calorie intake ???

Hi there I am still fairly new at this and I don't understand how to figure out my calorie intake. I am 5'6" and presently weigh 189 lbs. But I feel like I am STARVING all the time. Tried to figure out all the important stuff bmi cals etc ...don't get it any help would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance

PS I'm sure I am not mistaking this for thirst as I drink 7-8 500 ml of bottled water 2 coffee a day and 6 oz of milk


  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    according to fat2fit, your bmr is roughly 1585 and your lightly active tdee is 2179. So 20% from that is 1743. I would try eating about 1700 (without eating back exercise calories)
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    There is a website I like to go to: Based on the information you provided, for you if you are "lightly active", your total daily calorie needs are 2169. To lose weight, eat a deficit of this, any where from 15 - 30% less.

    Calorie Deficit of 15%: 1844
    Calorie Deficit of 20%: 1735
    Calorie Deficit of 25%: 1627
    Calorie Deficit of 30%: 1518

    I would probably eat between 1520 - 1650.

    Just my thoughts.

    I recently went from 1270 (MFP suggested) to 1560 (by using this site and my TDEE). I have not regretted it and have continued to lose the weight.
  • LisaDec1969
    LisaDec1969 Posts: 61 Member
    Thank you for the info ...I have been doing the 1200 that MFP set for me no wonder I'm starving lol thanks again