know the foods, that's half the battle.

    Now go to the store and buy them, prepare your entire week's meals on Sunday, and be done. IP sounds like it was more about convenience. There are no magic foods, just amounts.
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Feel free to add me. Love to run and doing strenth training right now. Not sure what IP is but I am trying to increase my protein as well to shed those last pounds.
  • IP is the Ideal Protein Diet. Its not cheap but its very successsful especially as a jump start if you've got a lot of weight to Lise.
  • mamamcneil
    mamamcneil Posts: 14 Member
    I never got a notification that you responded to my post! Still learning I guess...

    That is awesome!! Congrats on your weight loss! I am a gym rat so I am hoping I wont gain back! I started at 212 and the lowest I have gotten to is 177! My goal is 145 but I am 5'8" and my coach thinks 155-160 is a better weight for me.

    Looking forward to chatting more!
  • mamamcneil
    mamamcneil Posts: 14 Member
    Yeah its just that a lot of the foods that you think are good quality or marked "protein bar" are loaded with hidden sugars and sugar alcohols. That is what I am nervous about!!
  • julies90
    julies90 Posts: 646 Member
    My mom recently lost 50 pounds on ideal protein. She is thin for the first time in a very, very long time. She tried everything. I honestly thought it would never happen. Congrats!
  • xlipservicex
    xlipservicex Posts: 54 Member
    I had to stop doing IP fully because it was causing issues with my kidneys. I am now doing a low carb diet on my own with MFP and my IP coach is still weighing me and doing my measurements.

    And I'm still buying the pudding!
  • miztiry
    miztiry Posts: 2 Member
    I did IP from June through September last year and then left it because I had lost 50lbs and thought I could lose the rest on my own. I was so wrong. My body is so carb-sensitive that even low-carb dieting on my own didn't work and I gained back 11lbs from my lowest weight. I'm back on IP and confident I can lose the rest of my weight.
  • I would love to transition from IP to my own plan. I started working out by running 30-60 min 3x week in December and added strength training about 2-3 weeks ago. I averaged 2-3 lbs a week on IP, but I don't really want to forfiet that while I transition to my own diet (find what works for me might take a few weeks). The scale stopped moving as fast as I added exercise quantity (1lb/week). I love how I feel when I exercise so I don't want to pull back on that and just do IP for the scale numbers; I'm loving the NSVs too much ;)

    Any suggestions while transitioning? Do you watch carb intake to maintain ketosis or just be mindful of carb intake? Or have you had success with calories in/calories out theory, and if so what formula do you use? Or is anyone just being simple and eating clean (80/20)?
  • mikohn
    mikohn Posts: 3 Member

    I am new to MFP as I have been on a High Protein diet for the last 30 days and have lost 19 pounds to date. However, like you the plan is very is getting too exspensive for me and I have begun to try on my but still follow some of the IP plan. I do not want to gain back any weight but I needed to exercise whitch wasn't a requirement on the High protein diet. I would gladly accept any recommendations for anyone who has successfully transition from following the IP diet to doing it on thier own.
  • im interested in how much protein you have to take each day? as im upping my intake but not entirly sure how much to increase by.
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