Don't guess your cals, could undo all your hard work..

**Sorry for the length, did realize how long it was till I posted, but oh well, hopefully this will help some out there :) **

Hi all!

I just wanted to share my latest experience and give some hope to women with PCOS or anyone with metabolic issues. And honestly, after seeing all the debating about the low cal vs high cal, this should show you why you should find out YOUR CAL GOAL, not just guess. So this could prob help others too :)

Last year from April to July I lost 40lbs, eating 1400 cals and working out two hours a day. Went from 270 to 228 in four months. This is before I found MFP and before I knew anything about "the right cals for your body". Well my trainer set me up on MFP, but I didn't start using it till August. I figured the farther I dropped my cals, the bigger deficit, the more weight I would lose. And it worked for awhile. I had a BMF and would burn around 3500 cals a day, having almost a 2000 cal deficit, ensuring I should be losing quite a bit every week. And when I started, it worked. But as the weeks went on, the scale was not in line with my estimated losses with the BMF. I was starting to get discouraged that I wasn't losing even though I was working my tail off. I went from losing 5lbs a week, down to 2, and then none.

By the time I hit July I had so much momentum, I thought the pace I was losing would just keep going and I would have this weight gone in no time. Well July comes and goes, and the scale just stopped. Still eating 1400 cals, working out 2hrs a day, and nothing. My trainer told me to lighten my workouts, so I did, and still nothing. From July to October the scale would not move, no inch loss, no scale loss. I couldn't believe it. All the hard work I was putting in was getting me no where. At this point I have been on MFP awhile and started to see all the posts about Dan and the Road Map, The Eat more to Lose group, and after reading all they had to say, I kinda thought they may be onto something. I decided to change my cals to 20% from TDEE and give it a go.

Set my cals to 2000, wasn't gaining, but wasn't losing. The scale was NOT my friend. You can't help but feel a bit discouraged when the stupid thing won't budge, but Dan kept reassuring me, watch your inches and stay away from the scale! So I listened, after being stuck for months, I was humbled after my big losses had just stopped and at this point would be happy with ANY loss on the scale. But once I started the Road Map, I stopped worrying so much about the scale and in about a month I went down a pant size, but still being the same weight. I was shocked! Who knew you could get smaller and not lose a pound? (well all the IPOARM peeps lol)

Well after a month or two, still no scale loss, and then the inches stopped. I was at such a loss and couldn't figure out why this is happening again! Well needless to say, I fell off the wagon, my patience had worn thin and I just said *kitten* this, and started to let myself go a bit over the holidays. I was busy, work was crazy, and after being so disappointed for months, I just couldn't take it, I needed a break. I ate what I wanted, when I wanted........and now I am 20lbs heavier. Gained that much in the matter of about 2 to 3 months. Mind you for as many days as I ate bad, I had good healthy days too, but they didn't counter any of the bad.

I was reading around on the boards a lot and kept seeing all these women saying that because of the PCOS that you have a slow metabolism, that I should be eating less and that is why you aren't losing. So I was sick of guessing and I really didn't think I was going wrong with the higher cals because even though I wasn't losing, I wasn't gaining either anymore. But I had a feeling the calulators I was using wasn't giving me the right numbers or I was doing it wrong. So from this Jan to feb I had my cals around 1600, thinking it was an inbetween number and I would eat back some exercise cals, and this should work. Still nothing. That 20lbs I gained back is not going anywhere.

I had finally had enough. I saved the cash and went and got my RMR tested and got a Dexascan to get accurate BF%. What a shock it was to find out that I have not been eating NEAR enough. My RMR test came back at 2465 cals burned at rest. WHAT!? How could that be? I have PCOS, I have metabolic issues, there is no way my cal burn is that high. But it is. Now I can't prove it, but I do think me starting the IPOARM previously really was repairing my metabolism. I have been at such small amounts of cals compared to what I should have been eating. And now I know that the Road Map wasn't working as it should because I still wasn't eating enough. All those calculators I did were not accurate and that was where the issue lied.

But after these tests, it just confirmed to me that I was on the right path. I have a website that is linked to my test results that gives me my cals I am supposed to eat. Right now I am sitting at 2580. And I feel good. I follow a pescatarian approach and eat very clean, and have found no issues getting my cals up this high. Adding good healthy fats makes a big difference lol It has only been a week, but hoping for good things to follow. And I was told by the guy the same thing I have been told by Dan. Eat and lift heavy. The heavy lifting is starting this week :)

I took my measurements from a week ago, and I am already down a couple inches. What a difference it truly makes :) I am just hoping for even more success the longer I go.

Hope this helps some out there confused about their calories. I know how good it feels when that scale is moving, but the moment it stops and what your doing isn't working, it takes a lot of will power and patience to keep pushing forward and to try something new that may work.

Please find out what cals are right for you, if I never got mine tested I would have never known I was eating way to low. Don't just assume because you have a medical issue that you are in the norm of the issue. There are a lot of women with PCOS that do have slow metabolisms, but I honestly feel that they can be fixed with just a bit of patience and learning.

I told the guy that did my tests all my past info, and he said no wonder you haven't been losing, you are starving your body! I lost that 40lbs by forcing it off and once my body couldn't take more it stopped. And that is why I gained back 20 so easily. It scares me to think if I just listened to others that may have low metabolisms without finding out for myself. Would have probably stalled myself out even more. As much as you may think you know all you can, and the success you may be having now will last forever, it may not be true. Long term success is what is important and fueling your body the proper way is going to truly give you the results you need.

I just want to thank Dan and send a huge shout out to heybales, the brillant man behind all the numbers. Without learning about this and realizing it is about fat loss and not scale loss, I would still be as lost as I was last July.

And I am not saying everyone should eat as high as I do, nor am I just saying eat more! I am saying find out WHAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU!! It can truly make all the difference is how your weight loss journey pans out. This approach is not just for people close to goal weight, this approach is losing weight the PROPER way.

Hope this helps some of you out there in MFP world confused about all the cal talk that goes on :)


  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    tl;dr - Starving yourself is not an effective long term strategy for weight-loss... And it's terrible for your health

    Great post! I wish more people would realise this, especially women, amongst whom it seems to be a very common weight loss "method"...
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Tl; READ IT ANYWAY! I am so glad you have this figured out. I have a similar story and just finding the Road Map was a lifesaver for me. I have starved the weight off for years and 40 pounds was my max loss and then rebound back to the original weight + more.

    Your story is inspiring and I will be watching your continued success and cheering you on. I hope LOTS of people read this and learn about how we can truly lose weight by feeding our bodies correctly and most importantly - over time.

    Thanks for sharing Lisa! :flowerforyou:
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    Thanks Jan! :happy:
  • Kimberleyg26
    Kimberleyg26 Posts: 2 Member
    Where can I go to get my RMR tested and got a Dexascan to get accurate BF%?
  • lynette111
    lynette111 Posts: 77 Member
    Just curious about how much a test like that costs?

  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    I am in Chicago, but I believe this place is all over, it is called Dexafit. The only other place in my area I found was at one of the universities in the city, and I believe they did hydrostatic testing and bod pod, so was a bit different. But I think if you go on the dexafit site it has a locator.

    Also, I believe the calculators that are talked about around the site are probably good for most average normal people. I know people with medical conditions these may not be accurate for (i.e. me lol) because our bodies are out of whack, so when you do have medical conditions, might be best to get the tests, some girls with PCOS are on the opposite spectrum than I.

    The tests are normally $100 each, but because I got two, I got them for $175, but then you pay for the mask for the RMR test (which you get to keep for future tests), and a year of the website that is synced with your RMR and test results. So I walked out of there paying $225. He suggested getting retested every 6 months, so the second one should be closer to around $175 if I get both tests again because I still have till March 2014 on the website and the mask is a one time purchase.

    Obviously how often I get tested will be up to if I have money at the time lol but it is good to have an accurate number to work off of and then if I stop again may have to reassess :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I wish I could get tested too, main issue still is I have no idea how much I'm burning from my exercises.

    But yeah, I know that if I stop losing I have to up my calories! That being said... Your metabolism might have increased once you started losing more again. It wasn't necessarily that high when you lost your 40 lb.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Great story, and not just because I heard the shout.

    You didn't fall off the wagon, you were just walking slower for a while. Falling off is gaining all and more back, mentally letting go and giving up.

    You were misplaced, disoriented. But you held on until you could figure it out.
  • karaks
    karaks Posts: 108 Member
    What a great post. I'm so glad you figured things out! The same thing happened to me. I had a pretty rare knee surgery 4 years ago. I was on crutches for four months and then had a year of recovery. In that time, I gained 25 lbs. I think it was because I went from working out every day to not getting off the couch more than once or twice a day. I also became a little depressed with the situation and stopped paying attention to what I was eating.

    Anyway, after the weight piled on and I recovered from the surgery, I started working out again and watching what I ate. In the 4 years since that surgery, I've tried Weight Watchers, counting calories, low carb, etc. Nothing worked. I went to my doctor and had all kinds of tests done to check my thyroid function, blood sugar levels, etc. Everything came back normal. My doctor finally suggested I get my RMR checked.

    All the online calcs said my RMR should be around 1550. I had been eating around that number, plus/minus 200-300 calories. The RMR test came back at 2140, with a BMR of 2010. The lady doing the test said it was no wonder I wasn't losing. My body was holding on to every calorie I took in, especially considering I was doing workouts like Insanity.

    I was like you and wore a BMF. It had told me all along that my burns on workout days were around 3000-3400, but I just assumed it was wrong. Hypothyroidism runs in my family, so I also assumed this was my problem and that the armband wasn't registering my slowed metabolism. Turns out it was right all along.

    I am now in week 3 of upping my calories to around 2400-2500 and the scale seems to have evened out. I haven't lost weight on the scale, but I've already gone down one pants size. I am lifting heavy and feel better than I have in a long time. I'm even sleeping better.

    Congrats on figuring things out and good luck! :smile:
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    Thank you heybales, you have been such a big help, I can't thank you enough!! Hoping this is going to have me on the right path and start shedding these lbs!! :)
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    What a great post. I'm so glad you figured things out! The same thing happened to me. I had a pretty rare knee surgery 4 years ago. I was on crutches for four months and then had a year of recovery. In that time, I gained 25 lbs. I think it was because I went from working out every day to not getting off the couch more than once or twice a day. I also became a little depressed with the situation and stopped paying attention to what I was eating.

    Anyway, after the weight piled on and I recovered from the surgery, I started working out again and watching what I ate. In the 4 years since that surgery, I've tried Weight Watchers, counting calories, low carb, etc. Nothing worked. I went to my doctor and had all kinds of tests done to check my thyroid function, blood sugar levels, etc. Everything came back normal. My doctor finally suggested I get my RMR checked.

    All the online calcs said my RMR should be around 1550. I had been eating around that number, plus/minus 200-300 calories. The RMR test came back at 2140, with a BMR of 2010. The lady doing the test said it was no wonder I wasn't losing. My body was holding on to every calorie I took in, especially considering I was doing workouts like Insanity.

    I was like you and wore a BMF. It had told me all along that my burns on workout days were around 3000-3400, but I just assumed it was wrong. Hypothyroidism runs in my family, so I also assumed this was my problem and that the armband wasn't registering my slowed metabolism. Turns out it was right all along.

    I am now in week 3 of upping my calories to around 2400-2500 and the scale seems to have evened out. I haven't lost weight on the scale, but I've already gone down one pants size. I am lifting heavy and feel better than I have in a long time. I'm even sleeping better.

    Congrats on figuring things out and good luck! :smile:

    Thank you so much for this, hearing this really makes me feel like this is the right thing :) I was a completely shocked by how much more I needed to eat and I am trying my hardest to stay away from the scale for a month to give my body time to adjust, but after hearing your story I feel better!!

    Sending a friend request :)
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    And this is exactly why I just ordered a Bodymedia armband! I want to make sure that my intake isn't way off what it should be in EITHER direction.

    Great post
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    Thanks!! I will say though, I had to adjust things on my BMF to get my calories closer to where they should be, because I am burning more cals than the average person my height and weight, it gives me a lower BMR so it is showing I am burning less cals than I really am.

    Heybales gave me some adjusted heights to change things, like on my calculations on MFP I had to change my height to like over 8 ft to get my cals to come out correct lol

    I changed it on my BMF to as high as it would go, and it is still a couple hundred cals short, but at least now I know that I am actually burning more than what my BMF says. I think they should give you the option to put in your BMR or RMR, but they don't. Just something to keep in mind :)
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    Thanks!! I will say though, I had to adjust things on my BMF to get my calories closer to where they should be, because I am burning more cals than the average person my height and weight, it gives me a lower BMR so it is showing I am burning less cals than I really am.

    Heybales gave me some adjusted heights to change things, like on my calculations on MFP I had to change my height to like over 8 ft to get my cals to come out correct lol

    I changed it on my BMF to as high as it would go, and it is still a couple hundred cals short, but at least now I know that I am actually burning more than what my BMF says. I think they should give you the option to put in your BMR or RMR, but they don't. Just something to keep in mind :)

    I actually only use MFP to log my food and calculate my macros... I do my own thing with regard to what my calories and goals are. I'm hoping that since I don't have any medical issues and don't seem to have a hard time losing or gaining weight that the BMF will just give me a more accurate baseline. Call me crazy, but I just don't trust the calculators online! :)
  • karaks
    karaks Posts: 108 Member

    Thank you so much for this, hearing this really makes me feel like this is the right thing :) I was a completely shocked by how much more I needed to eat and I am trying my hardest to stay away from the scale for a month to give my body time to adjust, but after hearing your story I feel better!!

    Sending a friend request :)

    No problem! Happy to share. Hopefully we're both on our way to losing those stubborn lbs and looking and feeling great!

    It really hit home with me about eating enough when I was talking to the nutritionist who did my RMR test. She told me about a woman who came to her for the RMR test and a few other things. She said that woman had gotten to about 300 lbs and couldn't seem to lose weight at all. She had lowered her calories to something like 500 a day. When her RMR was tested, it was 2200. Long story short, it took awhile, but the woman got used to eating at the level she should be and has lost 50 lbs over the last year. :smile:
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I actually only use MFP to log my food and calculate my macros... I do my own thing with regard to what my calories and goals are. I'm hoping that since I don't have any medical issues and don't seem to have a hard time losing or gaining weight that the BMF will just give me a more accurate baseline. Call me crazy, but I just don't trust the calculators online! :)

    Just so you have accurate perception of what BMF will be doing.

    Their FAQ shares the fact they start with the same foundation as the online calc's - BMR. Specifically Harris BMR, which shows bad inflation when overweight, may be correct enough though.

    So the BMR is tweaked slightly after several nights and they estimate a difference compared to heat released (since BMR is heat), and have a base calories per min.
    So basically BMR, and calculated from that RMR, is used for sleeping time, and non-moving time, and slow moving time. Then actual steps are used with your weight to calculate those calories.

    So it really depends if your BMR happens to be close to the Harris BMR they use, because for probably 66% of the time, that is the basis for calorie burn, if sedentary desk job.
    Moving around is much more accurate since calc's based on weight and pace are usually better than HRM's even.
  • karaks
    karaks Posts: 108 Member

    Just so you have accurate perception of what BMF will be doing.

    Their FAQ shares the fact they start with the same foundation as the online calc's - BMR. Specifically Harris BMR, which shows bad inflation when overweight, may be correct enough though.

    So the BMR is tweaked slightly after several nights and they estimate a difference compared to heat released (since BMR is heat), and have a base calories per min.
    So basically BMR, and calculated from that RMR, is used for sleeping time, and non-moving time, and slow moving time. Then actual steps are used with your weight to calculate those calories.

    So it really depends if your BMR happens to be close to the Harris BMR they use, because for probably 66% of the time, that is the basis for calorie burn, if sedentary desk job.
    Moving around is much more accurate since calc's based on weight and pace are usually better than HRM's even.

    I know this reply wasn't to me, but can I ask you a question? According to the Harris BMR, mine is 1577. But when I was tested, RMR was 2140, BMR around 2010.

    I have been wearing my BMF for years. It gives me numbers similar to what the RMR test showed. TDEE on an active day is anywhere from 2800-3400, on a lazier day around 2400. 7 day average according to the reports generated on the BMF website is 3000. Do you think my armband is giving me accurate numbers, even though the Harris BMR the armband uses is way lower than my tests showed? Or do you think I need to adjust my settings the way bellamarie did with hers? Thanks in advance! :smile:
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I know this reply wasn't to me, but can I ask you a question? According to the Harris BMR, mine is 1577. But when I was tested, RMR was 2140, BMR around 2010.

    I have been wearing my BMF for years. It gives me numbers similar to what the RMR test showed. TDEE on an active day is anywhere from 2800-3400, on a lazier day around 2400. 7 day average according to the reports generated on the BMF website is 3000. Do you think my armband is giving me accurate numbers, even though the Harris BMR the armband uses is way lower than my tests showed? Or do you think I need to adjust my settings the way bellamarie did with hers? Thanks in advance! :smile:

    So RMR is sitting still but not sleeping metabolism. An average day which includes processing food (about 10% of calories used for that process) and other movement should be higher than RMR by decent amount.
    So lazy day should probably be more spread than that between RMR and TDEE.

    So I'd say that 50-66% of your time based on BMR 500 lower is decent difference. So probably 250 - 300 underestimated daily.

    So you can backtrack from tested RMR to what calculated BF% would be to cause that, on avg.
    Then from that LBM figure, get BMR that goes along with it.

    Then to get Harris BMR to match that Katch BMR, have to adjust the height.

    You can see what they have estimated your BMR to be. Look at your night time stats, find the long stretches where the level of MET and calorie burn is almost exactly the same, and highlight a chunk of time, trying to hit even minutes no seconds.
    It should tell you the time highlighted, and total calorie burn for it. Do the math to see avg cal/min.
    That figure x 1440 is their estimated BMR.


    Mine never was. And there was no difference sleeping cold (camping) where I would have generated more warmth, and sleeping warm (no A/C). So I failed to see how the sensors supposedly doing heat flux added any meaning to the estimates. I know they didn't during exercise comparisons.
  • karaks
    karaks Posts: 108 Member
    So RMR is sitting still but not sleeping metabolism. An average day which includes processing food (about 10% of calories used for that process) and other movement should be higher than RMR by decent amount.
    So lazy day should probably be more spread than that between RMR and TDEE.

    So I'd say that 50-66% of your time based on BMR 500 lower is decent difference. So probably 250 - 300 underestimated daily.

    So you can backtrack from tested RMR to what calculated BF% would be to cause that, on avg.
    Then from that LBM figure, get BMR that goes along with it.

    Then to get Harris BMR to match that Katch BMR, have to adjust the height.

    You can see what they have estimated your BMR to be. Look at your night time stats, find the long stretches where the level of MET and calorie burn is almost exactly the same, and highlight a chunk of time, trying to hit even minutes no seconds.
    It should tell you the time highlighted, and total calorie burn for it. Do the math to see avg cal/min.
    That figure x 1440 is their estimated BMR.


    Mine never was. And there was no difference sleeping cold (camping) where I would have generated more warmth, and sleeping warm (no A/C). So I failed to see how the sensors supposedly doing heat flux added any meaning to the estimates. I know they didn't during exercise comparisons.

    Thanks for replying! And forgive my ignorance if I've got any of this wrong, I'm still learning this stuff. :smile:

    Okay, so I went into your spreadsheet, and based on everything I entered there, my BF% is averaged at 32%. I double checked on another calculator that takes into account frame size to make sure I entered everything properly and it came back with the same percentage. 32%. With an LBM of 125. (I only double checked for my accuracy, not yours on the spreadsheet. I love that thing. It's awesome! Thanks so much for taking the time to develop it!)

    That puts Harris BMR at 1577, Katch at 1596, and BodyMedia BMR (based on calories burned during sleep) at 1728. If testing was accurate, BMR is actually 2010 or so.

    Then, if I'm reading this right, my BMF is underestimating my TDEE. So I need to adjust height. Does it matter that no calculators come close to my BMR, even taking BF% and frame size into account?

    The nutritionist that did my RMR testing seemed to know what she was doing and instructed me on several things in order to get an accurate reading. I didn't work out at all for 24 hours before, got a good night's sleep, hadn't eaten for 12 hours before the test, rested for 15-20 before the test in a dark room, and sat in a darkened room during the test. I was so relaxed that I almost fell asleep during the test...

    P.S. Sorry bellamarie218, I didn't mean to hijack your thread! Lol
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Thanks for replying! And forgive my ignorance if I've got any of this wrong, I'm still learning this stuff. :smile:

    Okay, so I went into your spreadsheet, and based on everything I entered there, my BF% is averaged at 32%. I double checked on another calculator that takes into account frame size to make sure I entered everything properly and it came back with the same percentage. 32%. With an LBM of 125. (I only double checked for my accuracy, not yours on the spreadsheet. I love that thing. It's awesome! Thanks so much for taking the time to develop it!)

    That puts Harris BMR at 1577, Katch at 1596, and BodyMedia BMR (based on calories burned during sleep) at 1728. If testing was accurate, BMR is actually 2010 or so.

    Then, if I'm reading this right, my BMF is underestimating my TDEE. So I need to adjust height. Does it matter that no calculators come close to my BMR, even taking BF% and frame size into account?

    The nutritionist that did my RMR testing seemed to know what she was doing and instructed me on several things in order to get an accurate reading. I didn't work out at all for 24 hours before, got a good night's sleep, hadn't eaten for 12 hours before the test, rested for 15-20 before the test in a dark room, and sat in a darkened room during the test. I was so relaxed that I almost fell asleep during the test...

    P.S. Sorry bellamarie218, I didn't mean to hijack your thread! Lol

    Well, that answered question if valid test based on what you were doing, good to know.

    So that is interesting that BMF seems to be using an adjusted BMR so much higher than Harris BMR which they start with. Might confirm the stats on their site match what you used in spreadsheet. Otherwise looks like an increase of 1.09 over Harris BMR to get to what they are using.

    So using the spreadsheet first to confirm the BMR based on tested RMR.
    TDEE Deficit tab, upper right section says My Tested RMR. Put yours in there.
    It shows the Cunningham formula results based on your LBM, sounds like there should be a decent difference.
    It also shows the BMR that would result from your tested RMR. And what the BF% would be to have a LBM burning that RMR.

    So write that BMR down, that's what you need to get up to.
    Now go here for BMR tool.

    Enter in stats except for BF%. There's the Harris BMR. Just keep increasing the height until the BMR matches what you wrote down.

    Don't worry about going over the max BMF height - 8'11". Hopefully that gets you close enough.

    Now, if you sync with MFP, need to correct that height also.
    Just use MFP tool - Apps - BMR Calc, and try the same height just in case it matches, but adjust as needed.

    Now you can adjust your MFP stats to whatever height makes the BMR come out the same.

    So only suggestion after that is look at some nights for those same lowest of low spots and confirm what it is using for BMR now with cals/min again.
  • karaks
    karaks Posts: 108 Member
    Well, that answered question if valid test based on what you were doing, good to know.

    So that is interesting that BMF seems to be using an adjusted BMR so much higher than Harris BMR which they start with. Might confirm the stats on their site match what you used in spreadsheet. Otherwise looks like an increase of 1.09 over Harris BMR to get to what they are using.

    So using the spreadsheet first to confirm the BMR based on tested RMR.
    TDEE Deficit tab, upper right section says My Tested RMR. Put yours in there.
    It shows the Cunningham formula results based on your LBM, sounds like there should be a decent difference.
    It also shows the BMR that would result from your tested RMR. And what the BF% would be to have a LBM burning that RMR.

    So write that BMR down, that's what you need to get up to.
    Now go here for BMR tool.

    Enter in stats except for BF%. There's the Harris BMR. Just keep increasing the height until the BMR matches what you wrote down.

    Don't worry about going over the max BMF height - 8'11". Hopefully that gets you close enough.

    Now, if you sync with MFP, need to correct that height also.
    Just use MFP tool - Apps - BMR Calc, and try the same height just in case it matches, but adjust as needed.

    Now you can adjust your MFP stats to whatever height makes the BMR come out the same.

    So only suggestion after that is look at some nights for those same lowest of low spots and confirm what it is using for BMR now with cals/min again.

    I will do all of that as soon as I get home from work. I can't say thank you enough. I wouldn't have ever figured that out on my own. You are wonderful. :flowerforyou:
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    no worries, so glad that you are getting the help you need, heybales is the greatest!!
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    I actually only use MFP to log my food and calculate my macros... I do my own thing with regard to what my calories and goals are. I'm hoping that since I don't have any medical issues and don't seem to have a hard time losing or gaining weight that the BMF will just give me a more accurate baseline. Call me crazy, but I just don't trust the calculators online! :)

    Just so you have accurate perception of what BMF will be doing.

    Their FAQ shares the fact they start with the same foundation as the online calc's - BMR. Specifically Harris BMR, which shows bad inflation when overweight, may be correct enough though.

    So the BMR is tweaked slightly after several nights and they estimate a difference compared to heat released (since BMR is heat), and have a base calories per min.
    So basically BMR, and calculated from that RMR, is used for sleeping time, and non-moving time, and slow moving time. Then actual steps are used with your weight to calculate those calories.

    So it really depends if your BMR happens to be close to the Harris BMR they use, because for probably 66% of the time, that is the basis for calorie burn, if sedentary desk job.
    Moving around is much more accurate since calc's based on weight and pace are usually better than HRM's even.

    Yep, I'm aware of how they work. :) Thank you for taking time to post and to help everyone else out though!
  • karaks
    karaks Posts: 108 Member
    I just wanted to post an update since heybales helped me so much and because I'm so excited over the results I'm getting so far. (bellamarie2181, I hope you don't mind that I'm posting this in your thread! :flowerforyou: )

    I made the adjustments to my BMF settings that heybales recommended and all I can say is WOW! I know it's only been a few days, but I swear it's like I'm changing a little every day. Now, mind you, I haven't taken measurements for this month or weighed myself, but when I woke up this morning, I just felt like I was a little smaller. I've been feeling that way a lot recently and it's awesome.

    Anyway, I was out earlier today and ran into a friend that I see pretty regularly. She knows what I normally look like and also the problems I've had losing weight. Out of the blue, in the middle of a different conversation, she asked if I'd lost weight and said she could really tell that whatever I was doing was working. I'm LOVING this. :smile:
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    That is so great!! I have been feeling like that too, I just feel lighter somehow, not sure if I really am, but feel that way! haha Going to start my workout schedule this week so hoping it will just give me more of a boost!!

    Can wait to see how this works for you hun, I am here cheering you on!!
  • karaks
    karaks Posts: 108 Member
    That is so great!! I have been feeling like that too, I just feel lighter somehow, not sure if I really am, but feel that way! haha Going to start my workout schedule this week so hoping it will just give me more of a boost!!

    Can wait to see how this works for you hun, I am here cheering you on!!

    Thanks! Good luck with your workout schedule! I bet it will give you a great boost!! It's so nice to kind of have an idea of what I'm doing now and why it wasn't working before. And to have awesome people on here, like you and everyone in this thread, to give advice and support. :drinker: