what am i dong wrong???



  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    it is so hard to convince myself to eat more to lose weight, \I know u must all understand that. Also, sometimes I find it hard to get the 1200 in. Could always eat a protein bar somewhere and a handful of almonds or something. Have any of u tried this, and did eating more actually work?

    Yes, it works. Look at my photos and read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12 .

    And eat some peanut butter. PBJ on whole wheat will give you 400 calories. Seriously, I usually eat 1200 for dinner! It's not hard to find calorie dense, nutrient dense, healthy food.
  • first of all jfrankic you look phenomenal, you are an inspiration, wish I could sit down with you and get all the 411 as to how you did this and secondly I notice you are 1pd from goal? wow good for u
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    Amy & Grace,

    Go to scoobyworkshop and do your calculations to figure out your BMR (calories just to exist) & your TDEE (the exercise/life style). Mine for example are BMR 1453 & TDEE 2252. When I entered those into MFP and said I wanted to lose 2 lbs per week it said to eat 1,200 cal per day. I did this for a couple days (and I've been doing that calorie intake "forever" without weight loss) then I upped my calorie intake to 1,800 which is 20% below my TDEE. I've lost 2 lbs since 3/9 which isn't much but still it shows me I'm doing something right. Of course I'd love to lose 1 1/2 or 2 lbs. per week but at least this is a start.

    At this point I am focusing on trying to stay below my calories but come as close as possible to my proteins & not go over on my carbs, sugar or sodium. This isn't easy so even if I go over on some of the macros and my calories & protein are close then I'm happy. I try to get my protein from real food but sometimes I can't so on those day's I do have a protein shake made with Almond milk.

    I work out 5x week for 45 - 90 min doing strength training 3 of those day's and if I have time cardio (TM, Elip etc) too and then just cardio on the other 2 day's.

    All you can do is give it a try and see what works for you. You might have success doing any number below your TDEE (5, 10, 15 or 20%) - everybody is different. Don't be afraid to change it around - but make sure you don't rush the process. Like the other poster said "your body might not have made the adjustment to the calories yet". Just redo your numbers after you've lost 5 lbs and see if you should stay with those numbers or go with something new. Good Luck
  • bluecrush1203
    bluecrush1203 Posts: 22 Member
    Yes, I was doing the same thing as you. My goal was 1200 and I was netting 600-800 cals because I would work out, and I totally stalled. I upped my calories to 1500 (I calculated my BMR to be about 2100, much higher than what MFP told me) and started eating back my calories, trying to never go under a 1300 net. Once I upped everything, I started losing again.

    So my suggestion is to calculate your BMR (http://www.shapefit.com/basal-metabolic-rate.html) and see if you should set a new calorie goal, and be sure to eat back your exercise calories.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member

    you both need to do some reading on basic nutrition... eating more can be the answer, but, saying "eat more to lose weight" is VERY misleading.... if youve spent months eating way too little and you start eating more you are going to balloon into a huge pile of fatass...

    read.. then read more... im not here to summarize ****... read every link within that link above and read more on www.bodyrecomposition.com... that will be a good start.... listening to people here is inevitably going to get you some ****ty advice
  • ok I am new at this so bare with me, my bf% I am one of those who have no clue, I weigh and measure and track everything, my waist is 27 and my hips 37, I am 5 foot 6 and weigh 144,

    At 5'6" and 144, you may be getting close in on your minimum recommended fat percentage. Consider getting a professionally done body assessment. There are different methods of getting the calculations done 1) Water emmersion method - very accurate but takes time and you have to be put into water, which some people don't like. 2) Bod Pod - next level of accuracy. Found at many college & university athletic programs. You sit in a pod chamber for about 30 seconds or so and a computer measures displacement and other things (it's magic to me) and then gives your your readings. 3) Caliper measurements - easiest to find someone to do this but is not as accurate as the other 2 methods as there is some subjectivity to it. Also involves pinching of skin wich may be uncomfortable.
    When I did the bod pod, I had it in my mind that I wanted to get to 145lbs. The bod pod told me I had 140 lbs of lean mass (bones, muscle, organs) making a 145lbs goal unrealistic. In order to do this, I would have had to actually lose lean muscle mass which is NOT what I want to do. At a 160lbs goal, I can maintain all my muscle mass and have a fat content of between 10%-12% which is considered athletic for a male. They are slightly higher for females. (If you did the math, 160 vs. 140 is actually 12.5% but as I get closer to my ideal goal weght, I am actually building more muscle mass. When I do the bod pod at 160 I may have increased my lean mass to 142 or 144, making my fat % into that range).
    If someone is 250 and 5'1", they can go ahead and start losing without having to worry about how close they are to their lean mass figures.
    At 144 and 5'6", you should find these out to determine if your weight loss goals are reasonable or if you really just need some toning and muscle building. Toning & building will have you lose inches but may have little impact on the scale as muscle is denser than fat so it weighs more but takes less space.
  • Mehol
    Mehol Posts: 6 Member
    The same thing happend to me when I wasn't eating all my calories. As soon as I started eating more I started shedding the lbs again! It also helps to eat more often but smaller portions.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    I just weighed myself after 12 days of not weighing in. (intentionally because I become obsessed) in 12 days of eating only 1200 calories a day , tracking every bite, and burning at least 600 calories a day at the gym.(and not eating those extra calories) I lost one pound. I also did a two week cleanse. \this is becoming so frustrating!!

    What's your BMR ?
  • I am going to have a body composition done hopefully this Saturday, that will give me a better idea as to what I should do. I am guilty of being obsessed with numbers I know. You all have great advice.!!
  • I have to play devil's advocate here- everyones recommendation is always to eat more on MFP. But you REALLY need to make sure that you are counting calories correctly as that is a HUGE problem most people make in dieting. Good luck!
  • Eat every 2-3 hours but choose wisely. Fruits, veggies are good choices. Log everything but try to keep your metabolism going! Hang in there!
  • Gracerrr
    Gracerrr Posts: 141
    Amy & Grace,

    Go to scoobyworkshop and do your calculations to figure out your BMR (calories just to exist) & your TDEE (the exercise/life style). Mine for example are BMR 1453 & TDEE 2252. When I entered those into MFP and said I wanted to lose 2 lbs per week it said to eat 1,200 cal per day. I did this for a couple days (and I've been doing that calorie intake "forever" without weight loss) then I upped my calorie intake to 1,800 which is 20% below my TDEE. I've lost 2 lbs since 3/9 which isn't much but still it shows me I'm doing something right. Of course I'd love to lose 1 1/2 or 2 lbs. per week but at least this is a start.

    So I just completed the calculations and my BMR is supposedly 2100 and my TDEE is 2500.

    TDEE- %20 would be 2000 calories a day. Eating 2000 calories a day is how I gained 50 lbs over the past two years though. :/
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    I have to play devil's advocate here- everyones recommendation is always to eat more on MFP. But you REALLY need to make sure that you are counting calories correctly as that is a HUGE problem most people make in dieting. Good luck!

    Very true. I know someone who "tracks in her head" and has been trying to lose weight for two years. She has 100+ pounds to lose and has not even lost 10 pounds (no medical conditions). We all know that tracking in your head doesn't work if you have not established new habits and trained your mind and body. Weigh food, measure accurately, track track track and do it honestly.
    first of all jfrankic you look phenomenal, you are an inspiration, wish I could sit down with you and get all the 411 as to how you did this and secondly I notice you are 1pd from goal? wow good for u

    Thanks for the kind words. I eat TDEE-% (it has varied based on fat loss, strength, fitness, etc goals), lift heavy 3x per week (started NROLFW but am now following Beautiful Badass by Nia Shanks) and enjoy life. It all started to click when I read IPOARM http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12, and got connected with like-minded folks who train hard and eat good. Also, focus on body fat % and maintaining LBM instead of losing "weight". Training to be strong is a heck of alot of more fun than obsessing over trying to lose weight.

    Get educated on YOUR numbers. Calculate your TDEE, BMR and set a calorie goal somewhere in between based on your current fat loss goals. Start lifting weights if you aren't already. Eat smart and track your food. Don't deprive yourself. I eat 1/2 large pizza once a week and I eat carbs. :noway: Change your lifestyle so that it's attainable for life. It really is as simple as that. The rest are just details that you can explore, give some thought to, or get caught up in completely.

    Feel free to PM me if you have specific questions. :heart:
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I also did a two week cleanse.

    Yes, you're doing it wrong.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member

    So I just completed the calculations and my BMR is supposedly 2100 and my TDEE is 2500.

    TDEE- %20 would be 2000 calories a day. Eating 2000 calories a day is how I gained 50 lbs over the past two years though. :/

    Were you tracking every day over the past two years while gaining 50 pounds to know that you were actually eating 2k a day?

    50 pounds over 2 years is about .5 pounds per week. Which means you were eating about 1750 calories above your TDEE each week (250 over every day). This would make your TDEE 1750....if you were really eating 2k a day and gaining .5 per week. So, something seems wonky here. I'm happy to double check your calculations if you want to PM me your: age, height, weight and workout schedule and daily activity summary. :smile:
  • losing0
    losing0 Posts: 1
    What I do is one eat 1200 calories and the next eat 1000 and the next eat 1400.
    Eat less and eat more change everyday and it should help you. and of course you must exercise.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Eat more.

    Ditto. Eat back exercise calories.