please help me?

Hi, I am so confused I need help. For the past 2 weeks I have exercised everyday (30 day shred and walked a mile 1/2) everyday. I cut my calories to 1300/day. I am 5'4" and started at 215 lbs. After 2 weeks I weigh 217.5. I gained 40 lbs in the past 5 months , experiencing perimenopause, got blood work thyroid and everything else is fine. Measurements are bigger.

my doctor said I'm obviously not doing the above ^

I AM. Please tell me what to do to lose weight I am really getting worried! Thanks so much!


  • SusanMPreston43
    SusanMPreston43 Posts: 84 Member
    I thought I was doing well, keeping under my calories, etc until I started logging everything that I ate, drank...everything. Are you logging, and being honest about it?
  • nsagley
    nsagley Posts: 84 Member
    You might not be eating enough. Do you eat back your exercise calories?
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    without seeing your diary are you tracking sodium ?
  • jakeVScalories
    jakeVScalories Posts: 107 Member
    okay i guess the first question, and be honest, how much effort are you putting into these exercises? and of those 1300 calories, what does it consist of? do you eat past 8pm? if so then dont. are you drinking plenty of water? do you eat very salty foods? on days that you workout do you eat back the calories that you burned? any one of these questionis can be a legitamate reason as to why your not seeing progress, let me know.
  • I am being brutally honest with my calories, down to the ketchup (20 calories), and measuring every little thing to a T.

    I don't get eating my exercise calories back?

    I have had success in the past (YEARS ago) I lost a good amount of weight and maintained it pretty good.. just cut my calories to 1200 (picked that number for no good reason), and exercised 5 days a week.. that was it and I lost at least 1-1.5 lbs per week.. not sure what's wrong with me, now gaining 40 lbs in such a short time and the weight won't budge.. it's very frustrating.
  • pface4
    pface4 Posts: 1 Member
    don't guess about waht you eat...log it and know for sure. Hang in there and don't give up.
  • I would be frustrated and probably pissed off, but please don't give up. The exercise has more benefits than just weight loss. Easier said than done, I know.
  • marm1962
    marm1962 Posts: 950 Member
    Your doctor is either very rude or very truthful......they can tell if you are exercising by your resting heart rate. As for your gaining I can't help there. Not being able to lose and doing everything right....that I can relate to. I have 2 more weeks before I know if what I am trying now is going to do the trick.

    btw: my resting heart rate went from 75 beats per minute to 58 with all the walking I was doing.
  • jadams1650
    jadams1650 Posts: 139 Member
    Here is the help...It is only math...calories in vs. calories expended. If you are logging everything (and I mean everything), and properly calculating your caloric expenditure, and you are in caloric are losing weight. It can be masked by water weight (check your sodium intake), muscle inflammation from exercise (muscles retaining water for repair), or the normal weight fluctuation of the human body. If you are convinced you are in deficit, just be persistent and you will achieve your goal. You might want to read the thread "in place of a road map" to calculate your TDEE. After you are sure you are in caloric deficit, stay off the can be discouraging...just stay with the process.
  • lynkage1986
    lynkage1986 Posts: 5 Member
    It may be that your hormones are out of whack because of going on and off dieting for years, I had that problem... I got the book by Jillian Michaels called master your metabolism, after reading the book and following the simple eating plan, I started losing weight, and a year and a half later I have lost 100 lbs total. The book shows you how take certain foods, eat them together in a meal ( also tells you how much which is nice) and helped reset your metabolism

    I hope this helps, I also am taking nutrition courses to better understand my body, and checked with my teacher to ensure it was a safe diet and not some fad bull...
  • There has to be something wrong? Have you had your sugar levels tested? I was not having any success until I stopped drinking pop and other things with artificial sweeteners. I now limit myself to one diet non caffeinated soda a day max! I put on a lot of weight really fast after getting sick and later found out it could have been the medications? talk to your dr. again and insist on more tests if your hard work still is not showing any results.
  • Emglyfolk
    Emglyfolk Posts: 30 Member
    Keep doing everything right and you will lose. 2 pounds could be water. 40 pounds is another story - presumably your Dr has given you some insight regarding that weight gain. Maintain a calorie deficit and keep your expectations reasonable. Hang in there, losing weight isn't easy... if it was, we wouldn't be here.
  • mimstero
    mimstero Posts: 119 Member
    I would definitely say to eat your exercise calories back. That means if you burn 200 calories exercising, you get an additional 200 calories to eat. Also, get a heart rate monitor if you can because that's the only way you'll know exactly how much you are burning. MFP and exercise machines at the gym greatly overestimate what is actually burned.
    I would also tell you to try to eat more protein and less carbs. That has worked for me in the past week when I was stuck and I lost 3.5 pounds last week.
  • chikoboo
    chikoboo Posts: 18
    I understand completely but I found that I was dieting and exercising incorrectly when I started logging everything into here and wow I can see where I was going wrong The hidden things in "diet" foods are evil, the fats, sodium, carbs and sugars are alarming. So now I track everything and can see I was eating a lot less calories then I needed so even though I was exercising my body was saying nope must store fat. My advice track it and make it part of your life, to be honest I get a great pleasure out of logging a full day and seeing that I done everything I can to lose weight. Plus I also found that if you can spread your intake of foods over 5-6 meals a day, such as adding a morning and afternoon tea break, doesn't have to be anything more than a handful of nuts or prepared veggies but man it feels you up, gives you energy (especially if you sip green tea in the afternoon) Good luck and find the support in this website as helpful as I have so far.
  • oneallmama
    oneallmama Posts: 108 Member
    Don't despair...I've been pretty frustrated this past coupe of weeks because I only lost .2 pounds after burning 500 cals a day....The way I see it, I feel good, I can see the weight loss, but I think my muscles are bulking up and muscles weigh more than fat. Just don't lose hope and keep at it. You'll see the weight come off if you stay persistent. You have a lot of people on this site that are willing to help and encourage you. :-) Keep at it!
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    Measure everything carefully. A serving size of anything is no bigger than a deck of cards.
  • I recently learned from a trainer that you have take your body out of it's comfort zone. A workout routine should be sufficiently difficult to get a response from the body. While many routines may be hard, they may not be difficult enough to get a result and that when muscles start to shake it's a good sign they are out of their comfort zone and that's when we start to see results. And make sure to drink plenty of water.
  • Duke7011
    Duke7011 Posts: 1 Member
    Hang in there. It is all about lifestyle changes and feeling great. The weight didn't pack on overnight and it won't disappear overnight either. I haven't lost much in the past few weeks either...but boy do I feel great. You will be OK, don't let the scale make you feel like a winner or loser. Don't give up!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Measure everything carefully. A serving size of anything is no bigger than a deck of cards.

    No. A deck of cards worth of vegetables is not even close to a serving. A deck of cards worth of cheese is a lot more than a serving.
  • GetFitNicky
    GetFitNicky Posts: 25 Member
    This is triggering a memory of another friend on here learning about PCOS or poly cystic ovarian syndrome. Check out and if rings true, worth a discussion with dr or OB.