Food or Snack Ideas 75 calories or less?

stongue Posts: 34 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Sometimes I find that I have just a small amount of calories left toward the end of the day and I'm still hungry. I was wondering if you could help me come up with some ideas for snacks or foods that are less than 75 calories a serving. This would be great if I could have some ideas ahead of time of things that I could use to fill those gaps if necessary. Thanks for any input!


  • baggins706
    baggins706 Posts: 310
    CHIQUITA: carrot bites, carrot with ranch bites, apple bites and apple & grape bites!
  • aprueitt
    aprueitt Posts: 91 Member
    I like the jello puddings, The Boston Cream Pie with a squirt of reddi whip is 75 caloies and very yummy. It takes care of my sweet cravings.

    Good Luck
  • ieatstickers
    ieatstickers Posts: 51 Member
    I like the caramel rice cakes by quakers. 7 cakes is only 60 calories! Or you could try their new multigrain blueberry fiber crisps, if caramel isn't your cup of tea.
  • ssmom
    ssmom Posts: 128 Member
    small piece of fruit, couple of grapes, strawberries, etc. I like the mini cheddar rice cakes--depending on the brand ( I buy generic) they are about 10 pcs. for 70 calories--makes me feel like I'm eating cheese curls or chips. And there is always the 100 calorie pack stuff, or microwave popcorn packs--it might make you over by a few calories but not by much! I also like carrots (35 cal) and hummus (50 cal) or light dressing to dip. I know cucumber and celery are VERY low in calories so if you like quantity for snacking those are always good. Sugar free jello/pudding cups. Good luck!
  • mwadams
    mwadams Posts: 9
    Check out for lots of lower-calorie recipes and ideas. I personally *love* Vita Tops, but they are 100 calories each, which is more than your 75 calorie threshold.

    Morningstar Farms vegetarian sausage patties are also very good (80 cals each).

    For a sweet treat after dinner I like a Tootsie Roll "Caramel Apple" pop. It's an apple-flavored sucker coated in caramel! Each one has about 60 calories.

    Seriously, you've got to check out the Hungry Girl website--you will learn all sorts of tricks and substitutions that will save you tons of calories!
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    Aside from quite obvious fruit and veg that will give you a lot of nutritional bang for your 75-calorie buck... (a cup of sliced strawberries is around 50 calories - SO GOOD.)

    Jell-o chocolate mousse temptations are 60 calories each. Two pieces of Dove Promises chocolate (preferably dark) are under 75 as well. Half a tablespoon of peanut butter is around 47. Half a cup of Kashi GoLean original is 70 calories, 3/4 cup of Cheerios is around 75. A piece of Healthy Life double fiber bread is 60 calories. 20 M&Ms are something like 60-ish calories.

    Also fill up on some tea or coffee or water! Plus, a tall iced nonfat latte from Starbucks... 70 calories. Woop woop.
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    string cheese is around 60 cals and is a nice loooong snack :wink: It's my after morning workout snack often paired with a 1/2 cup of grapes. Fresh strawberries with a slight drizzle of chocolate syrup. Ritz crackers are 80, not much more and give you that nice crunch.
  • stongue
    stongue Posts: 34 Member
    This is awesome! Thanks so much for all of these great ideas! I'm actually typing them up as they come in so that I can take them with me when I grocery shop. Also, thanks for the suggestion about Hungry Girl. I will definitely check that out. I'm sure there will be many people here that will appreciate all of these great ideas as much as I do. Please keep them coming:)

    And thanks for the encouragement too:smile:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    laughing cow light swiss cheese is 35 cal a wedge, I like to add a little garlic powder, and spread it on some reduced fat wheat thins (I thing you can have maybe 7 for 50 cal, (check your individual box to be exact) ...also now that it is hot, take just about any fruit and make a smoothie with ice and some fat free plain yogurt...hope this helps:smile:
  • mamitc01
    mamitc01 Posts: 43

    Warren Farms had a stand at my local farmer's market and I was looking at the jams because they actually had nutrition facts on them! I asked how he figured it out and he told me they have a machine that calculates the ingredients and the amounts in each jar and determines the labels.

    The regular jams were as expected: about 50 calories per tbsp BUT the CRANBERRY MAPLE BUTTER (butter in terms of texture, it's not a butter or dairy product) was only 15 cal per tbsp!!!!!! AND it tastes amazing! Apparently the maple's natural sugars sweeten it w/o adding excess sugars!

    They ship and I highly recommend ordering one to try, but save yourself on shipping and order a whole bunch because it's great! You can put it on anything. Today I tried it on toast, a rice cake, mixed in w/ greek yogurt. Or you could make pb&j with it or use it instead of mayo on a turkey sandwich.

    If you live in Massachusetts, they are located in North Brookfield and I found them at the Farmer's Market at Harvard. SO good :)
  • grantm
    grantm Posts: 6
    i like celery with hummus or a little tuna (protein, no carbs!) and my personal late night snack--jello sugarfree gelatin--a whopping 10 cal!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I definitely suggest something with protein to hold you over until the morning, so if these suggestions contain protein, go for them! Also, drink a couple cups of water too.
  • rowie
    rowie Posts: 75
    great ideas! Bump
  • RacheBell
    RacheBell Posts: 111
    Celery and a laughing cow cheese wedge
  • Well, if you are really hungry...jello is only 10 calories a you could have 6 cups.. :)
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    I'd go for the 100 calorie popcorn, I normally can't eat more then half the bag.
  • SweetPea120
    SweetPea120 Posts: 16 Member
    Hard boiled egg...about 72 calories and 7 grams of protein!
  • stongue
    stongue Posts: 34 Member
    Wow...fantastic is all I can say! I wanted to add one that I forgot about ...would be great with a few of these ideas. Coco Pops (they are a type of rice cake). You can find them in some grocery stores, they make them right at the store, they are pretty large and I think only 16 calories a cake. Very good and can be used so many different ways.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Veggies! Snack away baby
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    Great ideas for snacks! I'm commenting so I can have this post in my topics.
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