day off exercise?

Is it really important to take a day off from exercising? Or can I just exercise everyday? I only exercise for one hour everyday by fast walking.


  • fitnessfoodtravel
    fitnessfoodtravel Posts: 32 Member
    You should definitely not exercise everyday; your body needs a break, even from a low impact activity like walking. At minimum, take 1 day off per week where you do nothing or you can do light stretching. Your body needs time to heal so taking a day or two off per week will help your muscles repair themselves, prevent injury and reduce symptoms of overtraining.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    It all depends on your intensity, and how you feel.

    Unless you are feeling beat up & run down, an hour of walking a day, every day is fine. You could always go at an easier pace one day a week.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Your body will let you know if it needs to rest. Walking is not too strenuous on your body that you can't do it everyday because it's something you naturally do everyday anyway...unless you stay in the bed all day.
  • nroesler
    nroesler Posts: 81
    I have gone to the gym as many as 6 days per week and while it helped with the weight loss I find I have more balance at 3-4 days per week. You need to leave time to be social with your family and friends, to let your body regenerate and to pamper yourself and enjoy life. On my days off from the gym I will still take my dog for a walk or do something low intensity for a half hour just to keep myself active and because I enjoy it (so does my dog).

    Bottom line is you know your body and what you are capable of. Try a week with working out less and see how your energy level is.