? For those that workout in the morning!



  • I just bought neurocore but I was wondering if it is ok to take it with cymbalta?
  • donnareadman7
    donnareadman7 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi I'm just starting out and wondered if anyone could tell me if having a coffee protein shake, consisting of: ice, cup of black coffee, tbsp unsweetened cocoa, 50g protein powder and half cup of coconut milk or full fat milk would be good to have before my 6am workout??? Anyhn suggestions would be greatly appreciated.x:wink:
  • MissBernie73
    MissBernie73 Posts: 115 Member
    I am at the gym at 6am. I have a coffee when I get home while I'm getting ready for work and then I take a protein shake to work with me. It consists of protein powder, coffee, skinny milk, flax seed, fat free Greek yogurt and ice. That keeps me full until morning tea which is normally a piece of fruit and green tea.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Usually a serving of Multi-Grain Cherrios with fresh fruit on top or slice Light Whole Wheat toast with reduced fat peanut butter.
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I have a cup of coffee and a glass of water before I work out, then my regular breakfast afterwards. I make sure it contains protein and carbs and that I get lots of water post work out.
  • RooBug88
    RooBug88 Posts: 55 Member
    I work out in the mornings, but I work a full shift from 10pm-7am before I go to the gym, so I guess that sort of makes my workout an "end of the day" workout. I try to eat 200-300 calories of fruit or protein about an hour or two before I workout to keep my blood sugar from crashing mid-workout, then I eat another small meal (200-400 cal) when I get home. Just make sure you eat enough to power you through your entire workout, if you feel faint or weak at any point, you might need to up the calories or protein intake to keep from getting ill or injured mid-workout. Good luck!
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    I have a black coffee at 6:30am on a gym day before my 7am spin class.

    When I get home I shower and get ready for work (I start at 10am) and eat breakfast when I get there.

    I quite like functioning on an empty stomach for a few hours.
  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member
    I do either or...not both :P don't u love mixed reviews?? I really think it depends on ur hunger level. Shakes fill me up, but I prefer a real meal usually. I like to use a shake as a filler. Some will agree that some shakes replace proteins and nutrients to the muscles etc faster bc with the shakes it's typically more broken down. Just wage ur time and hunger and ull do fine
  • I use protein shake before i workout & proteins are best workout supplements associated with enhance speed and energy.
  • fldillon
    fldillon Posts: 22 Member
    It really depends on you and how you feel on a given morning. If you are feeling like you do not have enough energy to get through your workout, eat! Make sure it's a snack, not a big breakfast, and try to stay away from sugar (low sugar meal replacement shakes work great). If you don't eat, you do want to at least drink 8oz of water prior to exercising to get your metabolism started. Something with around 100mg of caffeine is even better as caffeine in the right quantities can really enhance your workout (a cup of green tea is great).

    It's more important that you eat within 2 hours following your morning exercise (even if you ate before) in order to send your metabolism into high gear. Again, try to stick to low sugar / low glycemic foods as you want to avoid an insulin rush which can counterbalance the energy you should get from your morning exercise.

    Good luck!
  • lady_in_weighting
    lady_in_weighting Posts: 196 Member
    If its cardio or weights you are doing you need some form of carb - cereal, slice of tast, cereal bar.

    Afterwards, protein shake and a serving or carbs. Now it the time to have high GI carb like white bread as your body is still burning kcals and the glucose will go straight to your muscles aiding in the growth and repiar process along with the protein.
  • recriger
    recriger Posts: 245 Member
    With a 3 yr old I don't normally get to bed before 9:00. Then I have to wake up at 4:00 to get my 3.5-4 miles in so I dont' have morning energy in any abundance. I generally drink 1/2 a serving of a pre workout energy drink because they are real powerful. Then on my way to work after my run I eat one of those Power bar Triple threat meal bars. They are actually good, not the traditional power bar of stiff goo. more like a cookie-ish bar. 220-240 calories and I actually find them to be good.