what am i dong wrong???



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
  • SamanthaClarexo
    SamanthaClarexo Posts: 353 Member
    Don't be afraid to eat more,your body needs fuel!:)

    This. Eat back your cals.
  • thank you for that link, took a while to read but a tonne of good info
  • Key to understanding whether you have gone into starvation mode is tracking bowel movements. If you aren't having them or if what you do have is very minor, you are crossing into starvation. With both food and water, your body has an autonomous ability to react to input. If you put in too little in (food or water), your body notices and will hold on to every little bit...causing you to retain food or retain water. If you put in too much, again you will gain weight. Give your body enough water and food for your activity levels and it will learn that it doesn't have to hold on to what comes in. Effective weight loss is not built on starving yourself until you lose. It is finding the Goldilocks point of just the right amount of calorie deficit to encourage loss and stimulate metabolism.
  • Gracerrr
    Gracerrr Posts: 141
    Can people who are saying to eat more offer other feedback for those who do eat more and still don't lose?

    I was only losing about 0.5-1.0 lb per week when I was netting 1200 calories, so I followed the advice to eat more (net 1650) and over the course of 8 weeks I have maintained, if not *gained* weight.
  • kmcosgrove115
    kmcosgrove115 Posts: 260 Member
    Grace -

    What is your BMR and TDEE? How much are you looking to lose?
  • Dehron
    Dehron Posts: 1
    I'm sure someone else already said it, but you should also adjust the times of day you are eating as well. If you do some spinning (exercise bike) in the morning for at least twenty minutes on an empty stomach, you will burn more fat that day.

    Also, as for WHAT you are eating: Focus on proteins and carbs in the first half of the day (for energy and recovery), and then in the second half of the day focus on protein and fats (which will help you store all that goodness you are putting away).

    www.livestrong.com is a great source for nutrition advice.
  • absinthia70
    absinthia70 Posts: 56 Member
    Thank you, I think this is part of my problem too - I am on phenermine/b-12 and lost 9 lbs last week (my first week - and yes I know this is too fast long term, am just trying to kick start) and this week only 1 lb. My diet from my doctor is 1000-1200 calories a day, but I have been eating only 700-800 calories, working out every day, and drinking about 10 glasses of water a day. Guess I need to eat more and up my water!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Can people who are saying to eat more offer other feedback for those who do eat more and still don't lose?

    I was only losing about 0.5-1.0 lb per week when I was netting 1200 calories, so I followed the advice to eat more (net 1650) and over the course of 8 weeks I have maintained, if not *gained* weight.

    Are you weighing your food? Accurately logging exercise?

    I eat around 1700 cals and lost 2 pounds and an inch around my waist. It took forever (almost 2 months) to see a change, but it finally happened. I also lift heavy 2-3 days/week.
  • roblock81
    roblock81 Posts: 26 Member
    I was doing the same as you!! Eating around 1200 and working out 5 nights a week burning 700-800 calories and was not seeing any progress on my weight loss for about 1 month!!

    I started eating 2200 Calories a day and bang!! The weight loss is back on and I feel better inside then I did before!!

    Just be sure you are logging accurate and keep your deficit around 500-750 calories a day and your body will thank you for it and you will see results again!
  • blanhe2
    blanhe2 Posts: 88
    You are not eating enough. Your 1200 cals already has a deficit, so if you then exercise for 600cals... your body only gets 600 cals to live on and that is not enough, as a result it holds on everything it can.


    read that.
  • actually my bowels have been better than ever,
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Can people who are saying to eat more offer other feedback for those who do eat more and still don't lose?

    I was only losing about 0.5-1.0 lb per week when I was netting 1200 calories, so I followed the advice to eat more (net 1650) and over the course of 8 weeks I have maintained, if not *gained* weight.

    How accurate is your measuring? Do you have a food scale? its very possible that you are over/under eating. The only way to know is to get more accurate. Also it might be time to re-evaluate, maybe you are at a healthy perfectly awesome weight. Whats your BF%? measurements?
    If you are already at your goal and didn't realize it, congrats!

    *edit. Set your goal to 1lbs or .5lbs per week. eat more. Do you work out? cardio, lift heavy?
  • my defecit??? what do u mean
  • ok I am new at this so bare with me, my bf% I am one of those who have no clue, I weigh and measure and track everything, my waist is 27 and my hips 37, I am 5 foot 6 and weigh 144,
  • Gracerrr
    Gracerrr Posts: 141
    Can people who are saying to eat more offer other feedback for those who do eat more and still don't lose?

    I was only losing about 0.5-1.0 lb per week when I was netting 1200 calories, so I followed the advice to eat more (net 1650) and over the course of 8 weeks I have maintained, if not *gained* weight.

    Are you weighing your food? Accurately logging exercise?

    I eat around 1700 cals and lost 2 pounds and an inch around my waist. It took forever (almost 2 months) to see a change, but it finally happened. I also lift heavy 2-3 days/week.

    Yes, I weigh my food and I wear a HRM while I work out as to accurately track calories burned. I also do lifting/weight training every other day, so 3-4 days a week and cardio/muscle resting on the others.

    I've gone to see my doctor, but unfortunately she was absolutely no help. I fear I may just have an extremely low metabolism, which I know some people view as a myth, but I've tried everything over the past 3.5 months and nothing is working. I'm about to start trying 1200 net again and cutting out grains. :ohwell:
  • Gracerrr
    Gracerrr Posts: 141
    Can people who are saying to eat more offer other feedback for those who do eat more and still don't lose?

    I was only losing about 0.5-1.0 lb per week when I was netting 1200 calories, so I followed the advice to eat more (net 1650) and over the course of 8 weeks I have maintained, if not *gained* weight.

    How accurate is your measuring? Do you have a food scale? its very possible that you are over/under eating. The only way to know is to get more accurate. Also it might be time to re-evaluate, maybe you are at a healthy perfectly awesome weight. Whats your BF%? measurements?
    If you are already at your goal and didn't realize it, congrats!

    *edit. Set your goal to 1lbs or .5lbs per week. eat more. Do you work out? cardio, lift heavy?

    Thanks! See above. I also have 100+ lbs to lose, so definitely not at a healthy weight!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Can people who are saying to eat more offer other feedback for those who do eat more and still don't lose?

    I was only losing about 0.5-1.0 lb per week when I was netting 1200 calories, so I followed the advice to eat more (net 1650) and over the course of 8 weeks I have maintained, if not *gained* weight.

    Are you weighing your food? Accurately logging exercise?

    I eat around 1700 cals and lost 2 pounds and an inch around my waist. It took forever (almost 2 months) to see a change, but it finally happened. I also lift heavy 2-3 days/week.

    Yes, I weigh my food and I wear a HRM while I work out as to accurately track calories burned. I also do lifting/weight training every other day, so 3-4 days a week and cardio/muscle resting on the others.

    I've gone to see my doctor, but unfortunately she was absolutely no help. I fear I may just have an extremely low metabolism, which I know some people view as a myth, but I've tried everything over the past 3.5 months and nothing is working. I'm about to start trying 1200 net again and cutting out grains. :ohwell:

    It's frustrating, I know, but stick with it!!! Maybe just drop a hundred or so calories and see how that works. I finally got a Fitbit to take some of the guesswork out.
  • ehsan517
    ehsan517 Posts: 114
    lol, this right here is what we call "metabolic damage" my friend.

    with cals THAT low...ur body is probably in starvation mode or something. believe me, i`ve been there and done that. doesnt work.

    bottom line: eat more. try and hit around 1700 cals with a lot of veggies and lean meats. will work wonders. oh, and obviously, count your macros!! :D