Extra gagets or things to help burn more

I usually work out with wiifit for go walking for an hour or so but i find i could be burning alot more calories but do not have a calorie counter. I put my all into wiifit, especially the yoga, and i worked out for an hour and a half and was sweaty all over...i love feeling sore but i know the calorie counter is off, which stinks when you see you burn over 400 calories from almost 2 hours of working out.

I am unemployed at the moment and i dont hav ea gym membership and the heat down here is realllly bad... its even scorching at 7pm so i cant even walk this summer. Anyone know any gagets or wii games that help burn more calories or have more accurate calorie meters? I really want to see better results!

- Ems
btw... i walked 30 minutes at 5pm...and it was 98 degrees....i hate louisiana summers :(


  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    I love My Fitness Coach for the Wii. I do it most days.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    You already have the Wii, so I say keep using it. If you have your doubts about the accuracy of the calorie counter, there are a couple of solutions.

    1. Get an HRM, but I realize that may not be an option, since you aren't working...so....

    here is a "free" solution:

    2. Use a website that calculates calories burned for various activities. The one I use is :


    I discovered this website when the computer on my Gazelle would not work, (because the blankety-blank battery cover won't come off, :angry: and I don't think dynamite would be a good option due to its effect on the rest of my home!!:laugh: --but that's another story:ohwell: )

    It has info for lots of different activities, and it asks for your weight so the calculation is that much more accurate. Another thing I discovered is that when I entered the data from this website into a cardio exercise entry for MFP, in future MFP will accurately record the calories burned for that activity for you with a different amount of time. BTW, when you enter your own exercise data in MFP, it is NOT available to others through the database. Only you can see it.

    Good luck.
  • panther87
    panther87 Posts: 78 Member
    you can do your own circuit training at home. go between push ups, jumping jacks, sit ups and squats, wall sits and doing things like step ups, and arm weights( bent over rows, tricep extentions, over head press). Do each for 1 minute and then go to the next item. this can burn a bunch of calories and good for all over toning. And best of all you can have your fan or A/C blowing right on you as you do these!:laugh: I remember visiting Louisiana as a kid and YES its hot down there! my Grandma called it 'Lousy- ana'
  • kajaknowers
    kajaknowers Posts: 113 Member
    i cannot stress enough the use of a hr monitor. I love it. It means i know exactly how much i am burning because i too haven't got money for a gym membership so i jog in my local area. I understand it is hot in your area so u can do fitness videos indoors and know exactly how much ur burning. I got my monitor on ebay super cheap so its well worth a look x
  • jerren
    jerren Posts: 196
    I hear you on the heat. Its bad here too. It was 101 yesterday with the heat index. i still got out there and did my day of c25k. Took a lot out of me though. Hydrate and keep it moving!
  • LittleMissAngi
    LittleMissAngi Posts: 243 Member
    I live in TX... I know it is MUCH more cooler in the morning!

    Maybe get a heart rate monitor when you can, so you know how much you burn...

    What about work out dvds? You can use 16oz water bottles filled with water or something, that should equal a pound. Or even canned food, use those as weights. I know it may seem silly.. but whatever works!

    there are a lot of exercises you can do.. jumping jacks, jump rope, dancing around... etc... Just get that heart rate up!
  • cookiesdomain
    I enjoy using Walk It Out on the Wii. You walk to the beat of different songs. The game is a lot of fun so you kind of "forget" that your are exercising. I choose songs with a fast beat so that I am jogging more than walking. I always work up a sweat.

    The game counts calories but I think it underestimates them. So I enter my workout time on MFP under jogging.
  • neuroticwriter
    I completely understand, that is why I have to run at 5:30 in the morning before the sun even comes up. Yesterday it was 91 at 9:00am. Crazy Louisiana weather!!!

    If it also another real scorcher I do some Power Yoga (since you already like yoga), it burns a lot more calories and the DVDs are really cheap at Target. They have several different work outs to choose from, so you don't get too bored.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Walk later in the day. I end up walking around 7:30-8 or a little later after I do my strength routine (I live in TX and lately it's been in the upper 90s-low 100s!) and I do just fine so long as I have enough water and have minimal clothing so I can just sweat it all out. Another option is just waking up earlier and walking for 30 minutes then.
  • Emi_the_dork
    Yall have more than helped my worries melt away! Thanks for the advice!! im going to try to walk earlier and will try to get some money soon for a HRM! I notice online alot are mostly $100 or so.. Are there any cheap ones that work really well? Also does EA Active or Walk It Out time you and such? The yoga on wii fit is makin me sore and i love it,, my butt feels good too! Hopefully Louisiana wont break the heat records like we have been doing for the past 2 summers...If it hits 109 again this summer im going to stay in my house til August....it is just ridiculous even getting the mail.. I hear yall Texans too.. i went o austin a few weeks ago and i felt little difference in the weather... Only time i like the weather now is after it rains...

    Oh and my AC in my car is broken...so im sweating off the pounds all day now....AHHHHHH!

    Also i have ben monitoring how much water i drink.. I drink at least 64oz a day and it has made me feel alot better...Anyone losing pounds easier with this method?