Scared to workout

I know that sounds stupid but I was wondering if anyone can help me with this problem. Two years ago, I was really committed to eating right and working out. And I was losing weight fast because I was working out everyday. And then my back started to hurt really bad. But my trainer, as well as all my friends and family told me it was probably muscle problems because I wasn't use to working out before; so I fought through the pain. I even went to doctors; none of which actually looked at my back. They all assumed I was fine because I was still obese. One doctor even gave me two shots (in my arm) for the pain.

Anyway, on my birthday the pain was so bad I couldn't move and just getting up out of bed was a problem so I was rushed to the ER where they found out I had multiple cysts that they lanced and then eventually removed.

I am so scared to workout now. I don't know how I got the cysts but they hurt so bad and I don't want to get them again. When I had the surgery I was on my stomach for over a month and gained back what I had lost and more.

I want to lose weight but I don't want to get cysts again; and I don't know if workout out constantly gave me the cysts or how it happened.

Can anyone give me advise? Did anyone have this problem? Do I sound stupid?


  • catrunsintowindow
    catrunsintowindow Posts: 77 Member
    What kind of cysts? Ovarian, or? What did the doctor say was the cause of them?

    Honestly, I suspect it was just a coincidence. Talk to a doctor if you're concerned about your health, but I have never heard of exercise causing cysts before.

    What's your worst case scenario? You start working out, you lose weight. You start feeling a bit of pain again, but this time you know what caused the pain and go to the doctor with your prior medical history and ask them to check again. They get lanced and removed, and you're back on the treadmill in a couple weeks.

    TLDR; Just go already!
  • cindybpitts
    cindybpitts Posts: 213 Member
    You dont sound stupid..My back has been hurting since I started exercising..I havent gone to a doctor. I hurt to roll over in bed. It is less hurt on the days I dont exercise. I have like a fatty cyst near my spine and where I hurt is above it and runs across the ribs in my back. Mine doesnt feel like a sore mucsle. I have been assuming it is arthritis. Where did yours hurt & where were your cysts?
  • HealthyStartsHere
    HealthyStartsHere Posts: 126 Member
    I had pilonidal cyst which is the lower back. And it was so painful.

    I do have ovarian cysts but those hurt regardless, and its a different pain then the ones on my back. My doctor told me it was just hereditary but I didn't have the pain or the cysts to my knowledge before constantly working out.

    If you try putting a heating pad on it, the pain should subside but it may also cause the cyst to erupt; that's what happened to me.
  • Bootsa12003

    well i had ovarian cyst in the past and had to go to the er. I made sure any doc to see me looked or check around that area. also, in the last months i have went though medical problem which i still have no answer for. Im doing fine now but i had to quit school and not go anywhere and just stay home. I feel that the problem that caused this may come back but i knew i had to work out to not become depressed or have worst depression. I feel that you should not let one time stop you. Its like when you have a wreak you shouldn't just stop driving because of that. Yet, i think you should try to work out and see if any one here can help answer your problem about the back cyst. also, if you think your body hurting wrong than go to the doc and make sure you have them look at that area. Don't let any one tell you its something else if you feel its not. you know you body more that anyone else.
  • MichelleZannone
    Take it easy at first you don't have to do such aggressive exercise's until you feel you are ready. I lost a lot of weight by eating right and just walking 3 mph. for an hour a day in the mornings before I ate. I have since had to bump it up a notch, but you don't have to do a bunch of weight lifting and such to be successful. Take one day at a time and you will start seeing results. Good luck to you dear and no question is not worth asking.:smile:
  • Bootsa12003
    agree 100%
  • gemmaleigh1989
    gemmaleigh1989 Posts: 241 Member
    I had the same thing. There is no worse pain than that of a pilonidal cyst. I got my first one from a road trip. My friend and I drove 8 hours a day for three days straight to get to our destination. I had mine removed and they left the wound open to heal from the bottom up. It never healed properly and it returned. Second surgery and the same thing, they left it open to heal from the bottom up. Again it never healed properly and It came back again! I had a third operation and this time they decided to close the wound and hoorah! It's never returned again *touch wood*

    I had over 2 years of CONSTANT hell. I had no idea something that seemed so minor could have such a huge impact on my life. I wanted to work out so bad but I too was too scared, especially as the wound was never completely healed in that time. Once it healed the third time, I waited 3 months to be 100 per cent sure and then started working out as per normal and have no issues! When I do crunches I am still conscious of that area but that's just in my head as I have had no problems.

    They say these things are more apparent in over weight people but I'm no where close to being over weight :( its simply from rubbing of the skin and often starts very similar to an ingrown hair. They used to have a nick name that I can't recall but something to do with jeeps because men in the war used to get them from driving long bumpy trips in jeep things.

    Was your wound left open or closed? Closed worked for me in the end and I haven't had issues since (3 years since my last op!)

    All I can say is that I know what you are going through! What I recommend is don't let it hold you back but be conscious of that area and keep an eye on it and take it easy. If still no problems then start amping up your workouts! Exercise could have caused it but no one will know for sure, it could have happened regardless of you exercising or not. It may or may not return, but would you rather be unhealthy and unfit and still have the possibility of the cyst returning or being fit, healthy and losing weight with the same chance of it coming back? I'd chose the latter!
  • writemusic4him
    writemusic4him Posts: 312 Member
    I have back problems, and so I do things like the elliptical versus actually running, which causes pounding on the back & knees). Or swimming and yoga like stuff. My chiro also keeps telling me that flexibility (through stretching) and core strength will help lower back of course will weight loss.
  • mona_patty
    mona_patty Posts: 170
    make sure you stretch really good after your workouts. and start slowly, do not do too much at once. The goal is to be active.... Best of success girl.
  • HealthyStartsHere
    HealthyStartsHere Posts: 126 Member
    These are all really great advise, thank you so much. I will continue to workout, and I just pray to God I don't get it again. It's so disappointing to get it because it's a major set back, but i am going to try easing into the workouts and not attempt anything to dramatic.

    writemusic4him- I am sorry to hear about your back problems but it seems as though you know how to compensate, by doing different workouts that don't irritate your back

    gemmaleigh198-my wounds were left open too. That jeep fact is really interesting, I didn't know that. I definitely choose the later. Thank you so much.
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member

    They used to have a nick name that I can't recall but something to do with jeeps because men in the war used to get them from driving long bumpy trips in jeep things.

    Ahh, now I know what you are all talking about. They used to call it "jeep tail".

    I would say not to fear the workout but tailor it to your individual needs. Start slow, build up strength, endurance and courage.

    Not doing anything would be worse than anything else.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Did the doctors say the cysts had something to do with exercise?
  • gemmaleigh1989
    gemmaleigh1989 Posts: 241 Member

    They used to have a nick name that I can't recall but something to do with jeeps because men in the war used to get them from driving long bumpy trips in jeep things.

    Ahh, now I know what you are all talking about. They used to call it "jeep tail".

    I would say not to fear the workout but tailor it to your individual needs. Start slow, build up strength, endurance and courage.

    Not doing anything would be worse than anything else.

    Ah yes! That's it!

    OP try not to let it hold you back. I did and I wish I didn't coz the darn thing would just return anyway. Just make sure you check on it every few days to check for hard lumps under the skin if it's healed or if it's still open, still check for hardness under the skin surrounding the wound. If it does come back (and these things are known to unfortunately) talk to your surgeon about getting it closed and not left open. Everyone is different of course but that's what worked for me after 2 years of hell.