I Started Yesterday

I've let myself go way too long and to think I use to run a Fitness Enhancement Program for the Navy. Basically, I know all the RIGHT things to do but its so much more fun doing the wrong things....at least until none of your clothes fit anymore. :noway:

So here I am, 5'10 and nearly 250. My goal is through more disciplined diet and routine exercise, to drop 40-45 lbs. I enjoy training, but as I'm getting older its more difficult. I don't want to over do it, then quit because of discomfort, pain or injury. I've always enjoyed running, but it will take some time to get back into. My fitness regime will likely consist of CrossFit training and cardio. The only issue with CrossFit is that I have NO CLUE how many cals I've burned when I'm done.

Then the tough part, the knife and fork. I'm confident that routinely logging in to MyFitnessPal will help me out with that. Time will tell. To anyone reading, good luck on your own endeavors and if you have any questions about fitness training feel free to throw them my way, I'll help where I can.


  • peedubb23
    peedubb23 Posts: 7 Member
    I've always tried to watch my weight but beer has been a love of my entire life. Now 49 pushing 50 I found myself 5' 11' and having been as much as 220. I'm down to 203 from 210 12 days in to the program. You know what to do, just do it.