Nearly there, 60lbs down, 10 to go!

DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
I've been losing weight for the past 22 months, since my daughter (my 2nd baby) was 7 weeks old. I've lost around 60lbs so far, and about 12 inches off my waist, 12 off my hips, and 10 off each thigh. My BMI was 35 to begin with and is now 26. I really want it under 25! While I think BMI is a load of crap, I still want to be considered a healthy weight. I'd prefer to grow a couple of inches taller (i'm 5'6") but since that's not a possibility, i need to lose a little more!

I wanted to post now so I could feel a bit more motivated and also see if someone can help give me advice to lose the last 10 or so!

I think I eat pretty healthily, around 1500 calories a day, and I work out a lot, 5-6 times a week.

Anyway, here are some pics:

At 36 weeks pregnant:
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a comparison between my daughter as a baby (Summer 2011) and now:
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My absolute worst pic:

The other morning:
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  • hifromjamers1984
    hifromjamers1984 Posts: 300 Member
    AWESOME! What did you do workout wise? I'm not really a skirt/dress girl but I really like the skirt in your current pics :)
  • limico91
    limico91 Posts: 68 Member
    Awesome work Dawn! You have done so well!
  • LittleWub
    LittleWub Posts: 31 Member
    Dawn you should be so proud of yourself. You have done so well and look fantastic!
    I'm pleased to have been your friend along the way.
  • boboff
    boboff Posts: 129 Member
    Excellent Job!
  • zeprose
    zeprose Posts: 74 Member
    Congrats! How did you do it? excellent results!!
  • jmom376
    jmom376 Posts: 234 Member
    Congratulations Dawn!! You are proof that hard work and dedication pays off in the long run. You are doing an amazing job. BTW: I really like the skirt outfit. That is perfect for you.
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    Way to go - you look fantastic! Thanks for posting an inspiration.
  • 2feelfitnfab
    You are a brilliant inspiration to all of us Dawnie.. I am proud to be one of your pals and, although I always say well done to you at the end of the day, I don't often say how awesome you truly are. The transformation is mind-blowingly amazing and it just shows what hard work and dedication can do.. you will lose that extra 10, I am sure of it.. keep chipping away at it and you will get there x PS Thank you for all the support you have given me too x
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Thank you everyone! I am so grateful to all the support from everyone on here and especially the people on my friends list who are always there to keep motivating me.

    The skirt is from Ted Baker, but from about 10 years ago and the top is Versace! Bought years ago before I had a mortgage and kids!

    I've done this from exercising loads and eating healthily. I just need to get rid of the mummy tummy now!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I can't believe you were ever 60/70 lbs overweight! Even in your larger pics you didn't look that big...BUT LOOK AT YOU NOW! your waist is sooo tiny!

    Are you sure you need to lose another 10lbs? It sure doesn't look that way Dawn :)

    You've done fabulously.

    Your also a great motivation for the rest of us to keep on going.

    Love Ruth xo
  • Amykhi
    Amykhi Posts: 3 Member
    Wow, awesome! You look great, and you look like a fun, happy mom. :). I hope to be you in many months! Ihave a 3 yr old and 1 yr old and have gained almost exactly 70 pounds since getting married and having kids. I love love love them,but need to get healthy for me as well. Just started mfp yesterday. Congrats again
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Thank you! I am technically about 7lbs overweight still, according to BMI. My personal trainer was surprised by my weight as he thought I weighed less, and pretty much every one thinks I'm about 150 or less anyway. It is probably more from vanity that I want to lose more now! I want to look toned and look good in a bikini. You know, because we have such fabulous beach weather in the UK :glasses:

    I thought I was massive when my daughter was a baby, but maybe I didn't look as hideous as I thought I did. I looked much better when my son was a baby though.

    Amykhi my kids are 3 and 1 too ( nearly 4 and 2 now) and I love them to pieces, but I also wanted to get healthy for me.
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    Wow you look AMAZING what an inspiration.
  • herebeeri
    herebeeri Posts: 39 Member
    You look fabulous - congratulations :)
  • lauren31085
    lauren31085 Posts: 35 Member
    That's amazing!! Dedication for sure! I find it cute, you're getting smaller as your daughter is getting bigger. She's going to grow up and be so proud of you! Good job at setting a great example!!
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