Can't Even Imagine...

Does anyone else feel this way???? I see all the posts about looking good in a bikini, but I can't even imagine wearing one...ever (aka can't see myself losing enough weight to look good enough in one).

Is it that I've been overweight all my life and am content when the back rolls stay in the Speedo? I have been struggling with keeping going and maybe because I can't visualize this, I'm setting myself up for failure before I even get started?

Help please!!!! Why do I have the mental road block and how do I get around it?


  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    Don't worry about bikinis! I'm not wearing one! (no one wants to see that!). Just focus on changing to a healthier lifestyle. The goal here is to be healthy and strong. You can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • Scncartist
    Scncartist Posts: 173
    I agree here...I don't ever think I'll look good in a bikini...I ignore those pictures...I keep in mind a healthier happier me who can simply wear size M shirts! :-) Thats my goal...well and maybe to fit into size 12 jeans. ;-)
  • waymethb
    waymethb Posts: 21 Member
    I agree..I'm not in this to wear a bikini...EVER! I'm in it to look good in everyday clothes...(that cover all parts of me) live a longer healthier life and to teach my kids to eat right and exercise! So don't even worry about the bikini....just focus on losing the weight to have a healthier you!
  • lifechanges06
    lifechanges06 Posts: 26 Member
    i agree with above message. just take it day by day and moment by moment if you have to. Everyone has different goals and for different reasons, too. Everyone has their own goal for different things. Your goal is just as important as anyone elses, Dont sell yourself short. Who cares if you wont be in a bikini. I would like to be but might never and thats ok. I have other goals that i want.

    You and your goals matter just like the next.

    Hang in there. And keep working hard.
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    I will never wear a bikini, no matter how much weight I will or won't lose. It's just something that's so far away from what I can imagine, that it will never happen. :tongue:
    Don't focus on something like this, especially when it makes you uncomfortable to think about it. I think the little steps are also important, the first 10 lbs or just getting a size down in clothes. Take it slow and like aymetcalf stated ... you're doing this for a healthier lifestyle, not for a bikini. :flowerforyou:
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I never wore bikinis until I was in my 20s. I couldn't ever imagine it until I started seeing before and after photos of people whose "before" photos looked like I did (a good 40-50 lbs to lose at the time). Then, in their after pictures, they looked transformed and there they were, in their bikinis. It showed me that it was possible and that it wasn't something totally unreachable. So, if having a bikini body is what you want, then look to some inspiration and proof that it IS attainable. (I have found a lot by searching YouTube for "body transformation" and the like. I highly recommend Googling "Barbie Decker" and seeing her transformation. Amazing.)

    This is what motivated ME. I didn't think I would ever be someone with a body like that. Then I saw people who proved that it was possible and I was motivated. But different things motivate different people.

    If a bikini isn't your goal, or if it feels like an overwhelming goal, then don't worry about it! You get healthy and have a goal that will motivate YOU! You can definitely be at a healthy, happy, beautiful weight and still not feel like baring it all in a bikini. :happy:

    Regardless of what your "end goal" is, it is important to set small, incremental goals along the way so you can continue to see all of the positive changes.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Me! I have never worn a bikini (okay, maybe once when I was a toddler) and never plan to. Even when I was at a very healthy weight, I just didn't have the body type to look good in a bikini. That is okay with me. I *would* like to look good in my typical basic swimsuit... but at this point I'll be ecstatic just to look good in everyday clothes too! I'm also doing this to be healthier in general and push those diseases like diabetes far, far into the future (with my family history, it's pretty much inevitable at some point.. .but if I can push it back until I'm 80 I'm happy!)
  • slm638
    slm638 Posts: 64
    Thanks everyone! I checked out Barbie Decker and wow! What a transformation...but after looking at her diary and blog, I know that lifestyle's not for me :bigsmile: I will set my goals balancing the result with my desired lifestyle - - but I bet I can look darn hot in a tankini after 40 lbs :blushing: Thanks again!