Rest days and cheat days: how do you manage them?

Really curious as to how everyone balances them out, or if they indulge in them at all. Do you have rest days where you're entirely off, or do you rotate focus so as to not overwork a certain area? Do you have cheat days, and if so, how often and what do you allow yourself? Do you have your rest and cheat day happen at the same time - Sunday completely off, for example.


  • MyProgressISYour1Proof
    I've been pushing so hard for so long that tomorrow, I'm doing nothing but not gonna cheat. I believe rest is needed but my mind was in overthink mode. My last rest day with cheat days was Thanksgiving. Even on my bday, I worked out so I stayed under my limits. It truly all depends on the person and what they think is best for them.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    I do not do cheat days, but on rest days I eat as close to what they give me daily, when i work out I eat the exercise calories also.
    You should read this:
  • bdorri00
    bdorri00 Posts: 38 Member
    I don't have a cheat day every week like some people. I do that for special occasions like birthdays or weddings or when I'm out of town for a ballgame (averages to about one day a month, sometimes two). I just asked the same question about off days from working out and the conclusion I found through searching it and through other people's answers is that you need a rest day from strength training for your muscles to build but it's okay to do cardio every day in a week. Hope this helps!
  • bdorri00
    bdorri00 Posts: 38 Member
    Also, how do you guys get your weight loss bar to show up under your post?
  • SJackson50
    SJackson50 Posts: 282 Member
    I take a complete break from working out every Saturday! I also have a "spike" meal (aka cheat meal). Usually it is also on Sunday, but occasionally I make it Saturday. It is also usually only one meal, but sometimes it may be two in the day.

    I don't know if I could have lost weight faster if I would have not indulged in the spike day, but I know I could not have been happier. I don't plan to lose weight then never eat some of my favorite foods--so I figured a way to get them in.

    Good luck with your goals!
  • laynunugawa
    laynunugawa Posts: 108 Member
    I don't have cheat days, I try to incorporate treats into the days I workout so that I don't deprive myself. I also have rest days and try to stick to some kind of routine.

    For ex. I would do cardio M, W, F and strength training T, TH. I would take Sat and Sun off. On my rest day I will only eat around BMR and on days I workout I would eat half or all of my calories back
  • JessicaN1979
    JessicaN1979 Posts: 142 Member
    I just set a realistic calorie goal of 1400 calories a day and then I burn 600 calories at least 5 days a week (or so I try). I do not eat these calories back, because I have a lot of weight to lose and don't really see the point in working out if you are going to just eat all of your workout calories. However, if I want what you are calling a cheat day, I will just try to workout more that day to allow for those extra calories. That way still at goal, but allowing some extras :) As far as a break from working out, I just take the two days off a week that I am busy or just feel like I need a break. It really all is about "planning" ahead. I put in and track what I am going to eat before I eat it so that I know where I will stand, which helps too.
  • crops2dawn
    crops2dawn Posts: 27 Member
    I try to have a cheat day.....but it never works out....I just stay within my calories...My hubby and I have date night every Friday, and we go out to eat...I get whatever I want, but cut it in half and bring it home. So far, its been working for me...yeah, its more than I normally have all week....and thats okay too. I just be good all week and one night isnt hurting me...

    bdorri.....go to apps at the top and then to ticker...
  • dfonte
    dfonte Posts: 263 Member
    I don't rest. I let cheat meals happen on their own. When I'm home, I eat very clean. I also eat clean at work when I bring in my own lunch. If I go out, there's not always a healthy option on the menu - so I'll just use that as a cheat meal.

    Things balance out.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I take a rest day when I feel I need it, and I eat whatever I want on Friday (I routinely consume 4,000+ calories on those days), and TDEE -20% every Sat-Thurs.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    No "cheat" days here--I get to eat quite heartily on heavy exercise days, so I don't need them. On rest days, I try to stick to my calorie allotment, but if I'm incredibly hungry I might go over a little while still keeping below maintenance.
  • LindseyAlyssa
    I do rest days since my regular workouts are full body circuits and dance. If I do any activity on in-between days, it's stretching activities like yoga or pilates. I don't really have cheat days as I don't fully exclude anything I wouldn't normally go without. I just make sure I compensate for it with my meals and/or with my workouts.
  • hottiebikerchick
    hottiebikerchick Posts: 187 Member
    no such thing as CHEAT!
  • wlsuser9
    wlsuser9 Posts: 7 Member
    I don't do cheat days at all right now because when I do let myself have one it turns into three or four. I get carried away easily, and that's why I started to change my eating habits in the first place. I don't plan to have a cheat day until I am just maintaining my weight, and I will have one "bad" meal a week, instead of one bad day.
    When it comes to rest days I used to have one a week, but as I've gotten stronger I do a lighter workout on my rest day. I might have a completely off day once every two weeks, but sometimes I get caught up in training for something and I don't take a day off.
  • mini_girl7
    mini_girl7 Posts: 32 Member
    Sunday is my complete rest day -- no exercise at all and no guilt, just a family day.

    As for eating, my goal for the month of March has been to cut down on the sugar/desserts. So, none of that stuff during the week, but Saturday and Sunday is fair game, whatever, whenever.

    It has been really good noticing during the week when I feel tempted, to realize it and then make the conscience decision to eat something healthy. I see my weaknesses and patterns. Also, knowing that I can indulge on the weekend helps too, gives me something to look forward to.

    When March is over, I will continue with this pattern but tweak it slightly, by perhaps, reducing my bread intake, or upping my veggie intake, or cutting out chips etc.

    I am taking it in very small steps, bec sugar is a big addiction for me. I can't focus on ALL of my eating at once -- for me it is too depriving and overwhelming and then OOPS! I make a mistake and then just jump off the wagon. With sugar I'm not a "I-can-eat-two-cookies-after-dinner" kind of person. I'm a "Oh-I-ate-two-cookies-so-why-not-have-some-more" kind of a person!!!

    So, bottom line each month I will add another goal to the ones I have already been working on. It keeps me aware and focused. Good luck!!
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I do have rest days...I eat 1800 cals regardless whether its rest day or not. I dont do cheat days as such....if I do have social plans i will check out the menu before hand....make sure whatever I pick allows me to hit my macros...if it puts me a couple hundred over my cals i dont stress about it....but i never go insane (unless I have fallen off track) When I socialise I tend to just have one main desserts or entrees...and if everyone else is having a dessert i will settle for a skim hot chocolate as my "treat"
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Rest days are pretty much essential to avoid burnout. Unless you're half-assing it at the gym, then you might as well work out twice a day.

    Cheat days depend on your nutrition plan and are very individual specific. As long as you don't blow your calorie deficit from the rest of the week, you will be fine with a cheat day. I think the more modern approach to this is following an IIFYM type of philosophy, which pretty much eliminates the need for a cheat day, as you will not be deprived of anything. Even with IIFYM, there's no harm in having a big splurge day now and then.
  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    My "rest" days are where I walk 10,000 steps (5 miles) and that's all I do.

    My other days include running, indoor softball, walking 5+miles etc.

    The fitter I have got, the easier I find doing 10,000 steps and quite often do them at home. It could just as simple as pacing up and down when I am talking on the phone rather than just sitting on the couch.

    As for binge days? If I KNOW I am going to have one I try and get in some extra exercise to compensate. I dont do it very often - certainly not ever week.

    There are people amongst my MFP friends who get around having binge days by having a weekly calorie goal rather than a daily one and that certainly makes sense. It's something I plan on doing once I meet my goal weight. That should help me maintain my goal and is less restrictive than daily calorie counts.
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    I have one cheat day a week; however, i don't plan that cheat day; sometimes something will crop up which means i can't get to the gym, or i'll wake up one morning with the uncontrollable craving for a bacon sandwich. I find that works better for me than trying to be too rigid with it.