Starting Over....

I managed to lose 20 pounds this year. Then I lost focus and gained it all back. So now I get to start over from scratch. I re-wrote my weekly goals and everything. I can still lost plenty of weight this year, but I have wasted three months already.

It's frustrating beyond words. So hard to stay motivated and focused. Is anyone else having this problem?


  • pawprints86
    pawprints86 Posts: 59 Member
    Yep, I'm right there with you!!

    I've done a complete restart...should have been at New Years, but hey, 3 or 4 months late isn't bad. It's ALWAYS better late than never. Keep at it, we all struggle, and I'm one of the worst! Today was honestly the first day I actually logged and *completed* my diary in weeks. I'm going to keep up with it, every single day, until I see some progress - and even after that. That's the hardest time for me, waiting to see progress.

    KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! I'm always looking for friends here too, to keep each other accountable. Anyone is free to add me if they want any help or want to help with each other's progress.
  • sixpackdream
    sixpackdream Posts: 55 Member
    Hey Iceman,

    I have failed 500 times to reach my goal. I learn from every single failure and I keep trying. I am finding MFP really useful because I feel accountable for everything I eat and it's making me think twice about eating something bad. I still fail about every second or third day but my habits are slowly changing.

    I have decided that whatever change I make will be for the rest of my life. If I can't stick to it, I try something else but I keep trying.

    It's taken me the last several weeks to lose 1 pound, but I know that I wont gain it back because I am not dieting, I have made changes that I can live with.

    I would be more than happy to check in on you regularly and give you a kick in the *kitten* if you want? Send me a Friend Request if you're interested. The only thing I ask is that you enter your food every single day and be honest. If you look at mine, I am struggling with cookies, but it's okay, I am working on it.

    I use to eat too many potato chips, I tried to replace them with 100 different things, nothing worked I kept coming back to chips. Now I have sliced microwaved potato chips (found this great product at a store to make them) and it's basically eating a potato instead of fried commercial potato chips. I am saving a few hundred calories a day and they are WAY healthier. Changes like that are doing it for me. I don't feel like I am missing out or hungry.
  • ecka723
    ecka723 Posts: 148 Member
    I can say I'm definitely having this problem, too. It's so hard to get back on the wagon once you've been off for a while. This is why I think having a weight-loss community is really important.

    I have been in and am currently in your shoes. If you want to talk, feel free to message me, or I can give you my email. Maybe we can help each other get back on track?
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    You can do this. There is no all-or-nothing. It's about making a series of changes, one by one, that will result in you living in a more healthful way in the long term. You can do this. You know how... set a reasonable goal and make it your personal challenge to find a way to achieve that goal. Figure out how, just for today, you're going to stick to your calorie goal and still enjoy what you eat.

    Don't go crazy with a stupid, very-low-calorie, all-veggies, low/no-carb plan. Make only changes you can live with forever.
  • Iceman420
    Iceman420 Posts: 195
    Thanks for the replies. I hate to sound like a whiny brat, but I had to get that off my chest :)
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    Stick with it hun. It's not the falling down that matters, it's picking yourself up. I failed many many times and the weight crawled right back up there, but through picking myself up and trying again I'm getting closer and closer. Chin up, you can do it!
  • boroko
    boroko Posts: 358 Member
    Don't think about the '3 months wasted' think about the rest of your life that you are making better.

    The fact that you have decided to change how you live is fantastic and it's a journey that you need to face step-by-step, day-by-day. With MFP you have lots of real people alongside you to support and encourage you. We know how hard it is as we are on the same road, but we also know how rewarding it is. I find the 'Success Stories' posts very motivational and hope that some day I will see your post on there showing your progress.