Fast diet 5:2

Hi all, I am new to my fitness pal and have just started the fast diet. Are any of you doing it? What are your experiences of the fasting days? Can you recommend a 100 calorie breakfast? I'm struggling...... :) xx


  • Walks32
    Walks32 Posts: 8 Member

    I'm just starting this today so can't really offer advice yet but wish you well on your 5:2 journey!

    I'm not sure if it's the right way to go about things but I find obviously eating starts off my metabolism so I'm trying to just have water throughout the day today and then a 500kcal meal tonight - or maybe split 250/250 lunch/dinner if I can't hang out until then

    Otherwise for breakfast would suggest a Mullerlight yoghurt at around 90 kcals or maybe some fat free greek yoghurt as that's thicker and creamier, maybe keep you fuller for longer? Or a very small amount of porridge oats made with water?

    Good luck!
  • Dottyb1940
    Dottyb1940 Posts: 188 Member
    my fast day to day. B 2 boiled eggs & green tea, L.home made veg soup, 2 rice cakes, D. tuna salad, SF Jelly, keeps me under 500 cals.
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    There is a group on here specifically for IF, you'll find more info there. What method are you following? As far as I'm aware, most people who are following Eat Stop Eat fast all day and have a 500calorie dinner, otherwise you don't get the health benefits associated with 24 hour fasts from eating snacks throughout the day.
  • lambch0ps
    lambch0ps Posts: 79 Member
    I just had my first successful week on it last week but I don't know if I'm doing it "right". I have a pretty intense job and need to think clearly without being distracted by hunger during the day so I eat pretty normally during the day and then just skip dinner - or have a nibble. But I have been doing 16:8 daily (limit eating to only 8 hours) so I do eat breakfast later. Greek yogurt + strawberries or cottage cheese + any berry are great lo-cal breakfasts that keep you full.
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Hey I do a 24hr complete fast and I don't calorie count the rest of the time. It works really well for me! Today I am going out for lunch with my son and then will fast from 1.30pm until the same time tomorrow. I do not eat 500 calories in this time it is a pure water fast with occasional green tea if I feel dreadfully hungry.

    It seems to work well for me!
  • LynneyMetcalf
    LynneyMetcalf Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks for the info guys. I am following the Fast Diet following the Documentary, Eat Fast Live Longer in the UK. I have tried most other diets going and failed miserably! Hoping I can stick with this one a bit longer :smile:
  • TeresaB1979
    TeresaB1979 Posts: 158 Member
    Week seven for me and I love it. It doesn't feel like a diet. I can enjoy nice foods and treats on the 'normal' days (most of the week) and I feel better (more energetic) than ever. I intend to do intermittent fasting for life as it is so enjoyable and easy (for me and many others). I will chage to 6:1 when I reach my goal weight (which I am not too far from now). Please watch 'Eat, fast and live longer' for further information and inspiration... I thought weight-loss meant constant calorie counting and feeling bad when I went 'over' now all that is gone and I even enjoy the fast days. :smile:
  • TeresaB1979
    TeresaB1979 Posts: 158 Member
    Week seven for me and I love it. It doesn't feel like a diet. I can enjoy nice foods and treats on the 'normal' days (most of the week) and I feel better (more energetic) than ever. I intend to do intermittent fasting for life as it is so enjoyable and easy (for me and many others). I will chage to 6:1 when I reach my goal weight (which I am not too far from now). Please watch 'Eat, fast and live longer' for further information and inspiration... I thought weight-loss meant constant calorie counting and feeling bad when I went 'over' now all that is gone and I even enjoy the fast days. :smile:

    Woops! I just noticed you said you've watched the documentary. :blushing: Good innit? :wink:
  • mrshldarby
    mrshldarby Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I have been doing the 5:2 diet since January and it's working really well for me. I had a couple of stubborn pounds I wanted to shift which this has helped me to do. I don't need to calorie count all of the time (I'm not good at dieting) and I'm nearly at my goal weight.

    I usually don't have any breakfast, just peppermint or green tea. Lunch time something like soup, salad or porridge. Tea is normally small veggie stir fry, salad or soup.

    I actually look forward to my fast days now!!
  • versuga
    versuga Posts: 130 Member
    Just starting it today also!
  • AliceKlaar
    AliceKlaar Posts: 275 Member
    I'm into my fourth week of 5:2 - I usually skip breakfast and divide my calories between lunch and dinner, but I did have a tasty 115 cal breakfast the other day - 1 slice Vogel Wholemeal and Oat bread toasted (86 cals), 15g Philadelphia Light Sweet Chilli Flavour (23 cals), 40g sliced cucumber (4 cals) and a cup of black, unsweetened coffee (2 cals).
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    Fasting doesnt defy the simple math of calories in calories out.. Do it if you like it.. Don't if you dont.. Fasting diets arent for everyone and done improperly can be rather adverse. Self advocate..
  • mandster
    mandster Posts: 95 Member

    I've found it so much easier since I started skipping breakfast. (Surprisingly!)

    But how about 2 rice cakes and LF cream cheese or cottage cheese. I put a bit of Asda balsamic glaze on and it feels more lux! Makes cottage cheese bearable :-)
  • k2dat2
    k2dat2 Posts: 1 Member
    I've just finished my first week of intermittent fasting and am very happy so far!

    I've lost 7kg since the end of last year and have been in a plateau for the last month, even though I was eating well and exercising 5 days. It's been very frustrating since I still have around 10kg to go! I started calorie counting recently to see if I was unintentionally doing something wrong, but it didn't appear so.

    My nutrition lecturer at uni mentioned that intermittent fasting is all the rage at the moment and that it actually has a good scientific basis, so I figured I would give it a go to mix things up a bit and hopefully kick start the weight loss again. I read up on intermittent fasting and realised there were many ways to do it. The most appealing to me was 2 24 hour fasts a week on non-consecutive days. I will eat dinner and then not eat again until dinner the next day, only consuming water and herbal teas. To me it seems a lot easier to just not eat during the day and have a proper meal that night than to try and make 3 meals out of 500 calories! It also feels like a more authentic fast, but that's just me.

    In the past week I have already lost 1.5kg and I feel far less bloated in general. It seems like it will be quite easy to stick to as well. I don't even get that hungry during the day and by the time I start really noticing it, it's time to eat! I've also noticed that my appetite has become smaller overall, so there's no risk of over-eating on the other days. I think that is a big thing with intermittent fasting; to get the full benefits you need to make sure the food you do eat is healthy and nutritious. Fasting for 2 days is not an excuse to binge on whatever you like on the other days (despite certain claims). That being said, it has helped me become more relaxed about food. Being strict for those 2 days means that I don't have to obsess SO much about calories and I know that I can occasionally treat myself without feeling guilty.

    Fingers crossed the good results continue!