The truth

Do many people indulge their weights on here? I've never told anyone my weight, and currently only myself and the doctor and his nurse know what I weigh. Does it make some difference if I share?

Just wondering.


  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    yes! all the time, and you should , you would get more help if people with similar height and weigh knew. they might be on the same journey, or been there and done that. I think its a great help.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    This site is not made of people that you actuelly know. It is people of like mind when it comes to trying to manage weight. This is a very good place to be honest and seek out others that may be of a help to you. There is no reason to be weary of admitting your honest weight and your honest goals.
  • bubblz18
    bubblz18 Posts: 1 Member
    Absolutely. Don't be afraid of others judging you by your weight. We are here to help each other out with a common goal
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    It could make a difference. People your weight and height could relate.
  • I'm very open about my weight. Started at 235, down to 212, goal of 170. The reason I'm open about it is when people ask me when I hit 170 "How big were you?" I can say "I was all the way up at 235!" I won't lie there's a good deal of shame at my current body but I know every week it gets healthier and closer to what I want it to be and when the time comes I can look back and see logged details of my journey.

    I share my weight with anyone who comments on my loss online or face to face. I believe everyone should do the same, there's no sense lying to yourself.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    i think for me, once i was able to be honest, it was literally like a relief.. once i could shed that number from my emotion.. i could also shed it from my scale. it was LITERALLY a weight lifted off of me! My heighest weight was 246 pounds, i weighed in here at 233 pounds on June 28th 2012 and I currently weigh 186.0 as of yesterday!

    You can do this and the people here will support you 10000%

    Edited to say that you also might not WANT to do it now.. but DO take pictures!!! As you can see from my profile pic.. i was NOT happy about it.. but NOW, im proud to show it!!! (and i DIDNT show it until i lost 25 pounds! LOL but now DOWN 47 - that "during" pic was taken 3 days ago!) so TAKE THOSE PICS! <3
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    I agree about posting ones weight. It gives you a sense of freedom. Plus we're all here for the same reason :) To get healthier!
  • i think for me, once i was able to be honest, it was literally like a relief.. once i could shed that number from my emotion.. i could also shed it from my scale. it was LITERALLY a weight lifted off of me! My heighest weight was 246 pounds, i weighed in here at 233 pounds on June 28th 2012 and I currently weigh 186.0 as of yesterday!

    You can do this and the people here will support you 10000%

    Edited to say that you also might not WANT to do it now.. but DO take pictures!!! As you can see from my profile pic.. i was NOT happy about it.. but NOW, im proud to show it!!! (and i DIDNT show it until i lost 25 pounds! LOL but now DOWN 47 - that "during" pic was taken 3 days ago!) so TAKE THOSE PICS! <3

    I agree about taking pictures. I started 2 weeks ago (now take progress pictures every 2 weeks and body measurements) although I don't like the sight of them and sure as hell don't plan to share them anytime soon I'll be happy to have them later in my journey.
  • TomTomato
    TomTomato Posts: 223
    For me, it's about accountability. I think I'll behave better if others know what I'm doing.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    Yep, I don't mind talking about my weight or showing it in a ticker. Highest weight was 282 lbs., I came to MFP at 266, I'm down to 233. I started as a size 24, I'm now wearing 20's.

    My boss and closest coworkers even know. They see my fat butt everyday, so who am I fooling?
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    In real life, I've never cared too much who knows my weight. (I've always had the correct weight on my driver's license! LOL!) I mean you don't need to know the number to know when someone's fit or fat. The number doesn't matter anyway. 150 is overweight for some and underweight for others, plus we all carry the weight differently. What do people think they're hiding, anyway? We can all see each other (IRL). :flowerforyou:

    Online, I care even less if other people know my weight. I don't even know these people! Sometimes it feels good to get things off your chest with strangers. Feel free to share - don't be shy! :drinker:
  • Kimberly3013
    Kimberly3013 Posts: 78 Member
    I weigh myself once a week with a scale that automatically downloads to this site (Fitbit Aria). It helps me be accountable with my weight whether gained or lost. The friends I have on here are never mean about my outcome. It helps me to track how I am doing and what I could do better. It also helps people on here give better advice as to where I may be going wrong. I find that many of us are learning as we go and sharing with each other what is working for them.

    I do think its a good idea to post your weight and your diet, if nothing else, keep yourself accountable to what/how you are doing. For me sometimes the idea that I have to come home and record a food that may not be the best has stopped me on many occasions or at the very least made it so I didn't eat as much as I used to (ex. at work when we have cookie day I will eat one and stop instead of eating half a dozen or more).
  • Posting my weight was like having a bad tooth pulled. Painful but it had to be done!
  • smallbore
    smallbore Posts: 14 Member
    Only my Friends on MFP know the my "real Number". My Drivers license is 30 pounds off ... LOL. We are all here for the same reason, to have support with our weight issues. Most people are super supportive and I don't care about those that are not supportive (they have other issues)!