First Time Dieter! eee

Ok yall Ive never been on a diet nor ever ate healthy before. Ya once in awhile but my general diet was fast food and proccessed foods. After all the research Ive read online seems my best diet will be the 1200 calorie diet. This site actually said 1210. So what I wanna know...does it work?? I wanna tone up, lose belly fat and thigh fat...lose 5 lbs. Im currently 130lbs and 5"9. any tips? Im so confused some people say..dont eat bread, but eat whole wheat bread. Dont drink milk.. but drink skim milk. Im alloting 100 carbs a day per what Ive read is the best for this diet. So any one on this diet plan any tips would be greatly appreash :)


  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    5lbs is easy.

    Stick to the calories MFP gave you when you signed up. Plan ahead, eat anything you long as it fits into your calories. 80% good nutritious food, 20% a little treat or not so great to not make you feel deprived.

    30 day shred would probably be good since you don't have a lot to lose. It's on youtube. Remember to eat your exercise calories back and net your calorie goal.
  • Kristina661
    Kristina661 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks :)