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Can't seem to stop binging

Hi everyone! I have this case of binge eating once a week. It is weird. I eat healthy foods and exercise all week and i'm fine-i don't crave junk and i don't overeat ever. But then comes Saturday and i just start eating everything that is around the house. And I eat until my stomach hurts and i feel so bad after it. I'm scared that all the work i did all week long is being eaten away on that one day. I can't seem to stop this routine. It is not that i'm bored or stressed,it is like "Hey,you ate well all week,now stuff yourself until you explode". I don't deprive myself from the foods i like. If i really want a piece of chocolate during the week i'll have some and fit it in my calorie limit. And i eat foods that fill me(lots of veggies,fish,eggs,nuts) so it's not that i'm hungry. But i still pig out on the weekends. And i don't know why :( .Has anyone ever had a once a week binge problem like his? Distracting myself doesn't seem to help. Advice????


  • I have that problem, because on the weekends I'm home and it's a different routine than the rest of the week. I stock the house up with healthy good tasting stuff and try to limit the "binge" eating foods. It's annoying but keep logging after everything you eat to remind yourself what you're doing and try to drink water before each snack.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    How many calories are you consuming in your "binge" ? Only your diary is closed so it is hard to give advice without seeing just what you are binging on.

    I had what for me is a binge today, (sugar is my downfall) we all do it from time to time it is a question of how often and maybe finding the triggers and avoiding them.
  • kkaci5
    kkaci5 Posts: 59 Member
    In the past, my binges were the result of thinking I had to under eat to lose weight. If you are eating under your basal metabolic rate, at some point your brain takes over -- NOT a matter of lack of will power but self-preservation.
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    I hear ya. Sometimes happens to me. I think you need a plan for weekends. You probably have a good routine during the week and that's why you can stick to your plan. Maybe by Saturday you are extra tired and have no structure to your day, so even though you don't feel bored, you are sorta at loose ends and food is tempting. Think about a realistic schedule you could follow....one that will keep you out of the kitchen between meals. And go easy on yourself too. You are here and figureing out how to conquer the problem. That is an excellent start.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    If it's an actual uncontrollable binge, then you need to get professional help, but it sounds more like you just have an unhealthy attitude about rewarding yourself. If you can handle fitting treats into your caloric allowance during the week, then you should be able to get a handle on this with changing your thinking. Personally, I don't do routine cheat days. I think they do more harm than good in the long run for me. I will give myself a few hundred extra calories a day for a major holiday (Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, etc.) But on a weekly basis? I don't do that. And I don't reward myself with food. I'm not a dog. I reward myself with other things. Like, for a while if I stuck to my plan all week long, I would buy myself a new color of nail polish. Now my husband will sometimes bring home something extra nice as encouragement: yoga socks, new pedometer, new water bottle. That kind of thing. You might want to just absolutely cut out the cheat day for a month and see how it works for you.
  • rreiki
    rreiki Posts: 14 Member
    In the past, my binges were the result of thinking I had to under eat to lose weight. If you are eating under your basal metabolic rate, at some point your brain takes over -- NOT a matter of lack of will power but self-preservation.

    AMEN for that answer. I did not understand this until my dietician sat me down and explained it.
  • Yes i have the same exact problem. I work weekends and it seems I am more tired so I have this never ending need to eat because my body needs energy. Just try and stay distracted and chew gum. Lots of gum Good luck!
  • GrnEyz80
    GrnEyz80 Posts: 121
    OH my gosh I just had one of those nights last night! Came home after working 16 hours and just ate until I was sick. Woke up with a food hangover. I'm sure I ate like 4000 calories AT LEAST!. Blech! At least this is becoming fewer and farther between.

    When I first startred I had the same weekly habit. Especially on the weekends. It is so easy to be on it when you have your work schedule, and it's almost like chaos when the time off arrives. I plan my menu for the entire week ahead of time so when the weekend comes I already have planned out what I'm going to eat. That is the one thing that really hellps me out a lot.

    I also have the tendency to think after 1 bad meal that the day is "blown" so I mine-as-well just eat to my hearts content. I've learned that by logging that "bad" meal it really only puts me over by, maybe, a couple hundred calories, which is still way better than if I ate everything in the house.

    Finally, we do not have ANY junk food in the house. This way if I eat a lot of food...it is healthy food. So if I really want that junk food I have to literally make the choice and effort to leave the house and purchase it (which is totally what I did last night!)
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Weekend binging is one of the reasons I weigh in "for the record" on Monday morning. I used to do it on Friday, then on Saturday I'd tell myself I had all week to lose the water weight from the excess salt and sugar in junk I was eating.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Your diary is closed but since you're only trying to lose a little bit of weight that you've probably set a budget of 1200 calories or less and after a week of eating "well" your body is probably screaming for food regardless of whether you eat healthy food or not.
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    Are you losing? Are you still at a weekly deficit?
  • klopiu
    klopiu Posts: 4
    Well, the thing is that if i binge,it is not necessarily on unhealthy food. I might as well be eating tons of apples,I will still eat until i can't eat no more. Saturday is usually my cheat day,but when i start enjoying some type of food i can't stop eating.
  • klopiu
    klopiu Posts: 4
    Yes,i'm steadily losing weight.